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Posts by Hells Wookies

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  • What Exactly Is Idolatry?

    08/02/2009 1:18:25 PM PDT · 7 of 14
    Hells Wookies to Patriot1259

    From the article:
    “If we say we worship God but put our trust in bank accounts, homes, businesses, and organizations, then we are idolaters”

    Say whaa . . . ?

    Do we worship those bank accounts, homes, businesses and organizations? No? Then it’s not idolatry, is it? What exactly would Lori have us do? Move back out to the desert? I worship God over all of those things, but I think there’s room for both God and bank accounts in my life. And yes, I worry about money! That makes me smart and responsible, not idolatrous.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/31/2009 7:32:19 AM PDT · 34 of 34
    Hells Wookies to Hells Wookies

    Oh, and by the way, I’m seeing a lot of people cheering that woman on. You know, the one who got up in Delaware and yelled at Mike Castle for calling Obama a citizen? I’m seeing comments like “God bless that woman” and “Send that woman to the senate!” I did a little looking and found out who she was.

    Folks, meet “Crazy Eileen”:

    She talks about how she was visited by angels and about aliens. She’s been banned from calling in to the conservatives on the radio over there. I just want you all to know whom you’re cheering on.

    This is why the birthers tick me off. They’re a little bit nutty, and they wind up attracting the REAL nutbars. And then we ALL get lumped in with them.

    Irish, your “character” smells suspiciously like what I used to shovel back on the farm.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/31/2009 6:36:14 AM PDT · 33 of 34
    Hells Wookies to IrishCatholic

    Can you have someone help you read these posts? Maybe a friend that can come over?

    I might say the same thing about you. I’ve said a couple times already why this would not be a great idea, but let’s go again. They’re not going to release names on the birth certificate, because they don’t want to plunge the doctor who delivered Zero into a living hell of harrassment and idiot questions and threats by the birthers, ESPECIALLY when they don’t have to, and They. Don’t. Have. To. And They’re. Not. Going. To. Do. It. And finally This. Is. A. Good. Thing. Even for the conservatives.

    Obama doesn’t have to release it. Obama doesn’t want to release it. And Obama is having a wonderful, productive time watching you guys spit blood trying to get him to do it. He’s laughing at you, man. And if he’s not, he oughta be.

    Where does character come into this? What part of any of this is about character? Not backtracking even when you’ve made a mistake? Is that character? Really? You’re right, I should be pitied. It seems as if my choices are between Obama and the party who can’t control the birthers. That sucks. All I want is SOME conservatism back and the troops taken care of. Instead I get to hang out with the Nutsy Fagins who won’t shut about about the birth certificate, especially when they’re in front of a video camera.

    Sorry I posted that you were among the people who didn’t vote. Stain on me, but surely you realize that the conservatives who stayed home should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/30/2009 8:34:04 PM PDT · 31 of 34
    Hells Wookies to IrishCatholic

    No expert has come forward and stated what is on the long form certificate. To say otherwise is a lie. They haven’t. No one has come forward and stated what hospital and what doctor attended. To say otherwise is a lie. So, whose word, what expert, would you possible refer to without lying?

    Oh, OK, so I guess the head of Hawaii’s DOH doesn’t count. Or the doctors who looked at it. Or the republican governor. None of them count. This is why the birthers are quite a bit like the 9/11 truthers. We tell you the same thing over and over again. And you guys just pretend as if you didn’t hear it.

    And as far as the conservatives staying home and letting Obama get elected, well . . . bravo!! You certainly showed him! It seems to me that there’s quite a bit of overlap between the guys who stayed home and the guys who are now going on and on about the birth certificate. So good job on the way you showed your actions and ideals by not exercising your right to vote. Now if only you birthers would exercise your right to remain silent, the rest of us MIGHT have some sort of chance. Seriously, what did you think was going to happen? Were you counting on divine intervention or something?

    You guys need to concentrate on the literal meaning of the word “politics.” Politics is Greek, with “Poli” meaning “Teamwork” and “tics” meaning “does not mean crying and pitching a fit and running off to make your own team with the doofuses no one else wants to hang out with, just because they don’t like the direction the head coaches and administration decided to take.”

    You cut the wrong bait. Then you fished the wrong waters. And finally you pulled a toilet seat cover out of Democrat Swamp, and you’re trying to blame THEM for taking advantage of your idiocy? You’re blaming THEM for not producing a birth certificate or doing exactly what you say when you say it? Look around! Most of your fellow CONSERVATIVES aren’t listening to you anymore. I have acted, and I have picked a side, and that side is called sanity. It’s on a place called Earth, and we’d sure like you to visit sometime. Preferably before 2012 (Notice how I keep bringing that date up post after post after post? It’s an important date. Perhaps you should think about it more often).

