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Keyword: daghammarskjold

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  • Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to…’

    01/13/2019 3:02:30 AM PST · by blueplum · 28 replies
    The Guardian UK ^ | 13 Jan 2019 | Emma Graham-Harrison, Andreas Rocksen and Mads Brügger
    Jan van Risseghem was only a teenager when his mother ordered him to flee Nazi-occupied Belgium for her native England with his brother Maurice. After hiding in a convent, and an epic journey across the war-torn continent, they reached safety in Portugal, then took a ship north. Once in England, the pair signed up with the Belgian resistance, and with the help of an uncle enrolled for flight training with the RAF, a decision that shaped not just their war, but the rest of their lives. Half a century later, flying skills he learned in Britain would also make the...
  • Swedish Diplomat Hammarskjold May Have Been Killed in Air Attack: Study

    10/17/2017 10:56:01 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 22 replies
    The Local (Sweden) ^ | 18 October 2017
    A new UN report on the mysterious 1961 plane crash that killed UN secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold in central Africa has concluded it appears "plausible" the aircraft came under attack. Sweden has called "an open wound" the unsolved questions over Hammarskjold's death, which came during the Cold War between Western nations and the Soviet bloc. The latest findings take into account newly-released information from the archives of Belgium, Britain, Canada, Germany and the United States.
  • UN Chief Calls for Inquiry Into Mysterious Dag Hammarskjold Plane Crash

    07/07/2015 9:37:02 AM PDT · by Brad from Tennessee · 23 replies
    Yahoo! News ^ | July 7, 2015 | By Dan Good
    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon believes further investigation is necessary to uncover the truth behind a 1961 plane crash in which Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and 15 others died. Questions remain about a possible aerial attack or other interference, Ban said. But Ban said in a letter to the U.N. General Assembly circulated Monday that an independent review of new information about the mysterious crash put to rest claims that Hammarskjold was assassinated after surviving the crash. Ban called for countries to disclose relevant records related to the crash. Hammarskjold's plane, a DC-6 known as the Albertina, crashed Sept. 18, 1961,...
  • UN approves new probe of Dag Hammarskjöld plane crash

    12/29/2014 11:35:00 PM PST · by Olog-hai · 13 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Dec 29, 2014 8:43 PM EST | Edith M. Lederer
    The U.N. General Assembly voted unanimously Monday to ask Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to appoint an independent panel of experts to examine new information about the mysterious plane crash that killed U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld on a peace mission to newly independent Congo in 1961. The 193-member world body approved a resolution by consensus encouraging member states to release any relevant records and information on his death in the plane crash over the African bush in Northern Rhodesia—today’s Zambia. The assembly’s action follows an independent investigation by a Commission of Jurists released in September 2013 which concluded that “significant new evidence”...
  • NSA evidence may be key to Hammarskjöld mystery

    09/09/2013 9:14:36 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 14 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Sep 9, 2013 11:36 AM EDT | Raphael Satter
    America’s National Security Agency may hold crucial evidence about one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the Cold War—the cause of the 1961 plane crash which killed United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, a commission which reviewed the case said Monday. Widely considered the U.N.’s most effective chief, Hammarskjöld died as he was attempting to bring peace to the newly independent Congo. The crash of his DC-6 aircraft in the forest near Ndola Airport in modern-day Zambia has bred a rash of conspiracy theories, many centering on some startling inconsistencies. …
  • Actual Evil Within the United Nations

    04/07/2011 3:47:39 PM PDT · by mikalasukala · 14 replies · 1+ views
    c5's Simian Roadhouse ^ | April 7, 2011 | Consigliere5
    The U.N. Meddling with Religion: Part 8 Actual Evil Within the United Nations Let's begin with a list of items that I will attempt to show:The United Nations has been infused with the evil New Age religion of Theosophy which reveres Lucifer.The United Nations operates its own Meditation Room and Catholic chapel.The UN Meditation Room is used monthly by a few Theosophical groups who meditate there around the changing of the moon.The United Nations General Assembly room is reported to contain a "being" called the Avatar of Synthesis.People who channel demons have done so inside of the UN headquarters in...
  • Early Report from the Pro-Israel Rally in NYC

    04/07/2002 10:34:34 AM PDT · by firebrand · 80 replies · 269+ views
    cell phone call from RaceBannon | 4/7/02 | firebrand
    RaceBannon phoned in from the rally, which was moved to Dag Hammarskjold Park. It was just breaking up at about 12:15, although many people were still there and some of the speakers were still giving interviews. Race estimated 12,000 people.Speakers were Congressman Engels, Senator Schumer, Andy Cuomo, Curtis Sliwa, Dove Hikind, Rabbi Golden, probably others.By sheer coincidence, Race met up with newwahoo in the crowd.The crowd was very polite, lots of families, psalms were sung in Hebrew, and even the booing was subdued---even when the New York Times was mentioned.Next Sunday, the demonstration is said to be at 55th and...