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Keyword: capitolincident

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  • News Summary Intelligence Report Wednesday 1/6/2021 (The Blog Post One Year Ago Today)

    01/06/2022 2:55:43 AM PST · by Nextrush
    Nextrush Free ^ | 1/6/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Breaking News Plus (Analysis, Comment) I am now able to bring you something regarding the events in recent hours at the US Capitol... One killed by the Capitol Police 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt... One can see that the story of today is written in earlier stories published on this blog like the comments of incoming Utah Republican Governor Spencer Cox alluding to supporters of President Trump-opponents of coronavirus restrictions. They were protesting outside his inauguration... And then there's the story of confrontation at Oregon's State Capitol New Year's Day. A protest that was peaceful at its beginning descended...
  • Statement by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Belarus

    08/09/2021 6:01:48 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 32 replies ^ | 8/9/2020 | The White House
    One year ago today, the people of Belarus sought to make their voices heard and shape their own future through that most basic expression of democracy--an election. Rather than respect the clear will of the Belarusian people, the Lukashenka regime perpetrated election fraud, followed by a brutal campaign of repression to stifle dissent. From detaining thousands of peaceful protesters, to imprisoning more than 500 activists...
  • Outspoken billionaire Sun Dawu jailed for 18 years in China

    07/29/2021 7:59:15 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 12 replies
    BBC News ^ | 7/29/2021 | BBC
    A prominent Chinese billionaire has been sentenced to 18 years in prison, the latest in a string of punishments against outspoken corporate bosses. Sun Dawu runs one of the country's largest private agricultural businesses in the northern province of Hebei. Sun, 67, has in the past spoken out about human rights and politically sensitive topics. He was found guilty of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble"-a charge often used against activists. Other charges against him include illegally occupying farmland, assembling a crowd to attack state agencies and obstructing government workers from performing their duties. He was also fined 3.11 million yuan...
  • Former Rep. Mike Nearman pleads guilty, banned from Capitol

    07/27/2021 7:24:58 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 16 replies
    OregonLive ^ | 7/27/2021 | Chris Lehman
    Former Oregon represenative Mike Nearman is banned from entering the Oregon Capitol or the grounds surrounding the building for the next 18 months after pleading guilty Tuesday to official misconduct, a misdemeanor... Nearman must also perform 80 hours of community service, pay the Legislature $2,700 in restitution and pay $200 in court fees. He'll technically be on probation but does not have to report to a probation officer. He'll need to return to court next April to demonstrate that he's complying with the agreement. The guilty plea is the result of Nearman's actions on Dec. 21, 2020 when he opened...
  • The Trump Rally: Outspoken Words To Inspire Supporters And Entrap Opponents

    07/04/2021 10:04:49 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 15 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 7/4/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    "hold them by the nose, kick them in the a** and give them hell all of the time" General George S. Patton Jr.-"The Speech" When Donald Trump was in the White House British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a major beneficiary of Trump support, said there was a: "method" in Trump's actions. And indeed there is. A relentless attack, a relentless enticement of the politically biased media was evident in Sarasota on Saturday night. As distasteful as their political bias is even Bill Clinton called the major media "the liberal media" the biased media are a known quantity. A good political...
  • News Summary Intelligence Report Friday 6/25/2021 Newsdump Friday Knife Attack Kills 3 Schumer Intervenes

    06/25/2021 7:41:57 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 8 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 6/25/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    The massive federal coronavirus bailout will help fuel an unprecedented 40.8 billion dollars of spending by Pennsylvania's state government in the new budget year... The Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York writing the British Ambassador to the US this week regarding the case of Alta Fixler (Fixsler)... Four portions of Australia's largest city where some 450-thousand people live going into COVID lockdown... At Noon today local time (5 AM Eastern US Time) the indoor mask order in effect for Israel again... In Germany today a knife attack in the southern city of Wurzburg. Three dead, five seriously wounded......
  • News Summary Intelligence Report Tuesday 6/22/2021 US Government Seizes Websites Churches Burned In Canada

