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Posts by patlin

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  • Good Wednesday and the Sign of the Prophet Jonah!

    03/29/2018 6:48:54 AM PDT · 26 of 29
    patlin to The Ignorant Fisherman
  • Good Wednesday and the Sign of the Prophet Jonah!

    03/29/2018 6:41:24 AM PDT · 25 of 29
    patlin to The Ignorant Fisherman
    In addition, the pattern was set in the beginning. It is written that the “Lamb” was slain before the foundations of the world (Rev 13:8), therefore, we must journey back to Genesis 1 to understand the death, burial & resurrection of the “Lamb” who is the “Light” of the world.

    In the beginning the “Light” was surrounded by darkness (Jesus in the tomb) and then the “Light” was called to come forth out of the darkness (resurrection from the tomb), and there was evening and morning the first day.

    Shalom & may your Festival week of Unleavened Bread be blessed, ours begins Friday at sunset as the full moon rises shortly after 7pm.

  • Good Wednesday and the Sign of the Prophet Jonah!

    03/29/2018 6:28:19 AM PDT · 24 of 29
    patlin to The Ignorant Fisherman
    I am personally familiar with the “Biblical” calendar as opposed to the fixed “Jewish” Talmudic calendar as it is the "Biblical" calendar we practice in our home, and when Jesus said He would raise “ON” the 3rd day it literally means He rose “ON” the 3rd day before sunset, because as we know, the day begins at sunset, not after sunset, neither at midnight.

    Simple “Biblical” math:

    Thursday (Sabbath feast of Unleavened Bread): evening & morning day 1
    Friday: evening & morning day 2
    Shabbat: evening & morning day 3

    And so He rose as “Lord of the Sabbath” on the Sabbath

    Mat 28:1 In the end (G3796) of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn (G2020) toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

    G3796 ‘opse’ From the same as G3694 (through the idea of backwardness); (adverbially) late in the day; by extension after the close of the day: - (at) even, in the end.

    G2020 'epiphosko' A form of G2017; to begin to grow light: - begin to dawn, draw on

    "as the first of the week drew near"

    One can not be going towards something is they are already in it, while also keeping in mind the Appointed Times of the Messiah, this verse, therefore, is more properly be translated as, "as the first of the counting of the weeks drew near", as in relation to the counting of the 7 weeks leading up to Pentecost (Feast of Weeks).

  • Good Wednesday and the Sign of the Prophet Jonah!

    03/28/2018 5:15:06 PM PDT · 9 of 29
    patlin to The Ignorant Fisherman
    Good post & glad more are coming to the understanding of Scriptural truth.

    Now about those 3 days, it is also written/prophesied that Jesus would raise on the 3rd day, which means He rose late in the afternoon on the weekly Sabbath, just as prophesy revealed He would. Sunday, the morrow after the Sabbath, He ascended to the Father as the First Fruit of the resurrection to come. Maybe this is something you can work on for next year.

    From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. [Mt 16:21]

    and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.” And they were greatly distressed.[Mt 17:23]

    and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day. [Mt 20:19]

    that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,[1Cor 15:4]

  • Analyzing Unanswered Prayer (Protestant/Evangelical Devotional)

    02/21/2018 6:59:07 AM PST · 7 of 12
    patlin to Gamecock

    I believe in James 1-3, which addresses prayers, gives us a very informative answer to this question of supposed ‘unanswered prayers’. James speaks of not praying with a ‘double-minded’ mindset, that is to pray for something/someone while having doubt in one’s mind & heart.

    IOW, it is not just the mind & heart of the person doing the praying, but also the heart & mind of those whom we are praying for that matters. If our hearts and minds are not of one accord, then this is praying in ‘double-mindedness’ aka sending mixed messages to God.

    All throughout Scripture the Word of God tells us how to pray and He tells us which prayers He hears and which prayers He does not hear. Therefore, we need to return to His Word that Jesus preached, taught & prayed according to and not according to some ‘book’ that man has written.

