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Posts by Dqban22

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  • Obama Tells Argentinian Youths There’s Little Difference Between Socialism, Marxism and Capitalism

    03/25/2016 9:13:49 AM PDT · 30 of 35
    Dqban22 to slumber1

    OBAMA, Our Marxist Wizard of Oz

    By Peter Ferrara

    The American Spectator 12/17/2011

    His mother was an unabashed hippie from 1960s central
    casting. His father was an openly avowed Communist from Kenya. While his father wasn’t around much, his devoutly progressive grandparents arranged for him to be mentored during his adolescent years by a dues paying member of the

    U.S. Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis.
    When he went to college, he was attracted to the Marxist professors and student activists, according to his own published memoirs. When he graduated, he moved to Chicago and became an instructor for the left-wing extremist organization ACORN in the social manipulation methods of radical Marxist agitator Saul Alinsky.

    He attended for close to two decades the Trinity United Church of Christ, which practiced neo-Marxist Black Liberation Theology. That church was headed during those years by the openly socialist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who declared that the 9/11 terrorist attack on America was “America’s chickens coming home to roost.” He also famously preached from his pulpit, “Not God bless America, God America....”

    He launched his political career in the living room of the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, co-founders and former leaders of the openly Communist domestic terrorist organization, the Weather Underground. That organization conducted several bombings in America and engaged in other violence that resulted in several injuries and even deaths.

    All of this is documented in the public record. This is the man the Democrat party took off the streets of Chicago, then pursuing a career as a Marxist street agitator, and launched into the White House, favoring him over Hillary Clinton because she was too moderate for the party. They did that because he best reflects the heart and soul of today’s radical-left, Che Guevara Democratic Party. It is in this context that we should understand and analyze Obama’s Hugo Chavez speech given last week at Osawatomie High School in Kansas.

    The rest of Obama BIO

  • Obama Tells Argentinian Youths There’s Little Difference Between Socialism, Marxism and Capitalism

    03/25/2016 8:31:01 AM PDT · 25 of 35
    Dqban22 to FlingWingFlyer
    Giuliani: Obama influenced by communists since youth/

    By Carl Campanile and Geoff Earle

    New York Post Feb 21/2015

    Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his claims that President Obama doesn’t “love America” in an interview with The Post Friday — claiming the commander-in-chief has been influenced by communists since his youth. “From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani said. The ex-mayor added that Obama’s grandfather introduced him to Davis, a writer and labor activist.

    Giuliani also said another bad influence on Obama was Saul Alinsky, a community organizer whom the ex-mayor called a “socialist.”

    The man once called “America’s mayor’’ also sharply criticized the president for having been a member of a church led by radical Chicago Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “He spent 17 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright, and this is the guy who said ‘God damn America, not God bless America,’ ’’ Giuliani said.

    “Obama never left that church.”

    Giuliani said Obama doesn’t measure up to past presidents.

    “He doesn’t talk about America the way John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did, about America’s greatness and exceptionalism,” said Giuliani.

    “He was educated by people who were critics of the US. And he has not been able to overcome those influences.”

  • The Day Freedom Died in Cuba

    03/23/2016 12:41:29 PM PDT · 12 of 15
    Dqban22 to DJ Taylor


    By Humberto Fontova


    Intrepid terrorists could get maximum bang for their buck on “Black Friday.” A few well-placed bombs and the carnage would easily shame 9/11’s.

    Macy’s, for instance, serves tens of thousands of shoppers that one day. If nothing else, the theme would make for a hair-raising Hollywood drama or disaster blockbuster.

    Credibility might be a problem, however. After all, even the most bloodthirsty and psychopathic of terrorists seek government or semi-military targets: The Pentagon, The U.S.S. Cole, Marine barracks in Lebanon, embassies in Kenya, Saudi Arabia, etc. Typecasting one who craved massive civilian carnage for the malicious sake of massive civilian carnage might edge the movie over into a James Bondor Austin Powers comedy genre.

    Yet the movie could be based on a terrorist living today who planned this very type of civilian carnage 49 years ago. On Nov. 17, 1962, J Edgar Hoover’s FBI cracked a terrorist plot by Castro-Cuban agents that targeted Macy’s, Gimbel’s, Bloomindales and Manhattan’s Grand Central Station with a dozen incendiary devices and 500 kilos of TNT. The holocaust was set to go off the following week, the day after Thanksgiving.

    A little perspective: the March 2004 Madrid subway blasts, all 10 of the explosions that killed and maimed almost 2000 people, used a grand total of 100 kilos of TNT. Castro and Che’s agents planned to set off five times that explosive power in the three biggest department stores on earth — and on the year’s biggest shopping day, for good measure.

    Thousands of New Yorkers— probably mostly women and children given the date— were to be incinerated and entombed. Castro and Che planned their Manhattan holocaust just weeks after Nikita Khrushchevfoiled their plans for an even bigger massacre during the Cuban Missile Crisis. “If the missiles had remained,” Che Guevara confided to The London Daily Worker the following month, “we would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York City.”

    Cuba’s agents for this Manhattan Thanksgiving bomb plot were members of the Cuban mission to the United Nations, and were working in concert with members of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, an outfit that became much better known a year later this very week.

    Had those detonators gone off the day after Thanksgiving in 1962, 9/11 might be remembered as the second deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

    Castro planned his Manhattan holocaust short weeks after Nikita Khrushchevfoiled his plans for an even bigger one. “Say hello to my little friends!” Castro dreamt of yelling at the hated Yankees in October 1962, right before the mushroom clouds. But for the prudence of the Butcher of Budapest, Castro might have pulled it off. “If the missiles had remained,” Fidel’s sidekick Che Guevara confided to the London Daily Worker in November 1962 regarding the Cuban missile crisis, “We would have fired them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York.”

    Castro’s Manhattan bomb plot was far from “irrational.” He’s no suicide bomber — not by a long shot. Some Cuba-watchers speculate that Castro wanted to blast Manhattan to heat things up again, to rekindle all those thrills he’d experienced the previous weeks during the missile crisis. Given the temper of the times, he knew his Soviet sugar daddies would be implicated too. Then the U.S. might retaliate. Then Castro might get what he’d dreamed about and tried to provoke a few weeks earlier: an intercontinental nuclear exchange.

