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Posts by maher

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  • Islam's War Against The West-U. S. has fought Islamic terrorism before - The Barbary Pirates

    04/13/2009 1:51:38 PM PDT · 8 of 8
    maher to paltz

    To the Shores of Tripoli. Besides Greeks, weren’t Montenegrin Serbs also in Presley O’Bannon’s force?

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    04/08/2009 8:02:41 PM PDT · 34 of 36
    maher to Brad from Tennessee

    My theory and Roget’s or Webster’s of “Missile” is an object THROWN and hitting from a distance, as opposed to hitting with a fist OR anything held with the hand — club, axe, stone...

    Yoo no spikka da English?

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    04/06/2009 3:47:37 AM PDT · 32 of 36
    maher to SpaceBar

    Can they keep their wrist watches?

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    04/06/2009 3:46:50 AM PDT · 31 of 36
    maher to Brad from Tennessee

    Bombing an embassy is a good thing? How about Tanzania & Kenya 1968? Which other embassies would it be a good thing to bomb?

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    04/06/2009 3:43:35 AM PDT · 30 of 36
    maher to Ravnagora

    Toxic waste, he sez, is good for Albanians and Serbs.

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    04/06/2009 3:41:22 AM PDT · 29 of 36
    maher to Brad from Tennessee

    “Out there”? Spit it out, man. What do you want us to infer? Don’t be shy. Please do the checking for us:
    What missiles hit the Chinese embassy?
    Were they fired by USAF or US Navy?
    Or Serbs from the mountains above Sarajevo”
    Or the IRA?

    “Chinamen”? I haven’t heard that antique term in 60 years.

  • Gun-Free Zones Are a Magnet for Attacks Like the Tragedy In Binghampton

    04/04/2009 9:38:06 AM PDT · 49 of 69
    maher to dynachrome

    As a kid I walked for all twelve years of my schooling past the site of the ACA in Binghamton NY. There were residences there then. Some of my relatives in Binghamton are strongly conservative and use the center as a venue for e.g. of meetings of the Catholic Daughters of America. They wouldn’t corroborate the lefty charge.

    On a lighter note, Rod Serling (went to school around the corner, at (then) Binghamton Central High School.

  • "Spiritual, territorial ravaging of Serbia"

    04/01/2009 4:22:27 PM PDT · 52 of 52
    maher to nameless-fool

    Dear Fool
    I want to meet these guys and shake hands and feel their pain (and ribs). Can you arrange an appointment? I’ll book a flight right away. Where are they? Name, address, phone...

    I spikka da Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian/Montenegrin/ Vojvodjanksi — simultaneously.


  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    03/24/2009 10:11:00 PM PDT · 27 of 36
    maher to Brad from Tennessee

    Accidental, my foot. Are you so trusting of media and gov’t BS? “Out of date maps” more BS. The USAF uses GPS, hasn’t used maps since the 1960s. Three Tomahawks, entering windows, hit the embassy. Canadian Ambassador Bissett believes that the WCs (Clinton & Clark/hero of Waco TX) thought Milosevic was sleeping there. The Chinese will not forget the bombing of their territory.

  • NATO bombing over Kosovo 'right thing to do': says US envoy Holbrooke

    03/24/2009 10:03:42 PM PDT · 26 of 36
    maher to Ravnagora

    TOXIC WASTE IS GOOD FOR YOU. Holbrooke says the bombing was good for Serbs and Albanians.. Let’s hope he gets a taste of the good stuff in Afghanistan...

  • Serbia Remembers: From Alex in Belgrade

    03/24/2009 7:20:46 PM PDT · 11 of 21
    maher to Ravnagora

    78 days that will live in infamy...

  • "Spiritual, territorial ravaging of Serbia"

    03/18/2009 7:10:15 PM PDT · 47 of 52
    maher to nameless-fool

    PBS “Public Broadcasting System”... a farce: in reality PROPAGANDA BS.

