COUNTER PROPAGANDA is an essential tool to safeguard Liberty from the unrelenting offensives of Communists (and other Tyrants) and the Parades of Pacifists brainwashed by the Left to unknowingly subvert Freedom. The below material is not copyrighted. It may freely be used in Freedom Marches to defend and promote the cause of Liberty. POSTERS FOR FREEDOM RALLIES! GIVE FASCISM A CHANCE? ENOUGH! 40 YEARS OFLEFTIST ANTI-FREEDOMPROPAGANDA! LADIES: IF THEY WIN, MAKE SURE YOUR BURKAS COVER YOUR ANKLES HERO'S RESIST EVIL–COWARDS FLEE al Qaida with Saddam can Hit the U.S. Harder thanNAZI Germany SADDAM USED KURDS as LAB-RATS in CHEM-BIO TESTING...