This principle was mathmatically cast in doubt some time ago. Logically it doesn't make much sense.
Wikipedia doesn't mention any doubt, and the idea is a cornerstone of quantum theory.
Nothing in Quantum mechanics makes much sense in our macro world, but it is "true" nonetheless. Please post a link regarding the doubt around the math behind the Uncertainty Principle.
06/18/2010 8:15:45 PM PDT
· 8 of 19 ko_kyi
to SunkenCiv
Interesting article. If I were to give the executive summary, it would be “Compared to the geological history millions of years old, nothing like the eruptions of the past compares with the last 200 years or so. We might have another big one like that in the next 100,000 years. Then again, we might not. Either way, there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.”
Can you get grants from the Fed for this kind of study?
06/05/2010 2:11:53 PM PDT
· 32 of 34 ko_kyi
to markomalley
Burma is one weird place. You might hear their leader say something like, “Myanmar must have the finest high tech weapons in Asia. An astrologer told me so!”
05/02/2010 6:33:42 AM PDT
· 16 of 22 ko_kyi
to Oldeconomybuyer
I’d like to go protest illegal immigration in Santa Ana, Mexico (Southwest of Mexico City). But I might get arrested, as foreign nationals are not allowed to participate in political protest. In fact, if I were illegal I could be detained by any citizen, and may be convicted of a felony.