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Posts by Errant

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  • Why Interstellar Travel Will Be Possible Sooner Than You Think

    06/22/2018 11:23:02 AM PDT · 108 of 117
    Errant to from occupied ga
    There is a class of freeper I refer to a space kadets. They apparently have no knowledge of physics mathematics or thermodynamics, but they fervently believe in a future where space travel is commonplace, a future where humans colonize mars, moon colony will be economically feasible, and some of the fools even believe that we’ll be able to travel to the stars.


    Some comments herein deserve a reply :).

    Fact: 1g (the earths' gravity), equates to accelerating at an ever increasing rate of 32 fps. Our bodies are fully capable to sustain this rate of acceleration for a lifetime.

    1g for 1 minute > 1100 mph - the speed of earth's rotation.
    1g for 1 hour > 67,000 mph - earth's speed around the sun.
    1g for 1 day > 1,342,000 mph - earth's speed relative to the local group of galaxies ( 0.2% of the speed of light ).
    1g for 1 year > speed of light ( 669,600,000 mph ).

    Exceeding the speed of light, relatively speaking, may not be doable; covering a distance, faster than light from another frame of reference, is doable. Not only are we lacking in knowledge, worse, we're lacking imagination!

  • Computer Security Software Opinion

    04/21/2014 7:14:34 AM PDT · 6 of 32
    Errant to GYPSY286

    IMO, AVG from Amazon with AVG’s PCTuneup as part of a package deal.

  • Bundy Ranchers Post Photos of Mass BLM Cattle Graves (What ACTUAL Terrorism looks like)

    04/20/2014 9:13:39 AM PDT · 14 of 97
    Errant to Georgia Girl 2

    Someone email Glenn these pictures.

  • BNP Banker, His Wife And Nephew Murdered In Belgium

    04/20/2014 9:12:29 AM PDT · 11 of 23
    Errant to Errant

    Belgium is now with 310 billion dollars, the third largest holder of US debt. (Source: TIC, Zero Hedge)

    Belgium had as a Savior to step in and bought alone in the December U.S. promissory note in the amount of 57 billion dollars. Also in January bought the small country of U.S. bonds for 53 billion dollars and is now with 310 billion dollars the third-largest holder of U.S. government debt. Only China and Japan hold even more bonds (the Fed excluded). For comparison: Belgium generated in the last year and a GDP of just over $ 500 billion.

    According to rumors, the sale of U.S. government bonds in March only on the right to drive on. Unknown foreign investors, attracted bonds for about $ 100 billion, as Zero Hedge reported. This is the the largest sale of US bonds in the story. Whether Russia or China behind the action, we can only speculate. The US Treasury Department published the data only with a three-month delay. But it would not be surprised if the balance of Belgium also in the following month, will continue to grow.

  • BNP Banker, His Wife And Nephew Murdered In Belgium

    04/20/2014 9:08:08 AM PDT · 10 of 23
    Errant to tcrlaf

    Belgium has been in the news recently in reference to its increasing amount of US debt purchases.

  • Peter is the Rock

    04/20/2014 4:59:05 AM PDT · 11 of 60
    Errant to GonzoII
    "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

    Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." - Book of Daniel

    Yeshua Messiah is the Rock, not Peter my friend.

  • I will soon be ripped by the IRS and I need serious tax advice.

    04/18/2014 7:35:11 PM PDT · 53 of 131
    Errant to elahtap
    First estimate your income based on deposits and then expenses based on checks written from the business account, or your personal account if they are the same.

    Do this for each year. Your bank can help you get these figures. Subtract your expenses from income and this will give you at least some rough idea of your tax liability.

    Once you know this, you will better be able to decide what your next step should be and etc. (e.g., hire accountant to get your books in order, hire a tax attorney to represent you - if needed).

    Timeliness is important, getting this right - more important.

    Best wishes for a suitable outcome,

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 1:18:37 PM PDT · 273 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    misinterpreting Matthew 12:40 causes all kinds of problems, doesn’t it?

    Yes it does! But that doesn't seem to deter you...

    Matt. 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    You swallow the elephant of an entire missing night but choke on the proverbial gnat of a few minutes either side of dusk - not to mention it's very likely the stone was rolled into place, for the last time, exactly at dusk!

    And if that were the case, which it very well could have been, then your entire basis of an extra day (4 days vs. 3 days) also vanishes - though we're only talking minutes regardless if that was the case or not.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 12:24:39 PM PDT · 269 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    checkmate folks - on what day is the 17th day of aviv if Jesus died on the 14th of Aviv?

    You're getting your days and nights mixed up. It's the nights you're short on with your Friday/Sunday tradition.