    Millions dead in the United States. Millions dead in the Soviet Union. And almost certainly, millions dead in his own Cuba. But Castro himself would be nowhere near harms way. Soviet ambassador to Cuba during the missile crisis, Alexander Alexeyev, reports a fascinating — if unsurprising — datum about those days. While Castro was begging, threatening, even trying to trick Khrushchev into launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the U.S. — while he was ranting and yelling and waving his arms about grabbing his Czech machine gun and “fighting the Yankee invaders to the last man!” — while frantically involved in all this, a “fearful” (Alexeyev’s term) Castro was also making reservations with Alexeyev for a first-class seat in the Soviet Embassy’s bomb shelter. Thus he’d emerge into the smoldering rubble and millions of incinerated bodies and realize his lifelong dream: his name stamped in history as the gallant David against the Yankee Goliath.

    Castro’s agents for his Manhattan Thanksgiving bomb plot were members of the Cuban mission to the United Nations working in concert with members of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, an outfit that became much better known a year later when member Lee Harvey Oswaldreally racked up some headlines.

    Incidentally, at the time of the Manhattan terror plot, the Fair Play For Cuba Committee also included among its members, CBS correspondent Robert Taber (an early version of Dan Rather, who conducted Castro’s first network television soft-soaping on Aug. 30, 1957), along with The Nation magazine co-owner Alan Sagner. In 1996 President Clinton appointed the Alan Sagner head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

    Humberto Fontova is the author of four books including Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who idolize Him and Fidel; Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant. Visit

  • ‘¿Que bolá Cuba?’ Obama Tweets from Havana Hours After Regime Detains Dissidents for Rights Protest

    03/23/2016 12:32:50 PM PDT · 27 of 27
    Dqban22 to alexander_busek

    Breaking: US Enemy Cuba Caught Stealing Ultra-Sophisticated US Missile Technology for Sale to Other US Enemies

    Humberto Fontova | Jan 08, 2016

    Actually that’s not the title of yesterday’s blockbuster report in the Wall Street Journal. Here’s the WSJ title: “Missing U.S. Missile Shows Up in Cuba.”

    “An inert U.S. Hellfire missile sent to Europe (Spain) for training purposes was wrongly shipped from there to Cuba in 2014,” continues the WSJ, “a loss of sensitive military technology that ranks among the worst-known incidents of its kind. The unintended delivery of the missile to Cuba has confounded investigators and experts who work in a regulatory system designed to prevent precisely such equipment from falling into the wrong hands… Investigators are unclear if the incident was an error or the result of espionage. For more than a year, amid a historic thawing of relations between the U.S. and Cuba, American authorities have tried to get the Cuban government to return the missile.”

    “Cuban officials are reportedly convulsed in guffaws very similar to their guffaws in response to the request by Obama officials for the return of some of the FBI’s most-wanted criminals who live like celebrities in Cuba. The hilarity displayed by Cuban officials in the face of sweating Obama administration officials reportedly also caused spittle to actually splatter the shaken U.S. officials when they meekly inquired about the return of the $7 billion Castro stole at Soviet gunpoint from U.S. citizens in 1960.

    “All of this hilarity and truculence by Cuban officials in the face of Obama’s officials comes despite the flood of U.S. dollars to Cuba resulting from Obama’s recent “rapprochement” with the Castro regime. This U.S. economic lifeline was estimated at over $5 billion last year— which amounts to more than what the Soviets pumped into Castro’s fiefdom annually at the height of their sponsorship.

    “Better still, Obama threw the Castro brothers this economic lifeline in the very nick of time—just as their subsidies from Venezuela threatened to dry up. None of these factors stopped Castro’s apparatchiks from openly laughing in the faces of Obama’s groveling officials—indeed they made the guffaws all the louder. ”

    Ok, Ok, the WSJ story obviously didn’t contain the second, third and fourth paragraphs above. But any semi-sane Cuba-watcher can easily visualize the incident.

    The formerly missing missile, known as a Hellfire is a laser-guided, air-to-surface missile often fired from Apache attack helicopters and Predator Drones and has become “ an important part of the U.S. government’s antiterrorism arsenal,” according to the WSJ. In other words, it’s a hot item to get their hands for everyone from ISIS to Iran and from Syria to the Taliban.

    Let’s play a fun game and see if you concur with my choice for article title. The game is called “Connecting Da Dots.” Here’s some of the dots:


  • Giving the dismissive ‘wave’ to the Obamas

    03/23/2016 7:35:23 AM PDT · 3 of 8
    Dqban22 to Sean_Anthony

    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro’s communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).

  • Obama Says He Welcomes Castro’s Criticism of the United States

    03/23/2016 7:30:46 AM PDT · 106 of 106
    Dqban22 to detective

    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro’s communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).

  • Obama Doesn't Disagree with Cuban Communist Dictator's Criticisms of America

    03/23/2016 7:26:07 AM PDT · 26 of 26
    Dqban22 to Secret Agent Man

    Obama Atones for America’s Sins in Cuba

    Frontpagemagazine ^ | March 23, 2016 | Paul Kengor

    .... Palm Sunday 2016, Barack Hussein Obama, political redeemer of the secular left, arrived in communist Cuba aboard Air Force One. It is an island once rich in the faith, only to be annihilated by Fidel and Raul Castro and their war on religion.

    “Heaven… right here in front of me,” was how Thomas Merton, the atheist-communist who became a devout Catholic monk, once described pre-Castro’s Cuba. “Every morning… I could find my way quickly to any one of a dozen churches as old as the seventeenth century. Almost as soon as I went in the door I could receive Communion, if I wished… and every fifteen or twenty minutes a new Mass was starting at a different altar…. Everywhere I turned, there was someone ready to feed me with the infinite strength of the Christ Who loved me.”

