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Keyword: dopp

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  • Dopp: Spitzer's Aides Silenced Me - Sought To Curb Testimony to Attorney General Cuomo

    12/04/2007 9:47:37 PM PST · by neverdem · 11 replies · 364+ views
    NY Sun ^ | December 5, 2007 | JACOB GERSHMAN
    Governor Spitzer's former communications director, Darren Dopp, has claimed in testimony that two senior aides to the governor sought to protect the administration in the Troopergate matter by pressuring him not to speak to investigators for Attorney General Cuomo, a source familiar with the proceedings said. Mr. Dopp told the Commission on Public Integrity, which is conducting an ethics probe of the governor's office, that he informed the two aides that he felt it was important for him to talk to Mr. Cuomo's office to clear up what he believed were misperceptions about his role in the controversy, the source...
  • Dopp's Lawyer: GOP Started Troopergate (to "Swift Boat" Spitzer!)

    09/14/2007 9:23:19 PM PDT · by neverdem · 18 replies · 882+ views
    NY Sun ^ | September 14, 2007 | JACOB GERSHMAN
    <p>The lawyer representing Governor Spitzer's embattled communications director, Darren Dopp, is lashing out at Senate Republicans, accusing their former political strategist, Roger Stone, of concocting the entire state police scandal.</p> <p>The lawyer, Terrence Kindlon, said Mr. Dopp and the governor were victims of an orchestrated smear campaign comparable to the damaging "Swift Boat" attacks on the military record of Senator Kerry during the 2004 presidential race.</p>
  • Spitzer Aides Won’t Fight Subpoenas

    09/14/2007 8:43:54 PM PDT · by neverdem · 4 replies · 305+ views
    NY Times ^ | September 14, 2007 | DANNY HAKIM
    ALBANY, Sept. 13 — Private lawyers for two top aides to Gov. Eliot Spitzer said on Thursday that they would not fight subpoenas issued by the State Ethics Commission earlier this week. Terence L. Kindlon, a lawyer for Darren Dopp, the governor’s communications director, said his client told him to abandon his plan to fight a subpoena and instead cooperate with the commission. And Steven F. Reich, a lawyer for Richard Baum, the secretary to the governor, also said his client would not fight the subpoena issued to him. Two months ago, the governor said he and his staff had...
  • What did the Governor know and when did he know it?

    08/05/2007 10:02:45 AM PDT · by qlangley · 22 replies · 920+ views
    Lake Champlain Weekly ^ | 01 August 2007 | Quentin Langley
    If Karl Rove, the President’s campaign and communications advisor had been exposed as misusing government resources to blacken the name of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, I think we could guarantee blanket negative coverage of this by the mainstream media. In fact we have had the bizarre spectacle of more than two years standing in which ridiculous non-entities like Joseph Wilson have been given huge coverage in their campaign against Rove. Wilson wanted to see Rove “removed from the White House in chains” over a leak involving Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame. Wilson’s evidence against Rove was little more than criminality...