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Can’t wait till November of this year and 2016. :(
Hope they are all furloughed.
Obviously the last in line when God passed out brains. Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter how hard you try, you can’t fix stupid!!
When are the American Lemmings going to wake up. Remember Vietnam????????
I thought the Obama Administration outlawed that term in his last administration??
I couldn’t believe that the State would do this. Good for the farmer and all farmers. Screw the State Government gone wild.
Doesn’t surprise me. The head jerk is surrounded by like minded jerks.
Follow the trail into the inner sanctum of the DOJ.
Finally, someone gets it. Dismantle the board forever.
He already has. Where have you people been. He’s PO’s Congress by going into Libya, he okayed Gays in the foxholes without segregation, and he has denied the military raises over three years and messed with their health care.
I would fire the idiot that published this!
Anyone want to guess on Dayton’s beer supply????????
I think it is Mark Dayton’s fault—no beer on the shelves & state parks closed.
The District Supervisor and the Principle ought to be forced to resign for avoiding their supervisory duties in overseeing the yearbook staff.
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