    That was the wondrous, pious Cuba the Castro brothers destroyed. And it is the Castro boys that Barack Obama, product of a pro-communist/pro-Castro mother and father and a literal Communist Party USA mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, is eager to embrace — and to forgive. Really, I’m sure that in his heart of hearts, Barack agrees with the Castros that America is the side that needs to be forgiven. America is the aggressor, the sinner that stands in need of reparation.

    That being the case, I’m equally sure that Obama felt no shame when Raul Castro snubbed him by not showing up to greet him when his plane landed — literally as 50 Cuban dissidents were arrested by the totalitarian state’s police goons. It was a humiliation, a disgrace, but a humiliation and disgrace that Obama, America’s president of fundamental transformation, no doubt felt was deserved.

    One modern Pharisee who rebuked Obama for this embarrassment is Donald Trump. Mercifully taking a break from torching Republicans as liars, losers, idiots, morons, and chokers, and from encouraging his own disciples to “knock the hell” and “knock the crap out” of dissenters at his rallies, Trump justly slammed Obama for the Castro slight.

    “Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn’t even there to greet him,” Trump tweeted shortly before Obama blithely strolled inside the glorious Havana cathedral that the Castros have controlled for over half a century. “He [Raul] greeted Pope and others. No respect.”

    It was the best Tweet from the Tweet-master/insult-master in months. No one can sling it like Donald Trump. And he wasn’t finished.

  • Obama calls for change and freedom in Cuba

    03/23/2016 7:25:05 AM PDT · 14 of 14
    Dqban22 to HiTech RedNeck


    Obama Atones for America’s Sins in Cuba

    Frontpagemagazine ^ | March 23, 2016 | Paul Kengor

    .... Palm Sunday 2016, Barack Hussein Obama, political redeemer of the secular left, arrived in communist Cuba aboard Air Force One. It is an island once rich in the faith, only to be annihilated by Fidel and Raul Castro and their war on religion.

    “Heaven… right here in front of me,” was how Thomas Merton, the atheist-communist who became a devout Catholic monk, once described pre-Castro’s Cuba. “Every morning… I could find my way quickly to any one of a dozen churches as old as the seventeenth century. Almost as soon as I went in the door I could receive Communion, if I wished… and every fifteen or twenty minutes a new Mass was starting at a different altar…. Everywhere I turned, there was someone ready to feed me with the infinite strength of the Christ Who loved me.”

    That was the wondrous, pious Cuba the Castro brothers destroyed. And it is the Castro boys that Barack Obama, product of a pro-communist/pro-Castro mother and father and a literal Communist Party USA mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, is eager to embrace — and to forgive. Really, I’m sure that in his heart of hearts, Barack agrees with the Castros that America is the side that needs to be forgiven. America is the aggressor, the sinner that stands in need of reparation.

    That being the case, I’m equally sure that Obama felt no shame when Raul Castro snubbed him by not showing up to greet him when his plane landed — literally as 50 Cuban dissidents were arrested by the totalitarian state’s police goons. It was a humiliation, a disgrace, but a humiliation and disgrace that Obama, America’s president of fundamental transformation, no doubt felt was deserved.

    One modern Pharisee who rebuked Obama for this embarrassment is Donald Trump. Mercifully taking a break from torching Republicans as liars, losers, idiots, morons, and chokers, and from encouraging his own disciples to “knock the hell” and “knock the crap out” of dissenters at his rallies, Trump justly slammed Obama for the Castro slight.

    “Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn’t even there to greet him,” Trump tweeted shortly before Obama blithely strolled inside the glorious Havana cathedral that the Castros have controlled for over half a century. “He [Raul] greeted Pope and others. No respect.”

    It was the best Tweet from the Tweet-master/insult-master in months. No one can sling it like Donald Trump. And he wasn’t finished.

  • Obama focuses on change for Cuba in final Havana speech – as it happened

    03/23/2016 7:20:23 AM PDT · 10 of 12
    Dqban22 to tet68

    Obama Atones for America’s Sins in Cuba

    Frontpagemagazine ^ | March 23, 2016 | Paul Kengor

    .... Palm Sunday 2016, Barack Hussein Obama, political redeemer of the secular left, arrived in communist Cuba aboard Air Force One. It is an island once rich in the faith, only to be annihilated by Fidel and Raul Castro and their war on religion.

    “Heaven… right here in front of me,” was how Thomas Merton, the atheist-communist who became a devout Catholic monk, once described pre-Castro’s Cuba. “Every morning… I could find my way quickly to any one of a dozen churches as old as the seventeenth century. Almost as soon as I went in the door I could receive Communion, if I wished… and every fifteen or twenty minutes a new Mass was starting at a different altar…. Everywhere I turned, there was someone ready to feed me with the infinite strength of the Christ Who loved me.”

    That was the wondrous, pious Cuba the Castro brothers destroyed. And it is the Castro boys that Barack Obama, product of a pro-communist/pro-Castro mother and father and a literal Communist Party USA mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, is eager to embrace — and to forgive. Really, I’m sure that in his heart of hearts, Barack agrees with the Castros that America is the side that needs to be forgiven. America is the aggressor, the sinner that stands in need of reparation.

    That being the case, I’m equally sure that Obama felt no shame when Raul Castro snubbed him by not showing up to greet him when his plane landed — literally as 50 Cuban dissidents were arrested by the totalitarian state’s police goons. It was a humiliation, a disgrace, but a humiliation and disgrace that Obama, America’s president of fundamental transformation, no doubt felt was deserved.

    One modern Pharisee who rebuked Obama for this embarrassment is Donald Trump. Mercifully taking a break from torching Republicans as liars, losers, idiots, morons, and chokers, and from encouraging his own disciples to “knock the hell” and “knock the crap out” of dissenters at his rallies, Trump justly slammed Obama for the Castro slight.

    “Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn’t even there to greet him,” Trump tweeted shortly before Obama blithely strolled inside the glorious Havana cathedral that the Castros have controlled for over half a century. “He [Raul] greeted Pope and others. No respect.”

    It was the best Tweet from the Tweet-master/insult-master in months. No one can sling it like Donald Trump. And he wasn’t finished.

  • Obama arrives in Cuba; hopes visit will usher in change

    03/22/2016 4:35:49 PM PDT · 36 of 36
    Dqban22 to A_perfect_lady

    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro's communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).


