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Keyword: curia

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  • Pope: Give women, lay people top Vatican jobs

    12/22/2016 10:52:58 AM PST · by Olog-hai · 26 replies ^ | 22 December 2016 16:46 CET+01:00
    Pope Francis on Thursday told Vatican officials to start appointing women and lay people to top jobs in the Curia, the Holy See bureaucracy that he is seeking to shake up. In his latest broadside against resistance to change in the Catholic Church’s corridors of power, the 80-year-old pontiff warned that the reform process he launched in 2013 had to lead to more than a cosmetic “facelift” or plastic surgery to remove wrinkles. “Dear brothers, it’s not the wrinkles in the church that you should fear, but the stains!” Francis said in his Christmas speech to senior Curia officials. The...
  • I thank you Lord that I am not like these others...

    12/23/2014 8:09:34 AM PST · by cleghornboy · 10 replies
    La Salette Journey ^ | December 23, 2014 | Paul Melanson
    I thank you Lord that I am not like these others..... I thank you Lord that I'm not like those members of the Curia who feel immortal, immune or indispensable and who do not criticize themselves. I thank you Lord that I'm not part of that sick body which has become spiritually and mentally hardened. I thank you that I don't have spiritual Alzheimer’s and that I haven't forgotten my encounter with the Lord. I thank you that I do not on the here and now and that I do not succumb to my passions, whims and manias. I thank...
  • Catholic Word of the Day: REGIMINI ECCLESIAE UNIVERSAE, 12-16-14

    12/16/2014 9:01:57 AM PST · by Salvation · 1 replies
    CCDictionary ^ | 12-16-14 | Fr. John Hardon's Modern Catholic Dictionary
    Featured Term selected at random:REGIMINI ECCLESIAE UNIVERSAE Apostolic consititution authorizing the new constitution of the Roman Curia. This estensive document gives the juridical structure of: 1. the whole Roman curia in general; 2. the Secretary of State and the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church; 3. the Sacred Congregations (nine); 4. the Secretariats (three); 5. the Council of the Laity and Commission "Justice and Peace"; 6. the Tribunals (three); and 7. Offices (six). Pope Paul VI hereby ratified the centureies-old curial system which he described as "rendering the universal Church outstanding service" (August 15, 1967). All items in...
  • Full text- Papacy-winning speech of Cardinal Bergoglio

    03/27/2013 1:50:22 PM PDT · by NYer · 1 replies
    Cathcon ^ | March 27, 2013
    Hours before his election, Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis made ​​a strong criticism of the Church and urged his fellow cardinals to wake up and work with the Gospel in the geographical peripheries as well as the existential peripheries pain, sin and ignorance . Cardinal Jaime Ortega, archbishop of Havana, revealed the contents of a document containing the intervention delivered by his counterpart Jorge Bergoglio, before being elected Pontiff. Ortega released the text Bergoglio gave him in handwritten form of his presentation made before the conclave in which the cardinals then elected him Pope. Bergoglio was elected on 13/3 by...
  • Pope greets Jesuit superior general: “He insisted I treat him like any other Jesuit”

    03/21/2013 8:03:18 AM PDT · by haffast · 22 replies
    The Deacon's Bench ^ | March 19, 2013 | Deacon Greg Kandra
    A statement from Jesuit Superior General Father Adolfo Nicholas, following yesterday’s meeting with his fellow Jesuit, Pope Francis: “At the personal invitation of the Pope Francis, I went to the Santa Marta House, which had been used for the Cardinals present at the Conclave, at 5:30 p.m. He was at the entrance and received me with the usual Jesuit embrace. We had a few pictures taken, at his request, and at my apologies for not keeping protocol he insisted that I treat him like any other Jesuit at the Tulevel, so I did not have to worry about treatments, “Holiness”...
  • Curia silences U.S. cardinals: “You talk too much”

    03/07/2013 9:39:39 AM PST · by BlatherNaut · 22 replies
    Vatican Insider ^ | 03/ 7/2013 | Giacomo Galeazzi
    "...There is still no decision on the date but the Curia has imposed a media blackout so cardinals are not allowed to give information to the press. Tensions have been rising in the past few days, leading to yesterday morning's clash between “Romans” and “foreigners”.
  • Pope moves top Vatican official Monsignor Ettore Balestrero to Colombia amid "Vatileaks" report

