Posts by Anij

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  • Canada: With Friends Like Us …

    11/14/2004 3:13:29 PM PST · 9 of 12
    Anij to bikewench


  • Canadians Building Monument to U.S. Draft Dodgers

    09/24/2004 6:38:15 AM PDT · 46 of 59
    Anij to DustyMoment


    Have you perchance read, "The Creature From Jekyll Island?" Or "The Keys of This Blood?" I don't have time to do your homework for you, but these, along with "The Fourth Turning" should give you a good start.

    If you are TRULY interested I can give you a more detailed reading list. The facts behind the bombing of Pearl Harbour make for fascinating reading all by themselves.

    So are you serious about finding out the truth about things - or not?


  • Canadians Building Monument to U.S. Draft Dodgers

    09/24/2004 5:26:30 AM PDT · 42 of 59
    Anij to libs_kma


    I don't think man should erect monuments to man for *any* reason, but that aside I do have a question...

    Why is it right/okay in the opinion of most (actually all) here to build monuments that honor war and killing (and those who support it), and wrong to build a monument to honor peace (and those who support it)?

    The wars fought in the twentieth century were contrived, planned wars that had nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with making certain rich and powerful people even MORE rich and powerful. Surely the intelligent people on this forum know this!?!?

    I have every respect for the bravery of the soldiers who fought and died in these wars BELIEVING they were fighting for freedom - not a few members of my own family number amongst them.

    Again; why the thumbs up for war memorials, and the disdain for those supporting peace? - Anij.

  • Beware of Gandhi

    06/17/2004 6:07:47 AM PDT · 23 of 39
    Anij to AmericanChef

    While I refuse to speak ill of a dead man, I will be happy to ex tole the virtues of Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Pacifist.

    Anyone who doubts that "Love conquers all," clearly has not yet tried it. Love is a VERB, and it never fails to overcome evil.

    While military soldiers may be willing to kill and/or be killed for their country in the name of "Freedom" (and I know that many of you here actually believe that this war is about freedom, and not greed and power), many pacifist followers of Jesus (Christian soldiers) are willing to die to preserve the only true freedom that exists - freedom in Christ.

    Jesus didn't die on that cross so we could go on killing one another and chasing the almighty dollar. He died to set us free from such worthless pursuits as wealth and worldly power, and enslavement to sin.

    Every person killed on the battlefield makes a mockery out of the work of the cross. How long before people learn to understand this? - Anij.
  • 1m suffering blight of 'restless legs syndrome'

    06/17/2004 4:27:26 AM PDT · 14 of 31
    Anij to Revelation 911

    No, it is not related to sleep apnea or obesity. It is caused by electrical signals from the brain working overtime overloading the central nervous system, producing too many catecholamines, which in some people translates into restlessness, others into panic disorder, and others into conditions like jumping leg syndrome.

    FYI, the reason why orgasm works is because it relaxes the muscles in the whole body, and if one goes to sleep soon after it can make for a less restless night.

    It's not much fun to have this disorder, but it's also quite a challenge trying to SLEEP with someone who has it!!!

    In the peace and love of Christ, - Anij.
  • 1m suffering blight of 'restless legs syndrome'

    06/17/2004 4:18:41 AM PDT · 11 of 31
    Anij to GailA

    My husband suffers from jumping legs syndrome and has since childhood, as did his mother. Research shows that it tends to be hereditary, and one of the most effective ways of getting a good night's sleep is to take 1mg sub-lingual Ativan. My husband takes this occasionally, but won't take it every night as he doesn't want to become dependent on any drug therapy.

    Hot baths do help, as does orgasm... believe it or not.

    FWIW, - Anij.
  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/24/2004 2:51:42 AM PDT · 71 of 71
    Anij to NorthOf45
    Morning North!

    The reasons I don't vote for earthly governments (apart from the fact that which human is in power at any given time is part and parcel of a ridiculous charade that most people actually think is real, when all the time the governments of all nations are carefully manipulated towards predetermined goals/agendas that have nothing whatsoever to do with what you think you are picking at the ballot box) is because I cast my vote decades ago for GOD'S Government, and continue to do so every time I say, "Thy Kingdom come."

