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Posts by Nahanni

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  • 18 Facts That Make Houston The Best City In America

    07/01/2014 5:30:59 PM PDT · 85 of 90
    Nahanni to blam

    Please stay where you are and don’t move to Houston or Texas. We already have too many damned Yankees, Californicators and other idiots (both left and right) here. I don’t care if you need a job, your family is on the brink of financial ruin or the Democrats are grabbing your guns. Stay where you’re at and fix the problems you have there.

    Texas should be for Texans only.

  • The Free Ride Is Over For Streaming Video (No longer will users be able to endlessly stream)

    05/20/2012 10:21:36 AM PDT · 61 of 70
    Nahanni to AmonAmarth

    The cost will only go up if you have Comcast.

    I would not have Comcast as an interent provider even if they gave it to me for free. They suck, period. I do not know of anyone who has Comcast who does not have persistant problems with their service-loss of conectivity and outages-some of those events you can almost set a clock to. Way back in the good ol’ days when I played in a raiding guild on EverQuest when we would be raiding we would always take a break during the raid at about 7:15pm because we all knew that more likely then not the 14 people in the raid that were using Comcast would get lose their internet connections and go link dead. it was funny because these people all lived in different states and they woould all go link dead within 2 minutes of each other.

    I once had Time-Warner and they sucked, too but that was before they passed the law that said that apartment complex owners could not ban you from having a satellite dish. I had no alternative to Time Warner before that because the county government gave Time Warner a monopoly. Once that law passed I dumped Time-Warner like a hot potato.

    The thing that Comcast tends to forget is that there is no government mandated monopoly on interent providers as there is for cable companies. I would imagine that as soon as they do this their subscriber numbers are going to fall off a cliff.

    I never used either Time Warner or Comcast as an internet provider. I have had ATT DSL and now have Uverse. In the last 14 years I have had sum total of 3 problems with connectivity. Three. Only one of those outages lasted over two hours, my Uverse modem bit the dust and I got a new one shipped to me by ATT which arrived the next day.

  • Zimbabwe Party Presses Black Ownership

    05/20/2012 9:35:41 AM PDT · 14 of 16
    Nahanni to reaganaut1
    This isn't surprising at all. Mugabe is just enacting Barack Obama Sr.'s dream.
  • Bootstrapped Startup Saves Over $100K By Dropping IE

    04/02/2012 8:58:31 AM PDT · 5 of 15
    Nahanni to rawhide

    I never used any AOL products for the same reason I will not use any Apple or Google ones. it is the same reason I do not ‘do’ Facebook or Twitter. They are all little more than thinly veiled spyware.

    Two of the browsers listed are from companies that are some of Obama’s biggest funders and enablers.

    One company (Google) aided and abetted the travesty we are seeing in Egypt. This company thinks nothing of cooperating with the Chinese government to suppress its people and is working with the Obama regime to do the same here. It should tell you something that the Europeans do not trust Google to protect its citizens privacy.

    The other has Al Gore on its board of directors and the only thing that is more intrusive into you computer than Apple software is to go to the IRS website and click on that OK button when the box pops up telling you that if you wish to proceed further you give the government the right to basically ‘own’ your computer and everything on it.

    No thanks.

  • Obama Up in Wisconsin; Santorum Leading Primary [Leads Santorum by 6, Romney by 14, Gingrich by 18]

    03/15/2012 10:45:36 PM PDT · 17 of 18
    Nahanni to Steelfish

    PPP is a Democrat run polling entity.

    That is all you need to know.

  • Perry Drops Out. Endorses Newt. Will Campaign and Serve.

    01/19/2012 9:14:05 AM PST · 22 of 119
    Nahanni to Mount Athos

    I held my nose and voted for McCain because I knew what a disaster Obama and a supermajority Dem House and Senate would be while you folks whined, pissed and moaned and sat it out thus letting the worst happen.

    I won’t be holding my nose this time around. It is your turn to hold your noses.