    1Jn 2:27 But the anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in Him.

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 11:52:22 AM PST · 45 of 51
    patlin to Ezekiel
    My reference to kabbalah evangelism was to jjotto.

    As far as the name Jesus, if one is true to actual name interpretation, since the Greek spelling of ‘Jesus” is the exact same Greek spelling that is translated consistently throughout all the Greek texts, both old & new testaments, that name is Joshua/Jahoshua and in pronunciation before the modern “J” came into existence, it was pronounced as Yeshua or Yehoshua as is prophesied in the scrolls of the Prophets. Example: See the scroll of Numbers 27, Dt 34 & the Prophet Haggai. In ancient Greek, what the English pronounces as a final ‘s’ in the name Jesus, this final ‘s’ is a silent letter in the Greek that denotes gender.

    A good example of this interpretation confusion is easily seen in Acts 7:45 & Heb 4:8 where the name Jesus was written when it was actually Joshua as evidenced in the OT. Some versions mistakenly render the name as Jesus and others rightfully render it as Joshua, who was a shadow type of our Deliverer to come.

    With all that said, His house is made up of people from every nation, tribe & tongue so our focus should not be on pronunciation, but what our walk reveals to unbelievers as a witness to them that they too may come to know the Messiah of their Father in Heaven.

    As far as you reference to John 1:11, well, you need to include verses 12-13 in order to understand verse 11: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name, who were born, not of blood nor of the desire of flesh nor of the desire of man, but of Elohim. PAST TENSE, not future tense. As it was in the past, so it is in the future, He does not change and neither does His doctrine of salvation.

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 8:32:53 AM PST · 41 of 51
    patlin to Ezekiel; jjotto; metmom

    Chabad teaches that Messiah will be a man born of the union of a man & woman of the flesh and he will be a seed of the flesh who teaches all mankind to obey the oral laws of the flesh that deny the authority of YHWH Elohim. this false messiah is a human who practices ancient pagan mysticism, aka, kabbalah and will cause the noahide laws to be enforced throughout the world, which means, as is written, this false messiah will call upon the world to deny the only brought-forth of our Father in heaven, His Living Word whon He, the Father, calls the Messiah.

    Please take your kabbalah ba’al evangelism elsewhere as it is not welcome in the assemblies of YHWH Elohim & His Messiah known from the beginning to be the Word of Elohim, who after Israel denied Him in the spirit, He put on flesh and taught by His example how to serve the Father in spirit & truth. And that Messiah of YHWH Elohim is Yeshua (Jesus)the only brought-forth from the Father.

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 7:00:38 AM PST · 39 of 51
    patlin to jjotto; metmom

    Those interested in the truth need only visit the Hasidic University that teaches “noahidism” because everything at all those other websites, that whitewash the real truth of the false man-made noahide laws, is found at the Hasidic University website where each false law has references back to the Talmud from which they were invented.

    Universal Theocratic Law
    for Non-Jews
    (620 commandments)

    Table of Contents

    Overview of Theocratic Law

    1. Commandments Against Idolatry

    (57 commandments: 7 positive, 50 negative)

    2. Commandments Against Blasphemy

    (39 commandments: 14 positive, 25 negative)

    3. Commandments Against Murder

    (6 commandments: 2 positive, 4 negative)

    4. Commandments Against Theft

    (37 commandments: 16 positive, 21 negative)

    5. Commandments Against Immoral Relations

    (32 commandments: 3 positive, 29 negative)

    6. Commandments Against Eating Living Animals

    (3 commandments: 3 negative)

    7. Commandments For Legal Justice

    (37 commandments: 15 positive, 22 negative)

    General Commandments for Orderly Society

    (31 commandments: 14 positive, 17 negative)

    Optional Commandments

    (112 commandments: 51 positive, 56 negative, 5 rabbinical)

    Irrelevant / Forbidden Commandments

    (235 commandments: 116 positive, 117 negative, 2 rabbinical)

    Uncertain Commandments

    (31 commandments: 10 positive, 21 negative)

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 6:49:27 AM PST · 36 of 51
    patlin to jjotto

    Righteous according to whom? Man? There is no righteousness in the man-made noahide laws because they are of men and not of YHWH Elohim & His Messiah.

