You know, all this holding up reporting of votes is for the birds. It is so old-fashioned and it remains only to allow cheating. I say we have to stop it all. No human hands on these votes. Just vote and it is instantly reported—just not announced until the polls close, and then it is over in an instant. What is done now is just Bull-_____!
“McCain stood by the free market and free will, he made this about Joe Plummer vs. Obama. The Meida elites, including our friendlies, will miss this. “
That’s right. I cannot even bear to watch Fox anymore. That roundtable is terrible. Hume, Barnes and Kristol are totally co-opted. They are so inside the Belt-way, they miss the trashing the McCain gave Obama tonight. Hammered Tax, Government, Abortion, Acorn, ObamaSilky birt Misleading style of speech,etc. These are all hits by McCain. Bst of all was framing things around “Joe the Plumber”. [Note, it was actually Obama who first offered the locution “Joe the Pumber” which McC wisely adopted after himself having mangled Wurzelbacher’s name into Wurzelberger when he first referred to the Plumber.
The media types miss how the rest of the country hears these things. “No knockout blow” isso silly. It is all about the incredibly dense “undecided” or only leaning types. If genuinely undecided at this point, I believe that McC won those voters with tonight’s performance. Obama looked frazzled, a little rough tho still smoothed tongued. Yet McC was able to raise Obama’ careful parsing of speech and nail him at least 3 times.
Yes, Senator Government came right from McCain’s subconscious. It was great. and True and Powerful and should become the theme of hte rest of the campaign. It got past McCain’s weird censor which prevents him from really being a powerful candidate.
<<”I have seen several people say she starred in the role but this seems to indicate she never actually performed. Do you know the correct answer?”>>
As I recall, Hanover definitely performed in the play..the “subsequently” would be after her perfomrances were under way. I have no idea how long she did it, but it was something she was known for.
Maybe the LAPD were told to think of the perimeter as if it were the border. That way, they just figured they had to let the chinese guys through with no questions asked.