You are entirely right, Rowdy and have put your finger on one of the problems the GOP has. Real patriots like Duncan Hunter that care about things such as putting it on the line to defend freedom, and actually seeing Americans employed have been pretty much bypasses. Too many of Repubs have been caught with excessive post-touchdown celebration of massive corporate head cut counts.
Not every fad in the private sector is good. And it takes a lot more creativity to reposition a company in new markets than it does to slash, burn, and die in old ones. And once that is applied to functions such as national defense, it will be cold day in heck when those responsible are given another shot at running things. And that’s the way you get a President Ovomit.
Yep, and it ain't gonna get better for these foamers either. Lotsa other countries will develop their own weapons systems, e.g., India and China. Well, we were warned by Duncan Hunter to beef up domestic industry, but nobody wanted to listen.
Let me paraphrase what Jon Stewart would say, if he wasn't busy trying to bury the obvious truth in Sara's posting:
Waa... Waahhhh! Make her stop. Make her not know about YouTube. Make my hero Hussein not have said those stupidities. Make her too stupid to do hyperlinks.
Not so fast there. Heark back to the warnings of one Duncan Hunter, endorsed by none other than Chuck Yeager about disinvestment in the Good Ole' USA. Offshoring takes it's toll. A lot of the technology probably was developed in China, home grown there. And don't be surprised when Inja surpassess all. They've been building their technology base, happily aided by all the OffWhoring from here to there.
Waste of taxpayer money. Many banks have suspended foreclosure while they investigate the quality of legal work behind it. That makes business sense. Avoid messy lawsuits later, and no rush to repo unmarketable assets now.
It sure is! I go on jury duty at the end of next month. If our sh1tty politicians want to prosecute this brave citizen, he gets acquitted. And a $5000 reward.
As a divorced dad of long standing this sounds like another funding mechanism for waste-of-oxygen social(ist) workers, magistrates, referees, court appatatchicki and other bacterial level forms of life that would not be able to feed themselves outside of the public dole.