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Keyword: embolden

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  • Sin-Nod Emboldens Dissenters In Archdiocese Of Washington

    10/30/2015 11:13:08 AM PDT · by BlatherNaut
    Restore-DC-Catholicism ^ | 10/29/15 | Restore-DC-Catholicism
    When I use the word "dissenter" I mean those who willfully deviate from the Traditions of the Catholic Church as handed down through the centuries. Two striking examples were made disgustingly evident today. The first came from Cardinal Wuerl, in the publication of two interviews he gave after the sin-nod ended. One was given to America magazine (and expounded upon by Vox Cantoris), the other was published by Religion News Service. I am not going into a comprehensive analysis of these interviews, else we'd be here for hours. It's clear that he is feeling emboldened by this pontificate to flaunt...
  • Bush Says Defeat in Iraq Would Embolden Terrorists

    10/11/2006 4:33:59 PM PDT · by SandRat · 16 replies · 415+ views
    WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2006 -- Defeat in Iraq would embolden the enemy and force Americans to confront the terror threat at home rather than overseas, President Bush said in a broad-ranging White House news conference today. Bush said the brutal nature of the enemies of democracy in Iraq has been on display for all to see. Extremists have targeted innocent Iraqis in their quest to impose their twisted ideology on the nation, he said. Bush’s comments came shortly after he met with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and...
  • Redeploying Forces Now Would Embolden Terrorists, Rumsfeld Says

    12/24/2005 12:41:29 PM PST · by SandRat · 3 replies · 237+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Dec 24, 2005 | Jim Garamone
    MOSUL, Iraq, Dec. 24, 2005 – Withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq now would mean victory for terror and lead to attacks on American interests abroad and at home, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told soldiers here today. Rumsfeld spoke at a dining facility and served Christmas Eve dinner to troops of Multinational Force Northwest at Forward Operating Base Courage here. The secretary said withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq prematurely would lead to attacks on American interests abroad and in the homeland. "The terrorists - emboldened by their victory - would attack us elsewhere in this region and at home in...
  • ZOT: Bush Statements "EMBOLDEN" Terrorists

    09/24/2004 1:43:57 AM PDT · by brucesenator · 30 replies · 607+ views ^ | September 23, 2004 | Bruce Senator
    Bush Statements "EMBOLDEN" Terrorists September 23, 2004 (Editors may edit for space & time constraints) During the press conference September 23, 2004 with President George W. Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, the president stated that the "terrorists have an effective tool" in terror. During the August 30, 2004 interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show President Bush spoke what 'his heart' knew was the truth when he clearly said "I don't think we can win it", referring to the winning the "War on Terrorism". Of course in the days that followed there was a nation-wide effort by...