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Bush Says Defeat in Iraq Would Embolden Terrorists
American Forces Press Service ^
| Jim Garamone
Posted on 10/11/2006 4:33:59 PM PDT by SandRat
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2006 -- Defeat in Iraq would embolden the enemy and force Americans to confront the terror threat at home rather than overseas, President Bush said in a broad-ranging White House news conference today.
Bush said the brutal nature of the enemies of democracy in Iraq has been on display for all to see. Extremists have targeted innocent Iraqis in their quest to impose their twisted ideology on the nation, he said.
Bushs comments came shortly after he met with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., commander of Multinational Force Iraq.
The situation in difficult in Iraq, no question about it, Bush said. The violence is being caused by a combination of terrorists, elements of former regime, criminals and sectarian militias. Attacks and casualties have risen during the Ramadan period.
Muslims are in the midst of observing Ramadan, a month-long period of prayer and fasting.
Attacks and casualties also have increased recently because coalition and Iraqi forces are confronting the enemy in Baghdad and in other parts of Iraq, the president noted. The past weekend, U.S. and Iraqi forces engaged
members of an illegal militia during a mission to capture a high-value target, Bush said. The reason I bring this up is that we're on the move. We're taking action. We're helping this young democracy succeed.
Amid the violence, important political developments also are taking place, the president said. The Iraqi legislature is working to address issues of federalism and constitutional reform. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has taken steps to build confidence in his government and in the Iraqi security forces, Bush said.
Maliki is working to defuse tensions between Sunni and Shiite parties. Among the steps the prime minister announced is a new system of local and neighborhood committees made up of both Sunnis and Shiites that will work directly with Iraqi security forces to resolve tensions and stop sectarian strife.
Maliki has also reached out to Sunni tribal leaders in Anbar province. These tribal leaders told him they've had enough of the terrorists seeking to control the Sunni heartland, and they're ready to stand up and fight al Qaeda, Bush said. The prime minister told them that he welcomed their support and would help them.
Finally, Maliki suspended the 8th Brigade, 2nd Division, of the national police after learning that this unit was not intervening to stop sectarian violence in and around Baghdad. This police brigade has been decertified by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, Bush said. It's been removed from service. It's now being reviewed and retrained. With this action, the Iraqi government's made clear it's not going to tolerate the infiltration of the Iraqi security forces by militias and sectarian interests.
The parliamentary and executive actions show the political process in Iraq is moving forward, Bush said. It's the combination of security and a political process that will enable the United States to achieve our objective, which is an Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself, defend itself and be an ally in this war on terror, he said.
Iraq's democratic government is just four months old. Yet, in the face of terrorist threats and sectarian violence, Iraq's new leaders are beginning to make tough choices, and as they make these tough decisions, we'll stand with them. We'll help them. It's in our interests that Iraq succeed.
TOPICS: Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bush; defeat; embolden; iraq; islamofascists; president; terrorists; wellduh
posted on
10/11/2006 4:34:00 PM PDT
To: 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; windchime; Grampa Dave; ...
WAR News You'll Hear Nowhere Else!
All the News the MSM refuses to use!
posted on
10/11/2006 4:34:19 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
Between the lines: The dims winning House and/or Senate will cause Iraq to fall with the POTUS having to go to court with trumped up impeachment shenanigans.
posted on
10/11/2006 4:37:54 PM PDT
(Soros hates MEGA-churches, Televanglists, and Wal-Mart)
To: SandRat
A defeat in Iraq will embolden the democrats.
To: SandRat
***Defeat in Iraq would embolden the enemy and force Americans to confront the terror threat at home rather than overseas, President Bush said in a broad-ranging White House news conference today. **
This should go without saying, but the Dummies need to hear it.
posted on
10/11/2006 4:55:50 PM PDT
(The fourth estate is a fifth column.)
To: SandRat
Allowing Osama bin Laden to go free does a great good job of emboldening terrorists too.