    When election day comes for the first time in my life I will not be voting for anyone for President. Because in the end it will be either Romney or Obama. They are the same poison-one will just kill off the country faster then the other. If you think that Gingrich will last another 90 days you are sorely mistaken-the man has a closet full of skeletons and the MSM is going to drag them all out one by one.

  • A Portrait of the First Lady as an Angry Young Woman

    01/13/2012 7:50:21 AM PST · 15 of 37
    Nahanni to SeekAndFind

    We are not bodies with a soul, we are souls with a temporary outer casing of a body and the eyes are the reflection of the soul inside.

    You look at the eyes of Michelle Obama and you see a soul twisted by hate, anger and bitterness.

    You look at the eyes of Barack Obama and you see a dead soul.

  • For Perry, the E.P.A. Has Long Been a Favorite Target (NYT thinks it's a bad thing)

    09/29/2011 3:10:51 PM PDT · 23 of 41
    Nahanni to shield


    The people here are going to guarantee that we end up with either Obama or Obamalite Romney, just like they gave us Obama and McCain in 2008. It will be the end of the country for both men are poison-the only difference is one works faster then the other one.

    The people here do not understand that the forces arrayed against them are playing three dimensional chess while they are playing Tic-Tac-Toe. They are too busy nitpicking about insignificant stuff which does not matter in the greater scheme of things or waiting for someone who is ‘purer then Caesar’s wife’ but who is totally unelectable. They ‘bitterly cling’ to their ‘pet peeve trees’ and do not give a crap if the whole forest burns down. For example, this whole “Gardisil” flap isn’t going to make much difference when the country is destroyed economically and perhaps physically and their precious 12 year old daughters are starving and freezing to death or are killed in the chaos and anarchy that comes with a total collapse of a country from within. At least on the “bright side” they can say that their daughters died for their cause.

    In a way I am glad they are doing this because the country that we knew and loved is on its death bed and you can hear the death rattle. The final nail in the coffin was the 2008 election. The damage done by Obama and the Democrats will never be undone-the poison Obama, Pelosi and Reid have dumped into the body of our country is both insidious and terminal. We will have to go through the fire and hope we come out on the other side.

    History teaches that when a civilization dies their are areas which are less affected by the collapse then others. These are areas that are generally on the frontiers with strong local leaders/governments that know how to get things done, have a self reliant populace (for the most part-the weak and the invaders will get winnowed out in the initial collapse) which is not psychologically or emotionally heavily invested in the empire and have access to adequate resources and the ability to trade.

    So to me the sooner Perry drops out of the Presidential race the better. We have little time left to prepare for the collapse and Texas does not need its Governor distracted by running for President of a dead country.

  • A Right-Wing Monster

    07/25/2011 12:22:34 PM PDT · 17 of 22
    Nahanni to mandaladon

    If he is a monster then he is a monster of the radical, western civilization hating left in Europe created.

    You can only push a people so far before it builds into a volcanic resentment and the radical left has been ramming Islam down Europe’s throats for 40 years and in doing so is destroying Europe.

    I have been telling people for years that, despite what you and they think, at the end of the day there will not be one Muslim left in Europe. History teaches that eventually the people of Europe will get fed up with this invasion and they will do what they have always done in these situations. It is a little thing called ‘ethnic cleansing’ and when they get to this point there will be no one on the planet that will be able to stop it. The ground of Europe has been drenched in blood for thousands of years, the last 70 years has been the equivalent of a drought historically speaking.

  • Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own'

    07/25/2011 12:12:43 PM PDT · 52 of 158
    Nahanni to markomalley

    This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention.

    I would expect that the chances are 50/50 that the Obama regime manufactures a ‘crisis’ or ‘man made disaster’ within the next twelve months so they can usurp the Constitution and make him Dictator for Life.

    All those guns/grenades/rocket launchers/night vision equipment/ body armor that the Obama regime sold to the drug cartels and Hamas/Hezbollah in Mexico went there for a purpose and that purpose was not to push for banning the second amendment.

    Do not let your guard down and be ready for it.

