Last week, my daughter and I drove her car from the east coast back to Colorado as her classes are all online for now. On one of our gas breaks in Kansas, I was getting something to eat and mentioned to the lady how nice it was to see low gas prices. She made mention that this was not good for her brother as he is in the oil business here and that they were laying people off left and right as it wasn’t profitable for them to produce at the moment. Didn’t know what to say after that.
Last Saturday, my daughter and I flew on Southwest from Denver to Baltimore to bring back her car since her classes were changed to teleconference and online. While waiting for our flight, the flight to San Francisco was boarding with only 11 passengers. Our flight was half full. The ticket price was $50 apiece. We returned to Denver area Monday afternoon.
I saw a report that there are now over 3,000 reported cases of coronavirus in the US. With a population of 300,000,000 would that work out to be .001% or this population?