    Posted By Humberto Fontova On January 29, 2015 @ 12:44 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

    By the embargo U.S. was trying to contain Soviet-Cuban sponsored international terrorism:

    Every terror group from the American Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA, and from the PLO to AL Fatah received training and funding from Castro.

    Granted, while most were not immediately defeated they were certainly contained. Then for three decades the Soviet Union was forced to pump the equivalent of almost ten Marshall Plans into Cuba. This drain on her resources certainly helped bankrupt the Evil Empire.

    “Those who ignore history is damned to repeat it” George Santayana

    Comrade Obama is consciously and shamefully following on the steps of the Soviet Union and Venezuela when he decided to keep afloat the Cuban Stalinist regime making the American taxpayers the sugar daddy of the Castro brothers, an stigma in American history

  • Obama Poses in Front of Che Guevara Image in Cuba’s Revolution Square

    03/22/2016 4:34:07 PM PDT · 117 of 117
    Dqban22 to morphing libertarian

    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro's communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).


    Posted By Humberto Fontova On January 29, 2015 @ 12:44 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

    By the embargo U.S. was trying to contain Soviet-Cuban sponsored international terrorism:

    Every terror group from the American Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA, and from the PLO to AL Fatah received training and funding from Castro.

    Granted, while most were not immediately defeated they were certainly contained. Then for three decades the Soviet Union was forced to pump the equivalent of almost ten Marshall Plans into Cuba. This drain on her resources certainly helped bankrupt the Evil Empire.

    “Those who ignore history is damned to repeat it” George Santayana

    Comrade Obama is consciously and shamefully following on the steps of the Soviet Union and Venezuela when he decided to keep afloat the Cuban Stalinist regime making the American taxpayers the sugar daddy of the Castro brothers, an stigma in American history

  • Obama Poses in Front of Che Guevara Image in Cuba’s Revolution Square

    03/22/2016 4:32:20 PM PDT · 116 of 117
    Dqban22 to skeeter

    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro's communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).


    Posted By Humberto Fontova On January 29, 2015 @ 12:44 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

    By the embargo U.S. was trying to contain Soviet-Cuban sponsored international terrorism:

    Every terror group from the American Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA, and from the PLO to AL Fatah received training and funding from Castro.

    Granted, while most were not immediately defeated they were certainly contained. Then for three decades the Soviet Union was forced to pump the equivalent of almost ten Marshall Plans into Cuba. This drain on her resources certainly helped bankrupt the Evil Empire.

    “Those who ignore history is damned to repeat it” George Santayana

    Comrade Obama is consciously and shamefully following on the steps of the Soviet Union and Venezuela when he decided to keep afloat the Cuban Stalinist regime making the American taxpayers the sugar daddy of the Castro brothers, an stigma in American history


    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery. Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products. The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate. After Castro's communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem.

    Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s. Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent. Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).


    Posted By Humberto Fontova On January 29, 2015 @ 12:44 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

    By the embargo U.S. was trying to contain Soviet-Cuban sponsored international terrorism:

    Every terror group from the American Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA, and from the PLO to AL Fatah received training and funding from Castro.

    Granted, while most were not immediately defeated they were certainly contained. Then for three decades the Soviet Union was forced to pump the equivalent of almost ten Marshall Plans into Cuba. This drain on her resources certainly helped bankrupt the Evil Empire.

    “Those who ignore history is damned to repeat it” George Santayana

    Comrade Obama is consciously and shamefully following on the steps of the Soviet Union and Venezuela when he decided to keep afloat the Cuban Stalinist regime making the American taxpayers the sugar daddy of the Castro brothers, an stigma in American history

  • Obama’s Worship of Communist Cuba comes during Holy Week 2016

    03/22/2016 3:22:25 PM PDT · 5 of 5
    Dqban22 to pabianice


    The Catholic Magazine “Ideal” couldn’t better describe the ceremony of raising the American flag at the U.S. embassy in Havana:

    “Another unpardonable treason…”

    “Absent at the ceremony were:”

    “Thousands murdered by Castro’s firing squads.”

    “Thousands of political prisoners.”

    “Thousands drowned at sea.”

    “Millions of Exiles.”

    “Millions of divided families.”

    “Millions of unborn babies.”

    “Three generations living in material And spiritual poverty.”

    One of the most used ad nauseam arguments to justify the unconditional surrender of president Obama to the Cuban Stalinist regime is that over 50 years U.S. commercial embargo against the Cuban communist regime did not work and that it damaged the Cuban people and not those in power without producing any political change in Cuba.

    The fact is that the embargo did not fail. What failed was the lack of solidarity of the rest of world with the enslaved Cuban people. There was not a worldwide blockade and repudiation of the Cuban Stalinist regime as it was enforced when the world decided to put an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

    In fact, the Soviet Union was not alone in the spoiling of Cuba. Spain, Canada and Mexico were also main partners and financiers of Castro’s terror network and the genocide of the Cuban people.

    Cuba has been under a brutal Stalinist regime frozen in time for over 56 years. The Castro brothers have killed and imprisoned more Cubans than during the worst period of the Stalin terror era in relation to its population.

    It is a fact that the Castro brothers have sent more than 20,000 Cubans to death at the “paredón” (firing squads) and that they are responsible for the death at sea of more than 40,000 men, women and children who fled the Cuban hell in fragile makeshift rafts preferring certain death at the Florida Straits rather than continue living in slavery.

    Castro is also responsible for the imprisonment and torture of over 500,000 Cubans (including children) during his 56 years of tyranny.

    According to the best world authority in Cuba’s History, English scholar Hugh Thomas, referring to the Cuban tragedy, (The Spectator, 7/12/1986) he affirmed that: “The comparison must be with the account of Nazi concentration camps. Although there are yet no gas chambers in Cuba, there have been experiments of a criminal biological type designed to see how far an individual can survive starvation, beating, solitary confinement, and many various kinds of ill treatment. Valladares’ account of working in a stone quarry is not dissimilar to, and no more humane than, the many accounts extant of ‘life’ in Manthausen. Nor should one forget that the brutalities in Nazi Germany lasted at most 12 years and the gross cruelties in the Auschwitz camp continue for four years.”