    The FACT is, there was NO oral law given at Mt. Sinai to the Moses & the 70 elders. They received what is written today & that only, so that no man should add to it or take away from what is written. The fact that that command to not add to and not take away from what is written is the only evidence one needs to prove these noahide laws invented by men are just that, an invention birthed out of the imaginations of men, laws that have no one jot or tittle of support from YHWH Elohim & His Messiah.

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 6:40:55 AM PST · 35 of 51
    patlin to jjotto; metmom

    Not so cut & dried as you state jjotto, as the fake noahide laws say those courts are to be run by what the Talmud calls “Hasidic Gentiles” aka “Noahides” who deny that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah of YHWH Elohim. And those “Hasidic Gentiles” do not accept testimony from those who believe & openly confess that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah of YHWH Elohim. The fact that they believe & confess the true Messiah of Israel over the false chosen one of the rabbinic is an automatic death sentence unless they deny Him before the court.

  • What is God Like?

    02/09/2018 6:07:35 AM PST · 33 of 51
    patlin to jjotto

    Yes jotto,

    YHWH Elohim chose a people, a people that would believe in & follow His Word that He calls His Messiah. Yeshua (Jesus) is the name of the flesh that the Word appeared to men in after Israel rejected Him as their sovereign. [1Sam 8:7] And from there is was all down hill because they chose to put the Word of YHWH 3rd after the laws that they made & the traditions of Baal they had adopted. [2Kg 17]

    So to set the record straight, Israel was a mixed multitude of the sons of Jacob and many of the nations who left Egypt with the sons of Jacob. Therefore, Israel is neither Jew nor Gentile, it is a people who believe in the living Word of Elohim that has been from the beginning of time. Even your Talmud (man-made law of the unbelieving Pharisees) admits this fact, that the Messiah has been from the beginning & it was the Messiah in Spirit who delivered Israel out of Egypt... from Sanhedrin, Chapter 11 ....

    “The days of Messiah shall endure as long as long as from creation until now, as it is written...”

    “The days of Messiah shall be 7000 years, as it is written, and the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall they Elohim (God) rejoice over thee...”

    The Father CHOSE His Messiah & all who believe in His Messiah are Israel, DNA & religion need not apply. Which is why it is written that He will once again, gather, purge the rebels, and ONLY the Israel of Messiah will enter into His reign. [Eze 20]


  • If You Can Read This, You're Dead

    02/08/2018 9:27:50 PM PST · 4 of 37
    patlin to TBP

    We call them “neo” conservatives because they were never truly of the constitutional conservative types that founded this once great nation.

  • What is God Like?

    02/08/2018 9:22:28 PM PST · 27 of 51
    patlin to jjotto

    Read my tagline...

  • What is God Like?

    02/08/2018 7:18:09 PM PST · 26 of 51
    patlin to jjotto

    Why are you coming on a Christian thread linking to a heretical man-made theology that calls for Christians to deny that Jesus is the Messiah? There is no biblical laws called the 7 laws of Noah but that which was born of the Pharisees who denied that Jesus is the Messiah.