    Tell us too the source(s) of your paste-up pics.
    Don’t forget to tell us just what those buildings are in the background of your pics and who the guys lined up there are.
    We wait with bated breath.

  • "Spiritual, territorial ravaging of Serbia"

    03/17/2009 4:10:00 PM PDT · 37 of 52
    maher to nameless-fool

    Good, we can all send them a check to help assuage their suffering. The simplest fakes superimpose a picture of a single person over a background.

    Like the Hungarian comic who superimposed his mug from every catastrophe form 9/11 to the sinking of the Titanic.

    If background and foreground are both in focus, as is the case with your fakes, the camera used must have an awesome depth of field. Tell us what make of camera(s) were used in your shots. The Hubble telescope?

    Your skinny guys:
    ? date of internment, physical condition at the time?
    There was a Muslim physician at Trnopolje.

    ? period of internment?
    ? Groups in the background: who are the guys in the background? Why don’t they have their shirts off?

    ? What and where are those buildings in the background?
    ? What was the local weather report on those days?
    ?”Who is/are the photographer?
    ?On what date(s) were your classic “photos” shot?

    Gee whizz, golly... You are so mean. Don’t tease us. I’m ready to break down and cry...

    It’s up to you to tell us long it takes for a healthy, well-fed man to get so skinny...

  • KLA cons the Washington Times

    03/16/2009 2:22:34 PM PDT · 27 of 28
    maher to nameless-fool

    Factless: Not only Serbia but Hungary, Poland, Austria, Venice, Constantinople and the Pope all fought the Turks. See The Catholic Encyclopedia:1913]:]
    “Since 1389 when Servia was conquered by the Osmanli power at the battle of Kosova (also called Amselfeld, “Field of the Blackbirds”), the Turks had slowly but steadily advanced against Hungary. ... To safeguard the Hungarian frontier, Sigismund obtained from Stephen Lazarevics, ruler of Servia... in 1426, the Servian fortresses on the border of the two countries, but he was not able to hold them against the Turks.... Hunyady fought successfully against the Turks. ... Constantinople was taken by the Turks (1453), who now turned all their strength against Hungary. Hunyady won, indeed, the brilliant victory over them at Belgrad (1456) ...

  • "Spiritual, territorial ravaging of Serbia"

    03/16/2009 1:41:37 PM PDT · 25 of 52
    maher to nameless-fool

    Brainless-fool: Look at the light and shadow on the face and on the body. The face should be as bright as the chest. The face is in shadow, The chest is in the sun.

    Montage a.k.a. photo shop

  • "Spiritual, territorial ravaging of Serbia"

    03/16/2009 1:35:17 PM PDT · 24 of 52
    maher to nameless-fool

    Clueless: The first Bosnians to be murdered, at the end of March 1992, were Serbs — shot by Muslims in Sarajevo. British kitsch TV ITN (Vulliamy, Penny Marshal, Ian Williams) & other scammers published pics of their skinny guy Fikret Abdic (TB patient) — surrounded by chubby guys shirtless and in in bib overalls. Mehmet gave his name. Bosnian Serb forces took those ITN hoaxters to a refugee camp, but the presstitutes called it a death camp and superimposed WWI photos of Geman goon towers on the pics. —Cloudless skies like this are not to be seen in Bosnian summer. Give us the names of your skinny guys, name of the photographer, date taken, place taken. These skinny guys are not Bosnians of any stripe. How long do people have to hunger to get this emaciated? You do not indicate the source of you pics. You’re a phoney.

  • KLA cons the Washington Times

    03/15/2009 11:34:52 PM PDT · 24 of 28
    maher to Kolokotronis; nameless-fool

    Proof: Kol O’Kotronis...