    During the last 56 years Cuba traded freely with the rest of world, including the U.S. since food and medicine were not included in the embargo, nor were the over billions of dollars sent to the Island prison by their family exiled in U.S. Cuba could buy anything from any other country, including American products.

    The problem for those who traded with Cuba is that they were not paid back for their delivered products and did not want to continue selling to Cuba on credit. One great success of the embargo is that American business and entrepreneurs were not defrauded again by the Castro regime because by law any of the trade allowed with Cuba must be paid for in advance.

    Cuba, a country that before the Communism was self sustained, with a solid economy and a currency that was accepted internationally on par to the dollar, a country that received immigrants while Cubans didn’t need to emigrate.

    After Castro’s communist regime, Cuba became a hell hole where even the youth born indoctrinated after the revolution preferred to die at sea in quest of freedom than to continue living “in opprobrium and afrenta sumidos” (in opprobrium and affront sunk) in words of the Cuban national anthem. Many of the over 130 countries that trade with Cuba are prosperous without depending of trading with U.S. Cuba also traded freely before Castro with over 100 countries (including the Soviet Union). The Cubans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America, and also higher than many Western European countries in the 1950’s.

    Cuba also enjoyed a top international credit rate. Now Cuba’s credit rate is at the level of Somalia while its standard of living is not much better than Haiti’s.

    The misery and oppression in Cuba are not due to the U.S. embargo, but to the legacy of communism with its sequel of destruction of the economic infrastructure of the country and of the work ethics and the moral that had previously characterized the Cuban people, traits of their ethos proved in any country where the Cuban exiles landed in their quest for freedom.

    The billions of dollars received annually from the Soviet Union were not used for the development of Cuba or in rising the meager lives of the Cubans, but to sustain Castro’s terror network all around the world, especially in Latin America, including the imperialist wars in Africa at the service of the Soviet Union’s ambitions in that continent.

    Castro’s worldwide terror network culminated with the Tricontinental Conference, where terrorists coordinated their worldwide war plans in Havana in 1966 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Claire Sterling “The Terror Network).

    “Those who ignore history is damned to repeat it” George Santayana

    Comrade Obama is consciously and shamefully following on the steps of the Soviet Union and Venezuela when he decided to keep afloat the Cuban Stalinist regime making the American taxpayers the sugar daddy of the Castro brothers, an stigma in American history

  • So much for Brussels, let's play ball: Smiling Obama...does Wave at baseball game

    03/22/2016 3:07:47 PM PDT · 15 of 32
    Dqban22 to Kenny


    The White House denies justice to American victims of terror.

    March 21, 2016

    Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

    In 1972, Ishmael Muslim Ali LaBeet and four other killers walked into the Fountain Valley golf club in the Virgin Islands. They rounded up four Florida tourists and four employees, forced them to kneel on the ground, shouted racial slurs at their victims, all but one of whom were white. “Kill all the white mother___s”, one of the attackers yelled. And the Fountain Valley Massacre began.

    LaBeet had converted to Islam under the influence of Malcolm X and had a history of assaults on white people. He and his fellow racist murderers were swarmed by left-wing civil rights attorneys eager to claim that they had been tortured into confessing. William Kunstler, the most notorious figure in the case, got a St. Croix vacation out of it while sleeping with the wife of Michael Ratner, the head of the Center for Constitutional Rights. But his claims of torture were undermined by his own clients.

    At his trial, Ishmael LaBeet yelled, “I killed them all. I don’t give a f__. I killed them all.” Supporters snapped Black Power salutes. The killers were found guilty and sentenced. But LaBeet had learned how to use civil rights to manipulate the system. His manipulations culminated in his successful hijacking of an airplane to Cuba. Today he is still there, north of Guantanamo, and claims to be a Communist.

    LaBeet is one of many racist terrorists who have killed Americans and who are being harbored by the Castro regime. The pain of his victims and the victims of other left-wing terrorists under the protection of the Castro crime family are not likely to move the radical extremist in the White House.

    Cuba holds the same appeal for Obama that it did for the leftist terrorists who hide out there today.

  • Obama defends decision to attend ballgame in Cuba in wake of terror attacks

    03/22/2016 2:43:17 PM PDT · 55 of 62
    Dqban22 to fortheDeclaration

    Obama’s Bailout for Communist Dictators

    Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 18, 2014 @ 12:44 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

    Carter couldn’t save Castro, but Obama did. This was not a prisoner exchange. This was a Communist bailout.
    The Soviet Union did not have to fall. If Carter had won a second term and Mondale had succeeded him, the Communist dictatorship might have received the outside help it needed to survive.

    And we would still be living under the shadow of the Cold War.

    Carter couldn’t save the Soviet Union, but he did his best to save Castro, visiting Fidel and Raul in Cuba where the second worst president in American history described his meeting with Castro as a greeting among “old friends”.
    Raul Castro called Carter “the best of all U.S. presidents.”
    Obama’s dirty deal with Raul will make the worst president in American history, Castro’s new best friend.

    Carter couldn’t save Castro, but Obama did. This was not a prisoner exchange. This was a Communist bailout.

    Obama boasted that he would increase the flow of money to Cuba from businesses, from bank accounts and from trade. When he said, “We’re significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to Cuba”, that was his real mission statement.

    The Castro regime is on its last legs. Its sponsors in Moscow and Caracas are going bankrupt due to failing energy prices. The last hope of the Butcher of Havana was a bailout from Washington D.C.

    And that’s exactly what Obama gave him.

    Obama has protected the Castros from regime change as if Communist dictators are an endangered species.

    The rest of the love affair of Obama for Communists tyrants

  • Obama Offers Brief Remarks on Brussels Attacks, Doesn't Mention Radical Islam

    03/22/2016 1:17:44 PM PDT · 12 of 20
    Dqban22 to ealgeone

    While Belgium is paralyze by an horrendous Islamic terrorist attack, Obama embraced the Cuban Stalinist regime, the longest lasting terrorist country in the world. Right after dedicating 30 second to the Brussels massacre, Obama went with the Cuban dictator to enjoy a baseball game between a Cuban and American team instead of returning to Washington.