    2 Examples that Christians need to beware and not fall for these fake “noahide” laws the unbelieving Pharisees invented.


    Mandated punishment for violation: Death penalty

    Brief description:
    Not to worship any false god in any one of four standard ways: (a) bowing, (b) making sacrificial offerings, (c) burning incense, or (d) pouring libations (such as wine or water). These four ritual acts are all involved in the worship of the true G-d in the Jerusalem Temple (once it is rebuilt from its current ruins), and thus are sanctified modes of worship that are forbidden to be exercised for any false god, even if the act is not part of the customary ritual for that false religion (whereas commandment -6 deals with the established rituals specific to each false religion). Thus even if it is not an established Christian custom to offer sacrificial foods to Jesus, nor would Buddhists normally pour libations for their idol, either act would nonetheless be a capital crime.
    This commandment also prohibits the verbal acceptance of any false god as one’s deity, on pain of death penalty.

    •Not to verbally accept Jesus as one’s god or “lord.”


    Mandated punishment for violation: Death penalty

    Brief description:
    Not to worship a false god according to the customary rituals established by its religion. Some idols or false gods are worshipped through bowing, burning incense, or making offerings of food; others through certain types of dancing, singing, chanting, or meditation; others through growing one’s hair long, shaving it off, and offering it; and others through ceremonies involving fire, water, or convening at certain locations at certain times of year. Whatever the practice of the false religion, even a single act of such worship is a capital offense.
    While it is also a sin to believe in the existence of a false god (commandment -1), even without worshipping it, that act of false belief is not covered in this commandment.

    •Not to bow to a Buddha statue, nor to offer incense before it.
    •Not to be baptized in Christianity, nor to pray in the name of Jesus.
    •Not to participate in worship ceremonies of Hinduism, Hare Krishna, or various “New Age” cult movements — including transcendental meditation or Yoga — even if no idol is physically present.
    •Not to celebrate such pagan holidays as Easter, Halloween, or Christmas.

  • Is Christianity Shrinking in America? "Yes" and "No"

    02/01/2018 1:19:16 PM PST · 14 of 14
    patlin to metmom
    Perhaps it's just churchianity ...

    This premise fails on many points as ‘churchianity’ as you call it is on the rise, not on the decline, as the Gospel that Christ preached continues to be whitewashed. My point was precise & concise...

    ... where religion has failed to uphold the Gospel that was preached & taught by Christ Himself, home worship is rising and returning to the true biblical faith once delivered to through saints. Shalom

  • Is Christianity Shrinking in America? "Yes" and "No"

    02/01/2018 9:01:37 AM PST · 8 of 14
    patlin to SeekAndFind
    The article fails to address the growing number of those like myself & others in our family who left the ‘cup’ to return to the simpler faith as described in the NT, that of home worship gatherings in lieu of organized religion. As parents return to homeschooling their children, often they also return to small home worship gatherings.

    Therefore, to determine the size of the ‘cup’ by only one factor, that of the members of organized religion, is to only see a portion of the 'cup'.

  • I Am a Palestinian Evangelical and I Am Not Ashamed

    01/30/2018 11:24:34 AM PST · 10 of 36
    patlin to MrEdd
    One who is ignorant of history should first learn the truth of history from those who are personally connected to it lest their ignorance be exposed by His Light!

  • Satanic Temple Sues to Overturn Pro-Life Law It Claims Violates Its Religious Beliefs

    01/24/2018 6:29:56 AM PST · 4 of 15
    patlin to Morgana
    The ‘establishment clause’ of the US Constitution has no bearing in this matter concerning state laws. Don't like a particular state's laws, then go to another that supports the killing of innocent life. We are free to move from one state to another should a state's laws no longer be in line with our beliefs.
  • Gog is Currently Invading Syria...Turkey in prophecy pt 10

    01/23/2018 7:38:41 AM PST · 16 of 16
    patlin to barney10
    Isaiah 28:7-15 (v. 13 whom this good pastor is among because he has yet to be weaned from milk[v. 9 = Heb 5:12-14])
  • Suffering for Righteousness (Protestant/Evangelical Caucus and Devotional)

    01/17/2018 1:34:04 PM PST · 9 of 9
    patlin to metmom

    You are confusing salvation with justification, what is the need for justification? And for the matter, how does the bible define faith? Is it just a confession?