  • KLA cons the Washington Times

    03/15/2009 6:08:39 PM PDT · 20 of 28
    maher to Ravnagora; Bokababe; nameless-fool

    “Nameless-fool” is on a low-fact, boilerplate-rich diet. Nameless needs (another) nom de guerre: “Factless-fool” would serve. Factless forgets the hottest headline hoax of April 1994 — Gorazde. Thousands being massacred. (General Morillon: “a couple brooms could clean up the damage.”) Factless still finds “Srebrenica” hot button stuff. Factless, explain how it was that NO report of a massacre at this town in eastern Bosnia appeared anywhere until weeks after the purported event of July 10-11 1995. That’s because it took time to fabricate the hoax. Madame Albright went to the UN in August 1995 to lay down a smoke screen to cover the US-run Croatian “Storm” in which 250,000+ Serbs were chased out of Krajina. There she didn’t mention killed, but “missing”. 6000 of these missing made it fully armed to Tuzla. Which WAS reported - by Chris Hedges (NY Times), John Pomfret, George Pumphrey and others. In July 1995 summary execution did take place of hundreds of mujahedin who had fragged, shot, impaled, burnt and crucified over 3000 Serb civilians around eastern Bosnia 1992 to 1993. Want the pictures? Bosnian Serbs were able to conceal the corpses of 8000 “men and boys” by presumably 1000 Serb shooters from satellite eyes, U-2s and the scores of reporters walking around and photographing busloads of Muslims leaving for Tuzla. The pictures are in the daily papers of those days. Get thee to a liberry. Fuel for the Muslim exodus was supplied by the UN. One Dutch soldier was killed when a Muslim dropped a hand-grenade into his UN vehicle. Dutch soldiers are now volunteering to testify in the Hague in Karadzic’s defense. They are denying that No-Fact’s favorite mnassacre took place. But a Hoax was. Factless will deny that.

    PS. Mike Wallace went to eastern Bosnia to make a CBS 60Minutes documentary. Ask him why he hasn’t screened that. Would be a sensation.

  • Professor Emeritus J.P. Maher Responds to charge that a "Rigid Serbia Can't Accept a Free Kosovo"