    A Day in Infamy - Barack Obama’s Cuban Pact

    Canada Free Press ^ | 12/20/14 | Obie Usategui

    I consider Obama’s renewed relations with the communist island as one of the most despicable political acts I have ever been a witness to. Inherent evil of Barack Obama and his administration For the most part of the Cuban-American community residing in Miami, Florida, the day of Wednesday, December 17th, 2014, will—more likely than not—go down in their history books as a day in infamy, much the same as did December 7th, 1941, for all Americans. The former, when Barack Obama announced the U.S. restoring full relations with Cuba, including the opening of an embassy in the island—a bold move...

    “Just saying, Cuba has never had the heft/ability of the USSR or Communist China to inflict pain on the U.S. or any other country.”

    I wonder in what planet you have been living. Inflicting pain is the cornerstone of communism, and the main victim has been the Cuban people.

    In October 1961 there were nuclear missiles in Cuba and Castro and the Che pushed Nikita Khrushchev to nuke New York and Washington.

    In November 1961 the FBI aborted a Castro’s plan as deadly as 9/11 by detonating on Black Friday after Thanksgiving bombs in New York main department stores and the Central Station.

    Denotes supine ignorance to affirm that Cuba never had the ability to inflict pain to any country. Rivers of blood left Che Guevara and his Cuban thugs around Africa in Cuba’s failure campaign to impose communism in that continent. Latin America still suffers the scourge of the communist guerrillas trained and financed by Cuba.

    It is beyond believe to think that any American mentally sane could support Obama’s rescue of the Cuban terrorist regime that is at the border of total collapse. Venezuela will not be able to continue maintaining Castro’s regime afloat and Obama wants that the American taxpayers assume the “sugar daddy” responsibility, the same role that previously was played by the Soviet Union and later Venezuela pushing both countries to their bankruptcy. It seems to me that Obama is seeking Castro’s help to reach his goal, the bankruptcy of U.S.

    Castro is a very generous man, he will pay for the American companies confiscated by the communist regime with the American taxpayers monies that the magnanimous Obama will donate to the regime.

    So you are saying that Cuba has or had as much military capability ... on their own ... as USSR or Communist China? And you ask what planet I live on? What decade are you living in? The world has moved on since 1961. could join the rest of us?

    Did the Muslim terrorist need USSR or China military capability to put New York in his knees? The must the world change the more it remains the same. Cuba still has 50 miles from Havana a sophisticate Chinese electronic spy base to intercept every U.S. communication and a beach head for cyber warfare against U.S. Russia is reopening another spy base in the outskirts of Havana. Obama have bended to Castro, but the Castros’ hatred for U.S. has not diminished a bite over half a century.

    Unquestionable that Cubans deserve to be free. Their fight for freedom has been long and bloody. More Cubans in the quest for freedom were murdered by the regime right after the triumph of the revolution that Germans killed by Hitler in the first 3 years of Nazi Germany. There were more political prisoners in communist Cuba that during Stalin terror period.

    Obama have offered that the American taxpayers will finance unconditionally the Cuban regimen. Raul Castro daughter made it clear that Cuba will remain a close repressive Stalinist regime.

    If Cubans were allowed to travel freely, U.S. should be ready to receive 11 million Cubans (Mariel II). But Obama has a brilliant mind; he decided to extend U.S. welfare rolls to the 11 million Cubans on the island at American taxpayers’ expense.

    Unfortunately, Obama’s largesse will not go to benefit the enslaved Cuban people, but to grease the repressive apparatus and enrich even more, Fidel Castro, with $900 million wealth, he is one the richest chief state in the world while the Cubans live in abject misery.

    Obama is not trying to help the Cuban people but to condemn then to eternal damnation under a Stalinist regime.

  • MUST SEE Historic Moment: Obama and Castro Do Wave at Baseball Game!

    03/22/2016 1:13:17 PM PDT · 12 of 34
    Dqban22 to Lexington Green

    A Day in Infamy - Barack Obama’s Cuban Pact

    Canada Free Press ^ | 12/20/14 | Obie Usategui

    I consider Obama’s renewed relations with the communist island as one of the most despicable political acts I have ever been a witness to. Inherent evil of Barack Obama and his administration For the most part of the Cuban-American community residing in Miami, Florida, the day of Wednesday, December 17th, 2014, will—more likely than not—go down in their history books as a day in infamy, much the same as did December 7th, 1941, for all Americans. The former, when Barack Obama announced the U.S. restoring full relations with Cuba, including the opening of an embassy in the island—a bold move...

    “Just saying, Cuba has never had the heft/ability of the USSR or Communist China to inflict pain on the U.S. or any other country.”

    I wonder in what planet you have been living. Inflicting pain is the cornerstone of communism, and the main victim has been the Cuban people.

    In October 1961 there were nuclear missiles in Cuba and Castro and the Che pushed Nikita Khrushchev to nuke New York and Washington.

    In November 1961 the FBI aborted a Castro’s plan as deadly as 9/11 by detonating on Black Friday after Thanksgiving bombs in New York main department stores and the Central Station.

    Denotes supine ignorance to affirm that Cuba never had the ability to inflict pain to any country. Rivers of blood left Che Guevara and his Cuban thugs around Africa in Cuba’s failure campaign to impose communism in that continent. Latin America still suffers the scourge of the communist guerrillas trained and financed by Cuba.

    It is beyond believe to think that any American mentally sane could support Obama’s rescue of the Cuban terrorist regime that is at the border of total collapse. Venezuela will not be able to continue maintaining Castro’s regime afloat and Obama wants that the American taxpayers assume the “sugar daddy” responsibility, the same role that previously was played by the Soviet Union and later Venezuela pushing both countries to their bankruptcy. It seems to me that Obama is seeking Castro’s help to reach his goal, the bankruptcy of U.S.

    Castro is a very generous man, he will pay for the American companies confiscated by the communist regime with the American taxpayers monies that the magnanimous Obama will donate to the regime.

