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  • 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary Poll (HILLARY HAS LOST THE LEAD!!)

    04/23/2007 10:01:49 AM PDT · by John Cena · 101 replies · 2,303+ views
    Rasmussen Reports ^ | April 23, 2007 | Scott Rasmussen
    April 23, 2007 For the fourth straight week, Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) has gained ground and he has finally caught New York Senator Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. It’s now Obama 32% Clinton 32% and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards holding steady at 17%. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is a distant fourth at 3%. Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Biden each attract 1% support. So does General Wesley Clark. Obama has been steadily gaining ground during April. Last week, Clinton had a two-point lead. Two weeks ago, it was Clinton by five....

    02/25/2007 8:23:53 PM PST · by Mia T · 83 replies · 3,981+ views
    ABC-The Oscars | 2.25.07 | Mia T
    AL GORE, THE OSCAR, THE NOBEL, THE CLINTONS + DAVID GEFFEN Gore is taking the outside route but definitely is seeking to run. He can ride his environmental hobby horse to the endearment of all the idiots out there, and avoid all the internecine slashing and burning in the process. Gore remembers Nixon after his 1960 and 1962 defeats, coming back in 1968 to take it all. After hillary and obama beat each other up some more, Gore will look like water in the desert to exasperated 'rats.--hinckley buzzard   by Mia T, 2.25.07 delicious scenario, although Al Gore...