    06/22/2021 6:56:22 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 6 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 6/22/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Two Roman Catholic churches burned in Canada and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett proclaims a "new outbreak" of COVID-19 but first... A British court could decide tomorrow whether a gravely ill two year old can be taken to Israel for treatment or be put to death... Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett asking people not to fly overseas and mandating masks at Ben-Gurion International Airport... New coronavirus restrictions rolled out in Moscow... The US government seizing news websites deemed "Pro-Iranian" and "Pro-Hamas (The group ruling in Gaza responsible for attacks on Israel)"... Portland police deciding to end traffic stops for motorists...
  • Nextrush Unplugged Weekend: Juneteenth Reflection The Big Announcement From Ammon Bundy

    06/19/2021 8:20:10 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 6 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 6/19/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Newsdump Alert: You Tube Account Showing Videos Of Yellow Vests Protests In Paris Today Taken Down... Well here we are having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have as El Rushbo would have put it. Welcome to Your Weekend. A relentless pursuit for absolute truth and how about a: "Globalism Update" The "Globalism Theme" a multinational corporation commercial from 50 years ago... And the message of the Global Corporations has racial implications and yes I think that brings us to Juneteenth. Legally speaking in six years the full story of Dr. Martin Luther King is to...
  • 150 days after Capitol attack, more than 465 arrested as FBI seeks tips on hundreds more: DOJ

    06/06/2021 7:47:24 AM PDT · by deport · 60 replies
    ABC News ^ | June 5, 2021 | Alexander Mallin
    More than 465 people have been arrested across nearly all 50 states in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, the Justice Department announced in a statement marking Saturday as 150 days since the insurrection. And investigators are continuing to search and seek tips on some of the most violent actors from that day. The department says it is still seeking tips to identify more than 250 individuals involved in assaults on officers or other acts of violence.
  • Nextrush Unplugged Weekend: COVID Police State Australia, Trump Wants PA Vote Audit, Israel

    06/05/2021 8:34:14 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 4 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 6/5/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Day 446 Of The Dictatorship Of COVID-19, Day 446 Of America And The World Held Hostage The Australian Police State-Chicommunism Down Under The scene Today in Melbourne Australia's second largest city as small business owners protested the fourth lockdown of the state of Victoria... Don't even get started with a protest you will not be allowed to do so its Communist China Down Under. US Travel Bans For All Cops In Victoria Australia not to mention the government of that state. That's on my platform for next POTUS which should be Trump IMHO. He's the only Wild Card in the...
  • Nextrush Unplugged Weekend: YoU-F-O, Its Three O'Clock In Boss Angeles, 1932 Congressional District Map

    05/22/2021 8:45:15 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 6 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 5/22/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Welcome to the weekend, your host is here again as fingers of politicians remain firmly in the wind Joe Biden saying he loves Israel for the cameras and something else off them. Biden also trying to pretend he speaks for all Democrats on Israel.... Today's numbers in Israel 18 new positive tests with partial vaccination at 58.50 percent not moving upwards at all by the way and full vaccination at 54.98 percent... This week Russia'a Tass published a story with officiaks there seeing 'herd immunity' when vaccination reaches about 60 percent... "YoU-F-O" It was a Johnny Carson "Tonight Show" joke...
  • Nextrush Unplugged Weekend: Portland's Latest, "Great Moments" In Federal Law Enforcement

    04/17/2021 7:33:05 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 1 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 4/17/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Welcome to the weekend. Back in the 1970's there were radio stations like KIIS in Los Angeles and WMGK in Philadelphia playing softer sounds called "soft rock" or "adult contemporary". Here are some songs in that take us back to that kind of sound... Are You An 'Abolitionist'? The Latest Vandalism From Portland "Direct Action" in downtown Portland last night... The United Kingdom is a dying nation. Peter Hitchens has urged young people to leave the country because it has no future but Mr. Hitchens does draw on his own father and his military service in the Royal Navy to...
  • News Summary Intelligence Report Friday 4/9/2021 Newsdump Friday

    04/09/2021 9:34:08 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 5 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 4/9/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Pfizer is asking the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization to administer its COVID-19 vaccine to 12 to 15 year olds... Tonight its estimated that 34.66 percent of the US population has been partially vaccinated and 20.66 fully vaccinated. Australia ordering 40 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine as it moves away from original plans to use the AstraZeneca vaccine... The 24-hour garrisoning of the fenced off Grace Life Church near Edmonton, Alberta continuing today. It appears that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police reinforced their presence ahead of possible Sunday worship outside the fences... The US is sending...
  • AP Source: Suspect in Capitol Attack Suffered Delusions

