1. The side winning the war must have disciplined troops.
Disciplined troops do not commit war crimes. The side winning the war has nothing to gain by committing war crimes. What side is losing the war?
2. What side was caught significant number of times using fakes and lies in hope to prop their narative?
3. There are published news about Special Police unit SAFARI doing mop up operation in Bucha. When it was, whom they killed and why?
Corpses decompose on temperatures above 7 Centigrade.
How many days passed between Satellite overpassing Bucha took imagery of corpses and video footage being made on the ground ? How come the corpses did not decompose in the meantime?
Why they were placed in a zigzag fashion on the road? Why the cloth used to tie their hands was clean, no dirt, dust or traces of dirty hands?
Last but not least, what Pentagon say about Bucha news?
(Bucha conveniently rhymes whith “butcher” and butchery)