    02/22/2013 12:15:00 PM PST · by haffast · 4 replies
    CBS/AP ^ | February 22, 2013, 8:41 AM | CBS/AP
    The pope has transferred a top official from the Vatican's secretariat of state to Colombia amid swirling media speculation about the contents of a confidential report into the Vatican's leaks scandal. Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, insisted Friday that the transfer of Monsignor Ettore Balestrero had been months in the works and had nothing to do with the leaks investigation or what the Vatican considers baseless reporting. Balestrero was named undersecretary of the Vatican's Foreign Ministry in 2009 and, among other tasks, has been a lead player in the Holy See's efforts to get on the "white list" of...
  • Major shake-up expected at top of Vatican

    06/15/2012 2:54:11 PM PDT · by Gillibrand · 41 replies
    Catholic Church Conservation ^ | 15 June | Cathcon
    Nearly a dozen senior leadership positions are filled with dignitaries beyond the retirement age of 75. Will the Curia become more international? In the Vatican, a number of high ranking staff changes are awaited. Among them, it is not for certain that the Cardinal Secretary of State will remain in office, who is currently the focus of the "Vatileaks" attack. But there are currently almost a dozen senior positions with occupied by dignitaries above the pensionable age of 75. And even if no relationship between leaks scandal and retirement exists, the appointment will this time attract special attention. In addition,...
  • Vicious power struggles in the Vatican

    05/21/2012 3:47:08 PM PDT · by Gillibrand · 18 replies
    Catholic Church Conservation ^ | 21 May 2012 | Cathcon
    Power struggles in the Vatican in run up to key appointments
  • Pope Benedict XVI reviews 2011 with cardinals and Curia (Catholic Caucus)

    12/22/2011 3:34:47 PM PST · by NYer · 1 replies · 1+ views
    Insight Scoop ^ | December 22, 2011 | Carl Olson
    From Vatican Information Service:VATICAN CITY, 22 DEC 2011 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received  cardinals along with members of the Roman Curia and of the Governance of the Vatican City State for the traditional exchange of Christmas and New Year's greetings. Speaking for those present, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, greeted the Pontiff.   In his following address [which can be read in its entirety on the Vatican website], Benedict XVI reviewed the major events of this year, which has been marked by "an economic and financial crisis that is ultimately based on the...
  • A Destroyer of the Faith Leaves the Curia

    08/24/2010 3:06:05 AM PDT · by 0beron · 2 replies
    The Eponymous Flower ^ | 08/24/2010 | Tancred
    "Porous, ambiguous, deceptive", the famous Mainz Canon Lawyer, Father Georg May, let loose a scathing condemnation on the departing president of the Vatican Office for Unity. [] "In the era of Kasper the extraction of the knowledge of the faith by Catholic Christians was expedited." Mainz canon lawyer, Father Georg May, said this for the Catholic Monthly 'Kirchliche Umschau' about the new President Emeritus of the Papal Office for Unity, Walter Cardinal Kasper (77).
  • The Kingmaker (Ouellet appointed to head Congregation for Bishops)

    06/30/2010 7:29:41 PM PDT · by Hieronymus · 5 replies
    Whispers in the Loggia ^ | June 30, 2010 | Rocco Palmo
    Above all on this busy morning, there's a new sheriff in town -- the world's 5,000-plus high-hats have a new overseer. In a move without precedent, a Canadian prelate has been named to lead one of the nine Congregations of the Roman Curia. Yet on an even more seismic plane, for the first time in history the Vatican's "Big Three" dicastery chiefs -- State, CDF and Bishops -- are dominated not just by two North Americans, but two non-Europeans. A 2pm press conference will take place in Quebec as Cardinal Marc Ouellet reacts to his appointment as prefect of the...
  • Science Intrudes Into Morality (Evos scold the Pope)

    12/29/2008 5:19:03 PM PST · by GodGunsGuts · 33 replies · 857+ views
    CEH ^ | December 23, 2008
    Science Intrudes Into Morality Dec 23, 2008 — The Pope recently declared that we need to save humanity from self-destructive behaviors, like homosexuality. Can science intrude on questions of human behavior and morals? New Scientist thought so; a blog entry today says the Pope “misuses science to attack homosexuality.”One would think that moral behavior would lie outside the field for a scientific news source, but online news editor Rowan Hooper went on, mocking the Pope’s claim that the church has a role in saving “human ecology” like scientists have a role in protecting tropical forests. Hooper called this “a bizarre...
  • Continuity you can count on: Curial nods reflect past relationships