    04/03/2021 6:14:49 PM PDT · by Navy Patriot · 40 replies
    Newsmax ^ | April 3, 2021
    The man who rammed a car into two officers at a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol, killing one of them before he was shot to death by police, had been suffering from delusions, paranoia and suicidal thoughts, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday. Investigators believe it was an isolated incident from a disturbed young man. ... Investigators are increasingly focused on Green's mental health as they work to identify any motive for the attack, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation and spoke to The AP on condition of anonymity....
  • Suspect Who Smashed Into Barrier at US Capitol Identified as Noah Green

    04/02/2021 4:20:54 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 28 replies
    New York Post ^ | April 2, 2021 | Craig McCarthy
    The driver who killed a US Capitol cop before he was gunned down by police is a Nation of Islam devotee from Indiana, according to reports and his social media. Noah Green, 25, who may have been living in Virginia, described himself as a “Follower of Farrakhan” on his Facebook page, in reference to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Green appeared to have come on hard times from his Facebook page reviewed by The Post before his account was taken down.
  • 1 Capitol police officer dead after external security threat at U.S. Capitol

    04/02/2021 5:11:50 PM PDT · by Navy Patriot · 11 replies
    One America News ^ | April 2, 2021
    A Capitol police officer has died after a man crashed his vehicle into the North Barricade of the U.S. Capitol. Capitol Police reported two officers were injured during the incident on Constitution Avenue, during which a man hit them with his car. He then exited the vehicle while wielding a large knife or machete, which prompted the officers to open fire.The man who rammed a car into Capitol Police, killing one, has been identified as Noah Green, 25. Green was armed w/a large blade when he was shot dead. He identified as a follower of the black nationalist Nation of...
  • Would media go silent on Capitol attack suspect Noah Green’s allegiance if he wasn’t with Nation of Islam?

    04/02/2021 5:12:32 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 22 replies
    NOQ Report ^ | 04/02/2021 | Blaine Traber
    A police officer was killed and another was wounded today when a man drove a car into a security barricade at the Capitol complex on Friday, acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said. The story has dominated news coverage, but one important factor has been conspicuously omitted.As of the time of this article, no major mainstream media outlet has reported on the religious ideology of suspect Noah Green. This is a sharp contrast to reporting on other attacks in which the religious affiliation of the suspects were instantly and loudly broadcast. But Green’s history does not fit a narrative. He was actively...
  • 25-Year-Old Indiana Man Reportedly Suspect In Deadly Attack At U.S. Capitol

    04/02/2021 1:17:59 PM PDT · by rxsid · 55 replies ^ | 04.02.2021 | Gina Heeb
    25-Year-Old Indiana Man Reportedly Suspect In Deadly Attack At U.S. Capitol Authorities have identified 25-year-old man Noah Green from Indiana as the suspect killed during a vehicle attack at the U.S. Capitol that also left a police officer dead and another in the hospital on Friday, according to NBC News.
  • Capitol lockdown: 1 officer dead, 1 injured after car rams into barrier; suspect killed by police

    04/02/2021 12:19:22 PM PDT · by Red Badger · 200 replies
    FOX ^ | 02 April 2021 | By Tyler Olson, Morgan Phillips
    Capitol car crash is the latest threat to security at the complex The United States Capitol was locked down on Friday due to an "exterior security threat" after a car rammed into a barrier on the Senate side of the complex. One officer died and another was injured, according to United States Capitol Police (USCP), who said the suspect was killed by police after he exited his Navy Sedan and attacked them with a knife. Fox News is told security officials believe the suspect was a "lone wolf," not connected to any other group. "Man, we just shot somebody," an...
  • US Capitol on lockdown after report of gunfire nearby

    04/02/2021 10:28:41 AM PDT · by RandFan · 156 replies
    AP ^ | April 2nd | AP
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Police locked down the U.S. Capitol on Friday afternoon after a report of gunshots in the area. U.S. Capitol Police say all Capitol buildings were being locked down “due to an external security threat” and staff members were told they could not enter or exit the buildings.