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I just lost a keyboard!
Greg Abbot will tell holder to pound sand.
You are correct. Many small towns in Texas away from the hood.
Or how about the 50 million babies that have been butchered.
Time fo new Escalades this time.
Me too, I like the guy. And when he ex-communicates baby murderers like pelosi, biden, etc., it will be wonderful to see.
AIRSPEED RUNWAY AIRSPEED RUNWAY are the fundamentals of landing an airplane .
No problem. ABC news will figure out a way to say that it was Romney’s fault.
We go to a Baptist “lite” Church near Dallas, and the messages are clear with no equivocation!
Watch those baby murdering rats flee into Oklahoma this time to break a quorum.
Lot of them is party bros lookin for white chicks, and they give could a about going to classes.
If tens of thousands say no, we've had enough of this madness?
Maybe, the new Pope will order, absolutely order ex-communication of these murderers of babies who profess to be Catholics.
You guys enjoy your 2pct interest, and meanwhile, I’ll buy some more good dividend stocks.
O is one of their own, a fellow African and Muslim.
Rarely get a reaction from other drivers.
The sheeple don't have a clue.
Oh, oh, I hope I didn't give O any new ideas with that one.
Lots of students you know goes to the University to party and play on the student loans you know.
The queers just wanted to put it in a little way this time.
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