  • What Is The Best Place To Live In The United States To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse?

    05/03/2011 1:56:33 AM PDT · 122 of 177
    Nahanni to blam
    In the case of an economic collapse I would avoid all of the "bleu states" like the plague.

    Why? You can already begin to see why from what is happening both here and in Europe.

    -Corrupt socialist/communist governments who think nothing of robbing you to keep the gravy train going for them and their union thugs.

    -Large populations living off of entitlements. When the money runs out they will go all "NOLA after Katrina". These people have never produced anything and they have never worked a day in their lives. The only way they know of housing/feeding and clothing themselves is to steal it from others-either through 'entitlements' or outright stealing it. This also includes places where there are lots of "academics" and "professional students"-they are some of the biggest pigs at the trough.

    -Unionized government workers including police/fire. Look at what happened in Wisconsin for just a taste of the kind of crap they will pull. Wisconsin showed us that it is a very small step for the police to go from "to protect and serve" to violence, extortion and corruption.

    -Laws that severely restrict the ownership of firearms and their use as a method of self defense.

    I would also try to be at least 100 miles from the nearest city of over 100,000. Why? The vast majority of people in the US keep about enough gas in their cars to go 100 miles. Plus the attrition rate on the "golden horde" (via getting shot looting, breaking through roadblocks, etc.) will take out the vast majority of them before they go 100 miles.

    History teaches that when the economy dies, civilization dies. Civilization will survive there long after it is only a memory written in the ruins of the great secular cities and countries. Learn a lesson from the fall of the Roman Empire. When it died, so did trade. Roads and laws were not maintained thus it became impossible to obtain goods and services that were not locally based.

    Look for states with strong governments with a general population that is self sufficient and strong then look for places with strong communities and churches within those states. Look for places where most basic goods are locally (or in state) produced. When the economy goes the US goes.The feds (like the Romans) will try to keep control but will not have the manpower nor the wherewithal to do so, they will fall like a termite riddled house. The country will fracture into smaller units (individual states or regional unions). If I had to choose a region or two I would choose Texas, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, eastern Montana (too many Californians and other 'bleu staters' in the western part), Utah except for the Wasatch front (too many Californians and other 'bleu staters' there), Alabama, Oklahoma, Alaska (except for Anchorage and Juneau). Almost all of the places I have mentioned have infestations of Californians and other 'bleu staters' but it should not be too difficult to seperate the wheat from the chaff so to speak and send the chaff down the road back to where they came from. If TSHTF the illegals would self deport in droves-when the host runs out of blood the ticks fall off.

  • Business Insider: This Is The Most Laughable Aspect Of Paul Ryan's Budget Plan

    04/05/2011 6:08:35 PM PDT · 38 of 54
    Nahanni to SeekAndFind

    Business Insider is to economic news what HuffPo and Kos are to national and international news.

    Not credible.

  • Queens gets its own 'missile' attack

    11/11/2010 12:30:26 PM PST · 20 of 26
    Nahanni to Red in Blue PA

    The MSM sure is trying to manufacture an “Oklahoma City type event” to try to save Teh Won.

  • New Congress Must Defund Legal Services Corporation, AARP, and Soros

    11/11/2010 12:08:51 PM PST · 5 of 9
    Nahanni to jazusamo

    Don’t forget NPR, ACLU and whatever ACORN is going by nowadays.

    While they are at it they can stop the “War on Poverty”-Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton and the rest of their race/ethnic warrior ilk have already made enough money from it.

  • (Vanity) Michael Reagan just said Sarah Palin's "too polarizing" to win Presidential election...

    11/09/2010 2:44:53 PM PST · 148 of 203
    Nahanni to kosciusko51
    I think they said the same thing about his dad...

    BINGO! We have a winner!

  • Glenn Beck on now - Soros is the puppetmaster of our shadow government

    11/09/2010 2:39:24 PM PST · 10 of 61
    Nahanni to Coldwater Creek

    Cute comment....


    Who is more “spooky”?