    03/10/2009 10:02:27 AM PDT · 16 of 18
    maher to CatoRenasci; Ravnagora
    Better late than never: I am pro-Serb. You call that "blatant". 'Nuff said. Giovanni Garibaldi, grandson of THE Garibaldi, was a blatant pro-Serb too. See:,9171,789741,00.html -Italians fought shoulder to shoulder with Serbs against Austria in more than one war. Gavrilo Princip, Catholic Ivo Andric, Muhamad Mehmedbasic et al. were in the "Young Bosnia" conspiracy to get imperialist Austria-Hungary out of Serb lands and replace Turkey as the regional power. There was no Serb plot to destroy Austria-Hungary. The death was a suicide, not a murder. The Sarajevo assassination was a pretext for a war long planned by Gerneral Franz CONRAD (von Hoetzendorf), who had planned a war on three foronts. My kids' Austrian grandmother din't share the infatuation of the post WW I brats with Imperial Austria. The world didn't give a damn when Ferdinand was shot. Plumed "aristocrats" were favored targets all over Europe. It was Austria's ultimatum and declaration of war a month later that caused the stock markets to crash. See Helen Tuchman "Guns of August" & Proud Tower". Read also "Secrets of the Balkans" by Charles Vopicka, US Minister plenipotentiary 1913-1920 to Rumania, Bulgaria and Serbia. He was a blatant pro-Serb too. See his "Secrets of the Balkans". Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co. 1921 (not copy-righted).. The US ambassador to Bulgaria, Rumania and Serbia at the time wrote: FOREWORD. A blow struck in the Balkans, as of steel upon flint; a spark, a flame – and then, the holocaust of the world! But the blow came from without; the hand of tyranny was raised against a people whose freedom had been bought with their own blood. The World War began in the Balkans, yet its origin was in the hearts of the unscrupulous autocrats whose ruthless ambition knew neither justice nor limit; who counted the subjection of a free people merely as the first move in the game to win commercial and political supremacy, and in the end, to dominate the world. Serbia was only a pawn, to be swept aside as the first obstacle in the path of world conquest. Austria wanted war with Serbia, and ... the death of Archduke Ferdinand was welcomed as a casus belli.” (Charles Vopicka. 1920. Secrets of the Balkans. p. 31. p. 45. At the end of March, 1915, I received by special messenger, from a reliable source in Bohemia, information that on Saturday, the 20th of March, at 10:30 P.M., three salon cars had arrived in the depot at Benesov, in Bohemia, from the middle one of which the late Emperor Karl of Austro-Hungary was taken and carried to the palace at Konopiste. He had been wounded in the right foot on the battlefield at Pilica by a bomb or grenade thrown at him and Count Lobkovic by a German soldier. Emperor Karl was attended by a military physician until seven o’clock in the evening of March 22, when, following the receipt of a telegram, he was taken from Konopiste to the depot in Benesov and carried into a government train, which left immediately for an unknown destination. Guards were distributed from Konopiste to the depot, and a special detective service was organized, of twenty soldiers from the barracks in Benesov. It was rumored that Zita, wife of the emperor, was interned. She was not at that time in Konopiste, although the children and their teacher were there. After the death of Archduke Ferdinand, the late Emperor Karl came to Konopiste and took away all the correspondence he found in the palace. In this he secured proof that Sophie, the wife of Archduke Ferdinand, had plotted with the Kaiser against Serbia, and had discussed plans about the war with Russia. p. 46. It had been agreed that after the defeat of Serbia, it was to be made an Austrian province, and following the removal of King Peter, that the throne would be given to the eldest son of Ferdinand and Sophie. After the defeat of Russia, Ukrainia was to be made independent, with their second son as king. President Woodrow Wilson wrote “To the People of the United States: On Sunday, 28th of this present month, will occur the fourth anniversary of the day when the gallant people of Serbia, rather than submit to the studied and ignoble exactions of a prearranged foe, where called upon by the war declaration of Austria-Hungry to defend their territory and their homes against an enemy bent on their destruction. Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and courageously did they oppose the forces of a country ten times greater in population and resources that it was only after they had thrice driven the Austrians back and Germany and Bulgaria had come to the aid of Austria that they were compelled to retreat into Albania. While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken. Though overwhelmed by superior forces their love of freedom remains unabated. Brutal force has left unaffected their firm determination to sacrifice everything for liberty and independence. It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own Government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master the world. At the same time, we should not forget the kindred people of the Great Slavic race the Poles, the Czechs and Jugo-Slavs, who, now dominated and oppressed by alien races yearn for independence and national unity. This can be done in a manner no more appropriate than in our churches. I, therefore, appeal to the people of the United States of all faiths and creeds to assemble in their several places of worship on Sunday July 28, for the purpose of giving statement to their sympathy with this subjugated people and their oppressed and dominated kindred in other lands, and to invoke the blessings of Almighty God upon them and upon the cause to which they are pledge Woodrow Wilson, President. The White House July 28, 1918. Assassinations in Austria-Hungarian sphere of influence: Austro-Hungarian Empress Elisabeth (1890, in Switzerland: Luccheni, an Italian anarchist. Austro-Hungarian Archduke, Maximilian, brother of the Emperor (executed for his cruelties to Mexican POWs by Mexico’s Benito Juarez. (Wrigley). 