Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $53,496
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  • Chris Christie cradles nachos during faceoff with Cubs fan

    07/30/2017 4:04:56 PM PDT · by GuavaCheesePuff · 34 replies
    New York Post ^ | July 30, 2017 | David K. Li
    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got in the face of a Chicago Cubs fan in Milwaukee on Sunday — all while keeping an iron grip on his bowl of nachos. Christie was walking down the aisle, snack in hand, when he was razzed by a Cubs fan, according to footage tweeted by WISN. He got into a brief stare-off with the fan, faces about a foot apart, before Christie sarcastically told him: “You’re a big shot!”