    1. A guy who has destroyed whole countries economies and is well on his way to destroying our country.


    2. The one guy in the MSM who has the guts to finally speak out about it and warn people as to what is happening.

    I pick “spooky guy” #1.

    Of course I am sure you prefer to keep your head in the sand because “spooky guy” #2 is “so spooky”. Just remember keeping your head in the sand leaves your bunghole wide open to get splunked by “spooky guy” #1 with a wire brush and a 10 pound bag of rock salt. Don’t come crying to me when that happens.

  • Alaskan wolves losing fear of humans

    11/08/2010 6:17:47 PM PST · 41 of 78
    Nahanni to george76

    Anyone who owns a Beagle up there should not be surprised that it turned into a Wolfsnack, a Bearsnack or an Eaglesnack. Nor should they go wailing to the police or the MSM about it when it does become a Crittersnack. All that tells me is that this person is some idiot who does not understand that the wilderness has WILD things in it and those wild things are not former castmembers of Disney animated movie.

    Candis needs to move back to LA or wherever she came from and leave the wilderness to those who are intelligent enough to handle it.

  • Obama regrets distortion of Islam to justify violence

    11/07/2010 9:38:03 AM PST · 31 of 48
    Nahanni to devere

    Spoken like a true Moslem.

    It is the same shinola we have heard out of CAIR for years.

  • Republicans Look at Budget Maneuvers to Prevent Spending on New Health Law (Good Start!)

    11/07/2010 9:31:46 AM PST · 15 of 20
    Nahanni to tobyhill

    New England Journal of Medicine inadvertently hands House GOP the gameplan for starving Obamacare

  • George W Bush thinks Sarah Palin is 'unqualified'

    11/06/2010 12:53:20 AM PDT · 63 of 324
    Nahanni to djwright
    That is the point. these stories (with un-named sources) are intended to get republicans, conservatives, and tea party members to second guess each other. If they don’t name a source, just ignore them.

    BINGO! We have a winner.

    The one thing that really gets me and makes me think that Obama and Kerry might just be right about the American people being "stupid" is reading comments such as the ones on this thread.

    The elites are playing three dimensional chess and you all are playing Tic-Tac-Toe. The elites are reading Sun Tzu and you all are reading the manual to World of Warcraft. If you want to truly win back this country you are all going to have to quit thinking, acting and (most importantly) reacting like a bunch of rank amateurs. The world you have ventured into is the world of hard core politics-the forces arrayed against us are strong, well seasoned and are not willing to give up power without a fight.

    In case you have all been too busy looking at bright, shiny objects to notice the sell job is already ramping up to push Romney to the forefront for 2012-he is, after all, a member of the elitists club and the most palatable to them. Already it appears they are doing an excellent job judging by some of the comments here.

    They would LOVE having him as the 2012 Republican nominee-he would be a win-win for them. The majority of conservatives/"teabaggers" would not support him because he is a RINO of the worst kind-a Massachusetts one with his own Romneycare albatross hanging around his neck. If he gets the nomination you will end up with Obama or Hillary as President. If Obama is gone or if he survives to run in 2012 and loses to the likes of Romney the bicoastal elites will be happy because they will have their best option of continuing "business as normal".

    In order to make him the "obvious choice" they have to destroy everyone in the way and the one they fear the most IS Sarah Palin. Why do they fear her? For the same reasons they feared Ronald Reagan-they know that it is "game over" for them. Sarah has already shown that she has no problems with kicking the entrenched elites of both parties to the curb, shining a spotlight on the cockroaches in the woodwork and cleaning up government-she did it in Alaska. The greatest fear of the bicoastal elites is that she wins and rides in on another tsunami like we saw Tuesday. If that happened the elites know that they can kiss all their policies and agendas they have worked so long and hard to put into place over the last 70 years goodbye. THAT is why they need to destroy her.

    BTW-in case you all have not noticed they are saying the EXACT SAME things about her in the EXACT SAME arrogant, condescending, snarky way that they said about Ronald Reagan during the 1960's and 70's.