01/09/2025 3:47:52 PM PST
· 8 of 17 dznutz
to OpusatFR
Chicago too, for quite some time too many of the recruits they have been pumping out of the academy look like they came straight from the island of misfit toys. Add in some gang members and others with questionable backgrounds and its no wonder the department is in a decline.
01/06/2025 8:14:48 AM PST
· 33 of 40 dznutz
to SaveFerris
I'm not saying he's the guy - just that he does similar work
Every generation has one ready to step upon the world stage and fulfill that role. If he teams up with Bergoglio he would be the leading candidate, look out.
01/02/2025 7:53:47 PM PST
· 52 of 56 dznutz
to YeahBuddy
Granny Clampett strikes again!
That is the nickname she earned in her short stint with the Chicago Police Department. She is a carpet bagger for the leftists. This piece of work walked on as a Commander with the C.P.D. to oversee training and discipline due to Justice Department investigations. She probably never made a felony arrest her whole career. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if she never saw the inside of a patrol car.