1910. Bogdan Zerajic, a subject of Austria-Hungary; he had set out to kill Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Josef, but did not carry through, out of compassion for the old man. “the excitement spread to Croatia and there were four attempts on the life of the governor in Zagreb.” the Croatian Sabor (parliament) was dissolved twice [by Austro-Hungary], the opposition won the election, is suppressed; universities, press closed Zagreb students flocked to Belgrade; Luka Jukić made an attempt on the life of Ban Cuvaj. (Hubert Butler, page 252). Stjepan Dojčić, the attempted assassin of the Hungarian governor of Croatia [Cuvaj], in 1913, is profiled in the August 30, 2000 issue of Zajedničar, a weekly newspaper. It’s published by the Croatian Fraternal Union. Dojčić’s attempt is an interesting parallel to events. In Sarajevo a year later, when Princip assassinated the Archduke and his wife and started WW1. That event is covered in detail in the August, 2000, Smithsonian magazine. From: ashley tiwara Subject: [CROATIA-L] current Zajedničar weekly newspaper Sunday. 03 Sep 2000 00:18:19 -0500 President John F. Kennedy presented each state visitor to the White House with a copy of Barbara Tuchman’s1962 classic history of th4e outbreak of World War I, “The Guns of August.” This is what she wrote concerning the assassination of Austria’s Heir Apparent Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo: “At the end of June, news that Serbian patriots had assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, in an obscure town in the annexed territory of Bosnia, provided a sensation of the kind to which Europe was accustomed. It passed without causing undue public alarm. Then suddenly, a month later, on July 24, with terrible impact, came the announcement that Austria had delivered an ultimatum to Serbia of such ‘brutality’ in the words of Vorwärts, the German Socialist paper, that ‘it can be interpreted only as a deliberate attempt to provoke war.’ Full scale crisis opened beneath Europe’s feet.” (Page 6). And, …” on July 23 Austria delivered an ultimatum to Serbia, on July 26 rejected the Serbian reply (although the Kaiser [Wilhelm], now nervous, admitted that it ‘dissipates every reason for war…) on July 28 declared war on Serbia, on July 29 bombarded the Belgrade.” “That Friday, eve of the August Bank Holiday weekend, the Stock Exchange closed down at 10 A. M. in a wave of financial panic that had started in New York when Austria had declared war on Serbia and which was closing exchanges all over Europe.” The Austro-Hungarian judge in the trial of the assassins was Dr. Leo Pfeffer. “…[A] Croat and a Catholic, [he was] an expert in the law of the Austro-Hungarian Empire… [He] tried to administer it with justice and charity. He treated the assassins as what they were, men of honour and principle, who had acted deliberately and did not wish to shift the responsibility for their acts on to the shoulders of others. Mr Pfeffer spoke to him [Grabezh]: ‘ I do not consider you a common criminal, you acted from political conviction, and history will judge whether you were right’.” -Hubert Butler. Escape from the Anthill. Austrian historians record that the old emperor Franz Josef, relieved to hear his trouble-making nephew had been assassinated “Providence has solved our problem.” Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm’s copy of Serbia’s reply to the Austrian ultimatum bears the marginal note: “dissipates every reason for war ‘.(Tuchman page 91]). Adolf Hitler was pleased at the assassination the Heir Apparent: writing in Mein Kampf: “When the news of the murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand arrived in Munich (I happened to be sitting at: home and heard of it only vaguely), I was at first seized with worry that the bullets may have been shot from the pistols of German students, who, out of indignation at the Heir Apparent’s continuous work of Slavization, wanted to free the German people from this internal enemy. What the consequence of this would have been was easy to imagine: a new wave of persecutions which would now have been ‘justified’ and ‘explained’ in the eyes of the whole world. But when, soon afterward, I heard the names of the supposed assassins, and moreover read that they had been identified as Serbs, a light shudder began to run through me at this vengeance of inscrutable Destiny.”
  • The Voice of America Silenced on Radical Islam

    03/07/2009 1:33:15 PM PST · 17 of 18
    maher to SunTzuWu

    I’m a kaffir, but in Bosnia whenever I entered a mosque, I took off my shoes. Everyone does. But it was craven surrender (ISLAM means ‘submit’) of George H W Bush to bow to the wahabis in Arabia and helicopter out to a US warship to celebrate Christmas. That’s when he was revving up the sheeple to “take out” Saddam Hussein: “It’s Hitler re-visited; it’s unprecedented” [sic]. Same script with Bush-Baker, Pope John Paul II, and Slick Willy (he of the crooked willy) in setting up Milosevic to “take out”. For the shlockumentary “Death of Yugoslavia” Britain’s best composer of soap opera background music was hired to create the mood music. —”He’s evil: listen to the music” —Homer Simpson.