  • China says one-fifth of its farmland is polluted

    04/18/2014 11:17:57 AM PDT · 16 of 32
    Errant to taxcontrol

    Yep... Working on that very solution now. :-) I began studying the problem in relation to the possibility of farmland being contaminated from nuclear fallout.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 11:08:15 AM PDT · 260 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    i say the eighth day is the 21st of Aviv

    I say give it up and accept that you've been lied to and start looking for the real truth. Let that truth be the foundation of rock you build your faith upon going forward.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:59:01 AM PDT · 259 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    That's your elephant not mine. ;-) You're the one who has to deal with him, now that you see he exists. Having been through the same ordeal myself, I know it isn't easy friend. The truth is what it is, regardless of what we were led to believe, and what we are all commanded to seek out and obey.

    My only suggestion is to continue to research the subject until all shadows of doubt are vanquished by the light of your new understanding/knowledge.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:45:08 AM PDT · 256 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism

    In any regard, the tomb was seal and it isn’t likely anyone would have been allowed in nor the seal removed under penalty of death for the guards in charge.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:40:41 AM PDT · 253 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism

    K, thanks for explain that. :-)

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:40:02 AM PDT · 252 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    If indeed there were two sabbaths that week, the women could have went to the grave on friday and prepared the body then.

    The tomb was sealed and guarded. Even if they had went on Friday, they would not have been permitted to enter - indeed it would have taken some time to remove such a seal as described.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:35:32 AM PDT · 249 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    obviously it was noteworthy because they heard Jesus say over and over again HE WOULD RISE ON THE THIRD DAY.

    He did rise on the third day (at dusk on the regular Sabbath). This incident on the road as described in Luke occurred the very same day that it had been discovered that Yeshua's body was no longer in the tomb. You're grasping at straws and there is no need to shout friend. :-)

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:29:38 AM PDT · 248 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism; All

    I made a mistake in the timeline:

    [The women] prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment (This was Passover also, as above). Luke 23:56

    The "women" didn't have time Wednesday afternoon before the start of the Passover Sabbath to purchase the things they needed for the body. So Luke 23:56 likely occurred the day after Passover, Friday, then they rested after dusk which began the regular Sabbath.

    Please adjust the timeline accordingly and I apologize for the confusion.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:20:57 AM PDT · 245 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism
    one more question for you:

    how do you square Luke 24:21

    Luke 24:21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

    One would first have to know what the last of "these things" were and then begin counting the days from there, and then there is their use of the word "since" which doesn't seem inclusive, and lastly one needs to go back to the Greek and look for any mistranslation of that particular verse.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 10:00:07 AM PDT · 243 of 291
    Errant to one Lord one faith one baptism; roamer_1; editor-surveyor; Iscool; delchiante; winodog; boatbums; ..
    Matt. 28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

    This doesn't in anyway indicate there was only one Sabbath that week. It does provide a clue for later.

    Mark 15:42 It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). So as evening approached...

    Preparation Day is the day prior to a High Sabbath day such as Passover. There are no "preparation days" for regular Sabbaths (i.e., the 7th day of the week.

    Luke 23:54-5654 It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin.
    55 The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. 56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.

    Nothing helpful here in ruling out that there were two Sabbaths that week (same as above).

    John 19:31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.

    Same here. So your claim that "all four Gospels only indicate one Sabbath day", is false.

    Here is the timeline:

    Yeshua was crucified and died on the day of preparation (Wednesday) for Passover, at exactly the same time the lambs were sacrificed.

    The next day, the day after the preparation day (Passover - Thursday), guards were posted and the tomb was sealed. (Matt. 27:62-64)

    [The women] prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment (This was Passover also, as above). Luke 23:56

    The Tomb was sealed and guarded, therefore the women could not have anointed the body Friday and that evening began the next Sabbath (Saturday), even if the tomb had not been sealed and guarded. Btw, the seal was an iron rod driven through a hole in both the stone (which was rolled into place) and the rock wall behind it, and then held in place by having molten lead poured in around it.

    Luke 24 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
    2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
    3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

    And you know the rest...

    Only a Devine hand could have foretold and caused these events to play out EXACTLY as prophesied - to the very day, the very hour, and the very moment. The Truth is far more breathtaking than the lies we've inherited in the west.

  • The Final Week of Jesus' Life, a Chronology

    04/18/2014 8:51:16 AM PDT · 232 of 291
    Errant to delchiante

    It all goes back to what you said in your post above, “we were told the end from the beginning that we may know there is a God”. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so important that we keep HIS days/seasons correctly - that we will see the fulfillment of that promise each time it occurs.