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/30/2009 6:02:33 PM PDT · 29 of 34
    Hells Wookies to IrishCatholic

    I don’t have to justify my character to you or anyone else. A bunch of conservative commentators, the republican governor of Hawaii, the senior health officials, and congress says he was born in Hawaii. That’s good enough for me. Obama is perfectly within his rights to refuse to show us the birth certificate, and I don’t have to see it to believe he’s a citizen any more than I have to see the wreckage of the planes to believe Al Qaeda brought down the WTC. Experts have offered their opinions and backed them up, and sometimes you HAVE to take their word for it.

    Obama’s not going to show us the birth certificate, or if he is, he’s going to show it to us when it will do maximum damage to our side. Throwing tantrums and conspiracy mongering won’t change that one whit. I’ll say it as often as I have to: What you’re doing is only making Obama and his cronies look good and the rest of us look bad—with YOU doing all the heavy lifting.

    Oh, and by the way, republicans lost in 2008 for two reasons: We stupidly failed to put forth a candidate who could unify conservatives under one banner, and the democrats did just that after learning from their mistakes over eight years and two elections. OK? No conspiracy. They beat us fair and square, and rather than act like 9/11 goofers, we would be well advised to start asking ourselves how we were beaten by this clown to begin with.

    Or you could just keep doing what you’re doing. The civilian birthers can steal the mike away from those with legitimate complaints, and the military birthers can just go on fomenting mutiny. THAT’LL look good in 2012.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/30/2009 8:46:12 AM PDT · 25 of 34
    Hells Wookies to mad_as_he$$

    Why should I? Am I saying something you don’t want to hear? We might have had a better chance in 2008 if conservatives were willing to listen, but they weren’t, and we got creamed, and you and the rest of the birthers are seeing to it that we get creamed again in 2012. I’ll say it again: This controversy is all in your head, and Obama and his minions are playing you birthers for fools. And you’re letting it happen.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/30/2009 6:27:15 AM PDT · 23 of 34
    Hells Wookies to IrishCatholic

    I don’t know, and I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, the issue is settled, and if congress AND the republican governor of Hawaii, AND Ann Coulter, AND Michelle Malkin AND Bill O’Reilly AND senior health officials say he was born in Hawaii, he was born in Hawaii.

    Ask me about socialized health care. Ask me about what’s going to happen to the economy. Or the troops that Obama places in harm’s way. THAT’S what I care about. Birthers are hurting us. Obama might be suffering in the polls, but it doesn’t mean those same polls love the birthers.

    Obama’s going to finish his four years. He’s not going to be impeached. It’s time to start thinking about 2012. We as republicans have been living in the past since before the 2008 campaign, and it cost us the election. We need to put this nonsense behind us and think about the future.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/29/2009 7:53:31 PM PDT · 19 of 34
    Hells Wookies to Red Steel

    You’ve been here a long time. /sarc Congratulations on your 2nd FR post.


    Sorry, were you trying to say something there?

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/29/2009 7:52:19 PM PDT · 18 of 34
    Hells Wookies to Red Steel

    Simple question simple answer. All Obama has to do is prove it.


    Read my post. He gains much more from not proving it. Once he proves it, he can’t use the birthers against themselves anymore. It would be like having a full house aces high and just showing it to the other players before you start raising them and calling their bluff.

  • Ask National Review to correct the factual errors in their "Birthers" editorial

    07/29/2009 4:56:25 PM PDT · 14 of 34
    Hells Wookies to IrishCatholic

    OK, see, this is why the birther movement is doomed to fail.

    I’m with Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Michelle Malkin, and a whole bunch of others who say that while Obama is a lousy president, he WAS born in Hawaii, and he IS eligible to be president.

    From the Dems’ point of view, there are two very good reasons for not releasing either the birth certificate or the attending doctor. Remember what happened with the truthers after 9/11? Anyone and everyone whose name was connected with those planes was hounded by the truther idiots. A lady took a picture of smoke rising from the Flight 93 crash site. She got crazy and threatening emails and letters. Untold numbers of engineers weighed in on how there were no explosives planted. They STILL get threatened. And now you want to release the names of any doctors or midwifes or secretaries or anyone else connected with this? Can you IMAGINE the crap they’re going to go through? It’s not like the birth certificate is going to be released, and then Orly Taitz and everyone else associated with the movement is going to examine it and go “Oh well, there you go. You were right and we were wrong. Sorry about that. Let’s move on to health care.” This movement has gone wayyyy too far for that to happen. It’ll never end. Birthers are about one step away from being like the truthers. If that certificate ever gets released, they’ll take that last step right into “Holographic Planes Pretending to Crash into the Towers” territory. Everyone who is remotely associated with that piece of paper will suddenly be made to feel very uncomfortable, and I for one do NOT want to see it released.