    All earthly governments are part of the Beast System, and will be done away with soon. I refuse to support Satan's system, and leave the "world" to it's own concerns.

    I too thank GOD every day for my life, but it doesn't matter to me which country He sends me to at any given time, as long as I may be of service there. I see no reason for pride in ANY country, - only shame.

    I am a solder in another war, with far more lasting repercussions that any war fought on the temporal plane. There is a **huge** battle going on as I write this for your soul and mine, and it has been raging for millenia. It is fast approaching it's climax now, and so there is not only much work to be done, but that work is harder because Satan knows he has only a little time left and is trying his best to mislead everyone possible.

    The Bible tells us that "Friendship with the world is enmity with GOD," and that "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against darkness, against principalities and powers, against wicked forces in high places..."

    Believe it.

    In the love and peace of Christ, - Anij.
  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/16/2004 12:36:35 AM PDT · 68 of 71
    Anij to CWOJackson; gogeo
    Hi Jackson...

    I'm so sorry that happened to your and your family when you were in Victoria. That's a lousy thing to do to anyone, there is no excuse for it, and whomever did it should be ashamed.

    I didn't vote for the government here (never do), and I don't pay any attention to politics other than to get a general overview, my main interest being to watch and see how world events coincide with Bible prophecy in our time. I get most of my "outside" news from the net.

    My responses on this thread have nothing to do with the Canadian **government,** but rather with the Canadian people in general.

    We don't watch TV up here in the mountains (well, we watch movies that we own, - we have quite the collection, LOL!) so we don't hear much that way either. I also *really* dislike hockey so I'm not exactly up on that! I *do* like baseball though... favorite team, - The Toronto Blue Jays! :)

    As far as Americans vacationing in Canada goes, many do come here, and they are most welcome. They are also polite guests, and genuinely interested in the culture and history of this remote location. As I told you, I have no experience with anti-Americanism either here or elsewhere in Canada. It *does* sound as though your own experiences have been different.

    Please do try not to let the actions of a few, harden your heart against the *many* who would welcome you with love.

    With our youngest son, and also my brother being married to Americans, and the fact that we lived in Aspen for a long time ourselves, obviously no such bigotry exists in our family. Our little grandson is a dual-citizen of both Canada and the States. (As *my* kids are dual-citizens of Scotland and Canada.)

    Should you ever change your mind, and fancy a nice quiet holiday in the mountains here, please do let me know and I will personally arrange it for you. I can promise you that nobody here will be anything other than charitable towards you and yours! Course, - I can't speak for the bears and cougars!!!


    I am perfectly familiar with Toronto. I was married there, I have recorded (music) there, we used to live in The Beaches there, and my husband was born and raised there. My son, his wife, and our grandson live within a half an hour's drive of Toronto (going towards Niagara Falls), and my parents, only a little further than that. All of our children were born in that general area too.

    No one I know in or around Toronto has any hatred for anyone, let alone Americans. Perhaps we just travel in different circles than some here seem to...

    As for what Canadian or American politicians do and say, - I cannot comment on that because I retain a neutral position politically. I have no knowledge of the current brouhaha.

    I can only speak for the many people I know who bear Americans no ill will whatsoever, myself included.

    I daresay that the people who live where I do would consider it a tad audacious of you though to believe that Western Canada is *your* "flyover country." Truthfully, I also highly doubt that you would find the people here "in tune" with the present American agenda, and general attitude towards the rest of the planet. That does not make them anti-American though, - it simply means that they have a different worldview than do most Americans.

    When I go to Rome, I don't convert to Catholicism, and they don't expect me to, yet I get along just fine with the 98% of the people there who are Catholic.

    When we lived in Old Jerusalem I did not become a Jew, and taught the Gospel to both Jews and Palestinians alike. (No, it wasn't *allowed* even then.) We all somehow managed to live in peace in the Old City.

