SEA-TAC airport is full of Somali women. They work all over the place and wear Muslim head coverings (but not covering the eyes.) If you drive on International Blvd(I-99) next to the airport, you see lots of various South Asian people in tribal dress, just as if they got here today.
Time is running out for Japan as a nation state. Low birth rate will make the population extinct before the end of the century. China and North Korea are able to destroy the country within a week of hostilites. Maybe the USA could agree to give the country protective status until the last Japanese citizen is dead, and then annex it to South Korea maybe.
This is serious. If the people who control the missile firings are incompetent, or have other problems (drugs, depression, etc.) This situation cries out for a big sweep in the USAF Chain of Command from the top on down.
Who in their right mind would consider for a momemnt that Obamauslim actually cares about black on black crime in Chicago or anywhere else in inner cities controled by DemocRATS.
Keep ‘em doped up with welfare queen girlfriends, and unlimited benefits not available to whites, and you have guaranteed Democratic control of all governments UNTIL THE MONEY RUNS OUT.
So Dear Leader Obamuslim is a homosexual! That explains why he is pro-Muslim and pro gay marriage. Let’s see how long the Lame Street Media can hush this story and make it go away. Come out of the closet Dear Leader and tell us you like gay sex best, especially when you are smoking Mauie Owie.
The armed forces are decaying daily, thanks to Dear Leader Obamuslim in the White House. Soon only atheists and homosexuals will remain on active duty.
Cape Cod, MA and Newport, RI wuld be ideal sites for relocating welfae queens and crack smoking dopers who refuse to work. Don’t forget sex offenders who imhabit major inner cities. Cleveland just had another convicted sex offender arrested for three brutal murders of black women in the ‘hood.
If you believe in conspiracies, this could be a cover story for a massive gold shipment to overseas accounts. I don’t have any information that this statement is true, but some people are bound to believe it since it appeared on the internet.