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Keyword: emptyholster

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  • Students supporting concealed-carry laws on campus to wear empty gun holsters

    03/02/2011 4:48:38 AM PST · by T-Bird45 · 4 replies · 1+ views
    Tulsa World ^ | 3/2/11 | Ricky Maranon
    Students at some Oklahoma colleges are wearing empty gun holsters to show their support for three legislative measures that would allow for concealed weapons to be carried on school grounds. University officials and student governments at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University have been against weapons on campus for years.
  • TCC officials feared someone would bring gun during empty-holster protest (WHAT?!?!)

    01/15/2010 7:33:13 PM PST · by greatdefender · 10 replies · 766+ views
    Star-Telegram ^ | Jan. 14, 2010 | BILL HANNA
    FORT WORTH — When Tarrant County College denied a student the right to stage an empty holster protest in April 2008 at the South Campus, officials feared someone would use the event to bring a weapon on campus. "There was certainly the expectation that someone was going to show up with a gun in a holster," TCC interim Chancellor Erma Johnson Hadley said under cross examination during a trial in federal court Thursday. School officials had the concern even though they had no evidence that anyone would, and U.S. District Court Judge Terry Means told her — when she couldn’t...