To: backtothestreets
Why do you think we have allowed UBL to go free? The guy at the 7 eleven is not tall enough to be UBL. I hope Bin Laden is not attending school at Yale. Has anyone checked the volunteer list for the Demoratic Party? UBL might have been free enough to volunteer some time to work for them. You know that he owes them.
I just don't think we let him go free. I am almost sure that if he was in a cross air, he'd a got it already; almost, because we did not pull the trigger when there were terrorist at a funeral. Anyway, I know that if UBL was a piece of tail, Bill Clinton would have nailed him already.
posted on
10/11/2006 5:17:41 PM PDT
do the dhue
(If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.)
To: backtothestreets
As does leaving the back door open to the American homeland and encouraging Muslim immigration and educational training.
But I'm just a citizen, what do I know?
posted on
10/11/2006 5:41:34 PM PDT
To: SandRat
Best line in the speech..
"If we leave they will come after us".
W is on a roll....need more, much more.
posted on
10/11/2006 5:49:41 PM PDT
(sarcasm may be introduced at any moment of any post)
To: do the dhue
He's been our cross-hairs for over 5 years, but justice has been denied because Musharraf "the al Qaeda & Taliban protector" is a "good friend" of President Bush. Five years of Osama bin Laden living free under President Bush isn't sounding much different than living 8 years under President Clinton.
To: bordergal
Yeah, so much for being a citizen in our own country. Another election cycle or two and we'll have politicians running for office with a campaign theme of lifting citizens to an equal footing of non-citizens.
I've this strange sense our leadership is thinking "Don't worry about the Muslims, they only want to murder us, but look out for Democrats, they want to tax us!"
To: SandRat
Thanks for the ping and the thread on our President's great news conference today.
I'm sorry it was hijacked. ;*(
posted on
10/11/2006 10:35:26 PM PDT
Just A Nobody
(NEVER AGAIN...Support our Troops! and - Now more than Ever!)
To: backtothestreets
Do you think Mysherriff knows where UBL is? I think that if Authorities in Pakistan knew where he was, I think we would have gotten him. I believe Pakistani authorities have helped us more with the WoT then the French have.
Yes, we are a little frustrated, but we will continue to pursue and one day justice will be served. We may serve it and/or God will serve it. In any case, I believe we are still trying to arrange the meeting for justice to be served. UBL can and will run and hide from our justice, but he will never escape God's justice.
posted on
10/12/2006 6:33:42 AM PDT
do the dhue
(If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.)
To: do the dhue
Do you think Mysherriff knows where UBL is?
Great question! I would guess Musharraf may not know precisely where UBL is, but that Pakistani Intelligence does, and that Musharraf knows that they know.
My concern with UBL remaining a fugitive from justice is beyond frustration. Remaining free only strengthens the perverse Al Qaeda claims that they are waging a just war under the direction and protection of their supreme being. I also believe UBL is protected by Pakistani government authorities and tribal leaders. As such they are his accomplices and should be treated as such.
As for Pakistan's assistance in the WOT, they have indeed turned over about 650 terrorist suspects in the 5 years since 9-11, this while the militant schools and camps operating in Pakistan have turned out an estimated 60,000 new recruits, according to our intelligence agencies.
I've read reports of late that indicate a growing dissatisfaction over Pakistani, more specifically Musharraf policy, among our NATO allies serving in Afghanistan. They are to the point of issuing an ultimatum to Pakistan, but our government is keeping this from happening in an effort to keep an unholy alliance. We've tough times ahead.
And yes, God will hold UBL accountable.
To: backtothestreets
I see your point and it is a good one.
posted on
10/12/2006 1:31:07 PM PDT
do the dhue
(If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.)
To: Just A Nobody
That happens from time to time,.. oh well....
posted on
10/12/2006 4:30:20 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
It was still a great post about a great presser from our great President. Thanks again! ;*)
posted on
10/12/2006 4:41:37 PM PDT
Just A Nobody
(NEVER AGAIN...Support our Troops! and - Now more than Ever!)
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