    So you are saying that Cuba has or had as much military capability ... on their own ... as USSR or Communist China? And you ask what planet I live on? What decade are you living in? The world has moved on since 1961. could join the rest of us?

    Did the Muslim terrorist need USSR or China military capability to put New York in his knees? The must the world change the more it remains the same. Cuba still has 50 miles from Havana a sophisticate Chinese electronic spy base to intercept every U.S. communication and a beach head for cyber warfare against U.S. Russia is reopening another spy base in the outskirts of Havana. Obama have bended to Castro, but the Castros’ hatred for U.S. has not diminished a bite over half a century.

    Unquestionable that Cubans deserve to be free. Their fight for freedom has been long and bloody. More Cubans in the quest for freedom were murdered by the regime right after the triumph of the revolution that Germans killed by Hitler in the first 3 years of Nazi Germany. There were more political prisoners in communist Cuba that during Stalin terror period.

    Obama have offered that the American taxpayers will finance unconditionally the Cuban regimen. Raul Castro daughter made it clear that Cuba will remain a close repressive Stalinist regime.

    If Cubans were allowed to travel freely, U.S. should be ready to receive 11 million Cubans (Mariel II). But Obama has a brilliant mind; he decided to extend U.S. welfare rolls to the 11 million Cubans on the island at American taxpayers’ expense.

    Unfortunately, Obama’s largesse will not go to benefit the enslaved Cuban people, but to grease the repressive apparatus and enrich even more, Fidel Castro, with $900 million wealth, he is one the richest chief state in the world while the Cubans live in abject misery.

    Obama is not trying to help the Cuban people but to condemn then to eternal damnation under a Stalinist regime.

  • On Location in Cuba: Barack Obama on Tour

    03/22/2016 12:37:02 PM PDT · 7 of 9
    Dqban22 to jfd1776


    While Belgium is paralyze by an horrendous Islamic terrorist attack, Obama embraced the Cuban Stalinist regime, the longest lasting terrorist country in the world. Right after dedicating 30 second to the Brussels massacre, Obama went with the Cuban dictator to enjoy a baseball game between a Cuban and American team instead of returning to Washington.

  • UNREAL=> ISIS Murders 34 in Brussels – Obama Goes to Baseball Game

    03/22/2016 12:30:09 PM PDT · 30 of 56
    Dqban22 to kingu

    While Belgium is paralyze by an horrendous Islamic terrorist attack, Obama embraced the Cuban Stalinist regime, the longest lasting terrorist country in the world. Right after dedicating 30 second to the Brussels massacre, Obama went with the Cuban dictator to enjoy a baseball game between a Cuban and American team instead of returning to Washington.

    See No Terror, Hear No Terror, Speak No Terror (Obama on Cuba)

    Humberto Fontova
    Townhall 5/29/2015

    Today President Obama further opened the financial floodgates from the U.S. to the world’s most notorious deadbeat nation—who is also a “State Sponsor of Terrorism.”

    Quotation marks are now required around the term “State-Sponsor of Terrorism” when referring to Cuba because just this morning, as the 45 day notification period to Congress expired, President Obama officially removed Cuba from the State Department’s list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, where President Reagan had placed it in 1982.

    “Laughing all the way to the bank,” hardly does justice to what the multi-billionaire Castro family must be doing this week. The $7 billion they stole at Soviet gunpoint from U.S. businessmen in 1960 hasn’t even been mentioned by Obama’s “negotiators” as a “discussion topic” for U.S. “normalization.”

    And why should they mention it? Have any of them ever run a business? Tacky notions like settling up past debts before incurring new ones doesn’t figure into the mind-set of these ultra-educated Beltway bureaucrats. That yahoo Sam Drucker mentality just isn’t for them.

    Today’s further diplomatic benediction of Cuba by Obama means that the estimated $4.2 billion already flowing from the U.S. to Cuba annually will crank up nicely. This windfall resulted from Obama’s flurry of executive orders abolishing Presidents Reagan and Bush’s travel and remittance restrictions to Castro’s fiefdom.

    In brief, almost every year since Obama took office more cash has been flowing from the U.S. to Cuba than used to flow there from the Soviets at the height of their Cuba-sponsorship. Liberals and (libertarians) insist on calling such a state of financial affairs an “embargo.”

    Now this removal from the terror- list will allow the Castro family to further loot international financial institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. You’re aware, I’m sure, who ultimately foots most of the bill for these international welfare agencies, badly disguised as lending institutions?

    Right. The U.S. taxpayer.

    On John Stossel’s show recently your humble and hard-working servant tried explaining this peril to the U.S. taxpayer of Obama’s Cuba policy. Alas, libertarians (and thus presumably champions of the U.S. taxpayer?) Stossell and his CATO colleague blindly support Obama’s Cuba policy. So my effort was vain.

    As usual with libertarians, you present a real-world fact, they counter with a chant from the sacred texts of one of their economic gurus. You present another fully-documented historical event, they repeat their holy mantra. You’re better o reasoning with a Hare-Krishna.

    And speaking of terror-sponsorship. Just last week Cuba (practically) got caught red-handed supplying Chinese-made arms to the Western hemisphere’s oldest biggest and most murderous terror-group, Colombia’s FARC. The terror-death toll from these Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) exceeds 200,000, and includes more U.S. citizens than have been murdered by ISIS.

    So maybe it was a mere coincidence that the very week Obama planned to remove Cuba as a terror-sponsor the mainstream media blacked-out any mention of this blatant terror-sponsorship by Cuba in our own backyard.

    Back in February, you see, Colombian authorities found 99 missile heads, 100 tons of gunpowder, 2.6 million detonators, and over 3,000 artillery shells hidden under rice sacks in a ship bound from Red China to Cuba that docked in the port of Cartagena Colombia.

    Most Cuba-watchers immediately guessed what was up. And just last week Colombian reporters (actually worthy of the name, unlike so many of ours) exposed the scheme.

    In brief:
    *The arms were from a Chinese manufacturer named Norinco and the recipient was a Cuban company named Tecnoimport.