    12/19/2008 9:14:46 AM PST · by NYer · 2 replies · 333+ views
    CNS ^ | December 19, 2008 | John Thavis
    VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- With a series of recent appointments and several more expected in coming months, the Roman Curia's "Team Benedict" is finally coming into focus. Naming top Vatican administrators is a task Pope Benedict XVI has tackled with patience and deliberation. For a number of key positions, he has turned to people he knows best -- old colleagues from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The pope made it clear after his election in 2005 that he would not be cleaning house at the Vatican, and for the most part he's let the officials appointed by...
  • Roman Curia: The Reform That Isn't There

    07/02/2007 11:04:46 AM PDT · by Frank Sheed · 5 replies · 334+ views
    WWW.CHIESA ^ | July 2, 2007 | Sandro Magister
    Roman Curia: The Reform That Isn't There Appointments made at a snail's pace. Documents that are useless or continually delayed. Offices drifting aimlessly. Why the renewal of the Vatican bureaucracy is not a priority for Benedict XVI by Sandro Magister ROMA, June 28, 2007 – The last great reform of the Vatican curia was made by Paul VI in the fifth year of his pontificate. Benedict XVI is in his third year, but there’s nothing to indicate that he is preparing anything similar. The few appointments made in the curia so far by pope Joseph Ratzinger, interpreted by almost everyone...
  • Pope Benedict at 80: Blowing on the Coals of Faith

    04/15/2007 2:39:05 PM PDT · by Gumdrop · 2 replies · 376+ views
    Catholic News Service ^ | April 13, 2007 | John Thavis
    VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- When Pope John Paul II turned 80 in 2000, it fueled yet another round of speculation about whether the ailing pontiff might break with tradition and resign. In contrast, Pope Benedict XVI's 80th birthday April 16 finds him with the wind in his sails. The pope's new book on Jesus was being released in several languages, an event that will no doubt launch the Christological themes of his pontificate into wider circulation. In March the pope published a major document on the Eucharist, and sources said he was preparing to release a long-awaited decree liberalizing use...
  • "Ratzinger's Galaxy" (graphic follow up on Panorama's article)

    01/20/2007 4:41:52 PM PST · by NYer · 20 replies · 564+ views
    Cafeteria is Closed ^ | January 20, 2007 | Gerald Augustinus
    From the Italian magazine Panorama (click on the image for a bigger version)The article accompanying this paints a somewhat dire picture of infighting at the Vatican and resistance to the Pope. I'm brushing up on my Italian for my stay in Rome, so you'll have to forgive the rust. It speaks of a "silent battle" within the Curia, with the Pope having to deal with various groups that had formed in the last years of John Paul II.'s pontificate. He writes, "the German Pope would like a Church focused on spreading the Gospel message, with less weight to carry...
  • Curia resists papal policies, Italian magazine says

    01/20/2007 6:42:59 AM PST · by NYer · 19 replies · 433+ views
    CWNews ^ | January 19, 2007
    Rome, Jan. 19, 2007 ( - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) has faced steady opposition within the Vatican as he seeks to implement new policies, according to an article in Italy’s Panorama magazine. The article concludes that the Holy Father is now assembling his own management team to implement his policies. “Benedict XVI does not have a decisive temperament,” writes Ignazio Ingrao in his analysis for Panorama The Italian journalist reports that the Pontiff has faced stiff resistance in his effort to reform the Roman Curia and to broaden access to the traditional liturgy. Dwelling at length on the...

    12/22/2006 1:50:57 PM PST · by NYer · 2 replies · 290+ views
    Vatican Information Service ^ | December 22, 2006
    VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2006 (VIS) - This morning in the Clementine Hall, the Holy Father held his traditional meeting with cardinals, archbishops, bishops and members of the Roman Curia, for the exchange of Christmas greetings. At the beginning of his address to them, the Pope affirmed how "the year that is coming to an end," leaves us "with the profound impression of the war that took place near the Holy Land and, more generally, of the danger of a clash between cultures and religions, a danger still threateningly present at this moment in history. The question of the roads...
  • What Is the Magisterium and Why Do We Need It?

    07/27/2006 12:06:07 PM PDT · by NYer · 116 replies · 1,432+ views
    Catholic Exchange ^ | July 26, 2006 | Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D
    All Christians can agree on this, that the Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired word, and ought to govern the faith and life of the Christian community. What’s in accord with Scripture is good. What contradicts Scripture must be rejected.Opposition in the Name of Fidelity The Protestant reformers, inspired with zeal for God’s word, went one step further. Under the banner of “sola scriptura” they proclaimed the Bible as the only infallible authority for Christians. That meant that both Tradition and Church authority could be opposed in the name of fidelity to Scripture. Funny thing, however: from the outset...