    The second reason is political. Think about it: Why SHOULD Obama want to release his birth certificate. The way it is now, he can’t lose. Not only is every question asked about the birth certificate not one asked about pertinent issues such as socialized medicine, his military strategy (or lack thereof), or the economy, but the more the birther movement grows, the more nuts the conservatives appear, because we don’t seem to want to distance ourselves from this movement, let alone know how to do it. All Obama and his camp have to do is just let this mad merry-go-round spin out of control, and we are fulfilling his desire very well.

    I mean, when I look at the Youtube video of Miss Screamy McSkrewzaloose yelling at Senator Whoever and hijacking the microphone to lead the Pledge of Allegiance along with her freaky little friends, it turns me off. It turns a lot of other conservatives off too, and if you think the dems aren’t going to be helped by this ranting and raving, you are sadly mistaken.

    Birthers. I’m talking to all of you. OK? Let it go. Let it alll go. Get the Russian bear to dance on her ball somewhere else. If you’re in the military, follow your lawful orders. Mutiny is NEVER a good campaign strategy. Obama won and we lost. Rather than rend our clothes and cry to our god, maybe we should be thinking about WHY this inexperienced socialist managed to beat us. Don’t think about the past, certainly not all the way back to 1961. You won’t get anywhere unless you want a cabinet position in Obama’s administration in 2012. Think ahead and grow up.

  • Jon Stewart Rips into Birthers

    07/24/2009 6:41:55 PM PDT · 60 of 60
    Hells Wookies to steve-b

    You know, I agree with you here. I have two problems with the birthers.

    First of all, it reeks of conspiracy cliches. It’s all about the “lone voices in the wilderness” (patent pending) who know “the ultimate truth” (tm), but they’re surrounded by the sheeple who meekly bow to “the evil powers that be” (Copyright expired). Never mind the fact that for this to have any merit, Obama’s parents would have to have psychic powers that would make Nostrodamus look like that weird hippy chick who gets drunk and stoned and then go around read people’s palms in a slurred voice at the Lilith Fair concert. It’s just that the birthers make such an easy target. Their rants are badly spelled and even more badly expressed. They’re inarticulate, they’re angry, and they give the rest of us a bad name.

    Which brings me to the second problem I have with the birthers: Everything I listed above plays RIGHT into the hands of Obama (whom, let me remind you, I despise) and his cronies. Right. Into. Their. Hands!

    I mean, I keep reading people’s posts asking why Obama just doesn’t release the documents. Why should he? The birther movement is a dream come true for this guy. Every post about his birth certificate is a post that’s not about the economy. Or the stimulus package. Or his plans for rogue nation states that are going to call him on his bad plays and not give in, even after he asks pretty please with Dane’s Geld on top. Moreover, every member of the military who refuses to follow orders reflects poorly on the rest of us. No, let me take that back. Not poorly. Abysmally. Yes, I know the guy’s a Freeper, and if you think that’s not going to come back and bite us on the recticular area, you are sadly mistaken. There aren’t many things scarier to the populace of a free country than the specter of the members of armed forces rising against a democratically elected government, and if Major Cook had actually intended on scaring Americans into voting for Obama in 2012, he could not have done a better job.

    If you’re at all interested in my opinion, I think there are two possible reasons Obama isn’t releasing his birth certificate yet. One, he’s waiting for the birthers to majorly overextend themselves, after which he merely produces the certificate and makes us all look like fools even more than we’ve made ourselves. Two, I’m not sure what hospital staff names are on the birth certificate, attending doctor, midwife, clerical staff, but whoever has his or her name there is going to be hassled, harrassed, and hounded every bit as much as anyone whose name was connected to 9/11, however indirectly, has been tormented by the truthers, and Obama wishes to avoid that. On that, he and I are in perfect agreement.

    So short version of the above: Birthers, if you want to hand the country to Obama in 3 1/2 years, then just keep it up. If you want to do something constructive that might actually get common sense back into the White House, then just grow up.