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Keyword: fundingobamacare

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  • Yes, Obamacare Cuts Medicare More Than President Romney Would (It's HOW that's key)

    08/14/2012 12:35:28 PM PDT · by jessduntno · 2 replies
    Forbes ^ | Today | Avik Roy
    You wouldn’t know it from listening to the Obama campaign, but there’s only one Presidential candidate in 2012 who has cut Medicare: Barack Obama, whose Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion from 2013-2022. Today, the Romney campaign reiterated its pledge to repeal Obamacare, and promised to “restore the funding to Medicare [and] ensure that no changes are made to the program for those 55 and older.” It’s an important point of policy clarity. Left-of-center writers, such as Ezra Klein of the Washington Post,( accurately point out that Paul Ryan’s 2011 and 2012 budgets repeal Obamacare while preserving Obama’s...
  • Flashback: Obama Admits He Cut Medicare

    08/14/2012 12:32:35 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 7 replies
    Rush ^ | August 14, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh
    BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Listen to this sound bite, folks. November 9th, 2009. This is Obama's first year. And he's being interviewed by our old buddy Jacob Tapper at ABC News. And they're talking about Medicare cuts in Obamacare. Listen to this... TAPPER: One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it: One third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare. OBAMA: Right. TAPPER: A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold; and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it. OBAMA: Right. Obama In November...
  • President Obama in 2009 Pledged to Veto Attempts to Undo Medicare Cuts

    08/14/2012 12:22:28 PM PDT · by DFG · 8 replies
    ABC News ^ | 08/14/2012 | Jake Tapper
    As Democrats attack Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for their proposals regarding Medicare, Republicans are circulating this clip from a November 9, 2009 interview we had with President Obama in which he not only acknowledged that one third of his health care bill was paid for by cuts to Medicare, but that he would veto attempts to undo those cuts. Watch the video below. The exchange on Medicare occurs at 2:15:
  • Obama Conceded in 2009 that 1/3 of Obamacare Funding Is Taken from Medicare

    08/14/2012 12:03:34 PM PDT · by ColdOne · 10 replies ^ | 8/14/12 | Daniel Halper
    ABC's JAKE TAPPER: "One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it -- one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare." BARACK OBAMA: "Right."
  • Govt Broke by Sept 30: Funding ObamaCare in Spotlight - Why House Excuses for Funding Are Bogus

    07/26/2012 12:17:05 PM PDT · by maggiesnotebook · 10 replies
    Maggie's Notebook ^ | 7-26-12 | Maggie@MaggiesNotebook
    House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is saying the House WILL fund the government, in yet another vote needed to support the swayed-back of Obama administration spending.  We are out of money again on September 30th. When Boehner was asked if ObamaCare will be defunded in the next Continuing Resolution, he coyly answered: "our goal would be to make sure the government is funded." Many are taking that answer as yes, we will continue to fund ObamaCare. We have no budget. The unconstitutional spending will continue through a Continuing Resolution (CR). See why there is plenty of precedent for not funding this...