    *But the ship stopped in the Colombian ports of Cartagena and Baranquilla (where the FARC is based, remember.)

    * Colombia’s crackerjack newspaper El Espectator also reports that many Norinco-manufactured arms have already been captured from FARC guerrillas over the past ten years.

    This proliferation of Cuba-smuggled Chinese arms to the terrorist FARC got so bad that in 2007-08 The Colombian authorities even send a diplomatic protest note to the Chinese.

    This awkward information at this awkward time, needless to say, might have hampered Obama’s plan to cleanse Castro from any taint of terror-sponsorship—assuming, that many people would have switched off the Kardashians to learn of it. Hence you’re only reading about it here at Townhall.

    Colombia’s FARC goes so far as to thank the Cuban regime for their immense success at terror. “Thanks to Fidel Castro” boasted late FARC commander Tiro-Fijo in a 2002 interview, “we are now a powerful army, not a hit and run band.”

    A few years ago a report from Colombia’s military intelligence DAS (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad) obtained again by the crackerjack Colombian paper, El Espectador revealed that the FARC maintains a major office in Havana.

    And oh….almost forgot. What about the Cuban people, the folks whose felicity Obama claims as the goal of his Cuban “opening?”

    Well with their new Obama-issued economic lifeline gushing nicely, the Castro regime has unleashed a wave of terror on their subjects surpassing most of the terror of the past ten years, which is really saying something.

  • Castro’s Kills

    03/22/2016 11:08:08 AM PDT · 6 of 15
    Dqban22 to jacknhoo


    By Humberto Fontova

    Intrepid terrorists could get maximum bang for their buck on “Black Friday.” A few well-placed bombs and the carnage would easily shame 9/11’s.

    Macy’s, for instance, serves tens of thousands of shoppers that one day. If nothing else, the theme would make for a hair-raising Hollywood drama or disaster blockbuster.

    Credibility might be a problem, however. After all, even the most bloodthirsty and psychopathic of terrorists seek government or semi-military targets: The Pentagon, The U.S.S. Cole, Marine barracks in Lebanon, embassies in Kenya, Saudi Arabia, etc. Typecasting one who craved massive civilian carnage for the malicious sake of massive civilian carnage might edge the movie over into a James Bondor Austin Powers comedy genre.

    Yet the movie could be based on a terrorist living today who planned this very type of civilian carnage 49 years ago. On Nov. 17, 1962, J Edgar Hoover’s FBI cracked a terrorist plot by Castro-Cuban agents that targeted Macy’s, Gimbel’s, Bloomindales and Manhattan’s Grand Central Station with a dozen incendiary devices and 500 kilos of TNT. The holocaust was set to go off the following week, the day after Thanksgiving.

    A little perspective: the March 2004 Madrid subway blasts, all 10 of the explosions that killed and maimed almost 2000 people, used a grand total of 100 kilos of TNT. Castro and Che’s agents planned to set off five times that explosive power in the three biggest department stores on earth — and on the year’s biggest shopping day, for good measure.

    Thousands of New Yorkers— probably mostly women and children given the date— were to be incinerated and entombed. Castro and Che planned their Manhattan holocaust just weeks after Nikita Khrushchevfoiled their plans for an even bigger massacre during the Cuban Missile Crisis. “If the missiles had remained,” Che Guevara confided to The London Daily Worker the following month, “we would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York City.”

    Cuba’s agents for this Manhattan Thanksgiving bomb plot were members of the Cuban mission to the United Nations, and were working in concert with members of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, an outfit that became much better known a year later this very week.

    Had those detonators gone off the day after Thanksgiving in 1962, 9/11 might be remembered as the second deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

    Castro planned his Manhattan holocaust short weeks after Nikita Khrushchevfoiled his plans for an even bigger one. “Say hello to my little friends!” Castro dreamt of yelling at the hated Yankees in October 1962, right before the mushroom clouds. But for the prudence of the Butcher of Budapest, Castro might have pulled it off. “If the missiles had remained,” Fidel’s sidekick Che Guevara confided to the London Daily Worker in November 1962 regarding the Cuban missile crisis, “We would have fired them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York.”

    Castro’s Manhattan bomb plot was far from “irrational.” He’s no suicide bomber — not by a long shot. Some Cuba-watchers speculate that Castro wanted to blast Manhattan to heat things up again, to rekindle all those thrills he’d experienced the previous weeks during the missile crisis.

    Given the temper of the times, he knew his Soviet sugar daddies would be implicated too. Then the U.S. might retaliate. Then Castro might get what he’d dreamed about and tried to provoke a few weeks earlier: an intercontinental nuclear exchange.

    Millions dead in the United States. Millions dead in the Soviet Union. And almost certainly, millions dead in his own Cuba. But Castro himself would be nowhere near harms way.

    Soviet ambassador to Cuba during the missile crisis, Alexander Alexeyev, reports a fascinating — if unsurprising — datum about those days. While Castro was begging, threatening, even trying to trick Khrushchev into launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the U.S. — while he was ranting and yelling and waving his arms about grabbing his Czech machine gun and “fighting the Yankee invaders to the last man!” — while frantically involved in all this, a “fearful” (Alexeyev’s term) Castro was also making reservations with Alexeyev for a first-class seat in the Soviet Embassy’s bomb shelter. Thus he’d emerge into the smoldering rubble and millions of incinerated bodies and realize his lifelong dream: his name stamped in history as the gallant David against the Yankee Goliath.

    Castro’s agents for his Manhattan Thanksgiving bomb plot were members of the Cuban mission to the United Nations working in concert with members of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, an outfit that became much better known a year later when member Lee Harvey Oswaldreally racked up some headlines.

    Incidentally, at the time of the Manhattan terror plot, the Fair Play For Cuba Committee also included among its members, CBS correspondent Robert Taber (an early version of Dan Rather, who conducted Castro’s first network television soft-soaping on Aug. 30, 1957), along with The Nation magazine co-owner Alan Sagner. In 1996 President Clinton appointed the Alan Sagner head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

    Humberto Fontova is the author of four books including Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who idolize Him and Fidel; Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant. Visit