    It is seldom the *common* people who want to war and kill one another, but the *governments* of countries can and do incite people to riot at times, - usually with lies making each group fear the other. This, of course, is done on purpose, and it is one of the great sorrows I have witnessed during my lifetime.

    My point is, - we don't have to *agree* with one another to get along and love each other as we should, and as Christ commanded.

    Surely we can manage that...

    In the love and peace of Christ, - Anij.
  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 10:53:50 PM PDT · 65 of 71
    Anij to CWOJackson
    Evening Jackson!

    Your point is well taken. That leaves over 3 million of us who don't live anywhere near the border. That's a lot of people!

    I am not even a Patriot, and so am not rooting for Canada here, as in Canada is better than the US etc. I don't believe in that kind of nonsense. I just don't understand the need some people seem to have to tear down others...

    Prior to 9/11 and the WOT there was none of this kind of talk. After it was made public that 9 out of 10 Canadians did not approve of President Bush's WOT, the emotional climate changed, and all of a sudden Canadians were and are seen as the enemy. (The article that started this thread is just fallout from this IMHO.)

    This is unfortunate, as most Canadians wish only the best for the residents of the U.S. It's just that they don't necessarily believe the BEST is WAR.

    Personally, I won't participate in *any* earthly war (as a combatant that is), but I love the U.S. and her people, and *really* wish all this rubbish about Canadians being anti-American would just stop. It isn't helping anyone.

    Love in Christ, - Anij.
  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 8:38:58 PM PDT · 62 of 71
    Anij to gogeo

    Evening gogeo!

    Which part of the article would you like me to comment on? The entire article is full of opinion and conjecture. Perhaps you could hone in on what you would like me to address specifically, and I'll try to do so.

    For me, this is a case of one man's perception of Canadians in general. A perception acquired on a rather short visit to a very small area of a *very* large country.

    Personally, I think he spoke out of turn. Certainly he spoke in ignorance, since what he puts forth as fact is no such thing. Take his comments re: the publishing industry for example, - pitifully biased, and blatently incorrect.

    This part I thought particularly ignorant: "CANADA EXISTS IN A SLIVER LAID ACROSS THE TOP OF THE STATES."

    Hardly! Canada is a HUGE country with a very well defined sense of itself. It is a great deal more than "America's toupee."

    I myself live in the North, in Western Canada's Coastal Mountains. It's a shame that someone with so much to say couldn't find anything factual or hospitable to say about the second largest land mass on earth. Yes, that's right folks, CANADA (the "sliver" on top of the USA), not the STATES is the second largest landmass on earth, second only to Russia. The U.S. is only the FOURTH largest.

    So, the man is rude. Perhaps the people he met didn't like either him or his book very much, I don't know, - so anything I say would be speculation. I am not fond of speculation. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the author of the article.

    Best regards, - Anij.

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 9:33:55 AM PDT · 49 of 71
    Anij to Snowyman

    Morning Snowyman!

    Boxsmith 13 is correct in stating that it is now **law** that in Canada we may not speak out against homosexuals, or the homosexual act, nor may we teach our children that this behaviour is deviant in any way. This law was passed finally (after much debate) about two weeks ago.

    The penalty for violating this law is a heavy fine and five years in prison, - each count. I have been a missionary for over 30 years, and when what the government says conflicts with what the Bible says, - I know where my loyalties lie.

    This is not unlike the new legislation in the States right now where people who send their children to Public School will find that there is now a law that "one must adopt a pro-Israel position, or not attend school."

    We home-educated our kids, since the public schools in the U.S. and Canada are pathetic, and Britain (once excellent) isn't much better. They are all Federally run, and **must** follow the UN's GLOBAL CURRICULUM. Cute, eh? Of course, the part about the UN is true in Canada too.

    The point I'm trying to get across to our American friends this morning is that there is no anti-American agenda in Canada in general. Most of us holiday in the States, work in the States as well (when it is appropriate) and in my family, - even marry people from the States.

    These good people are getting their knickers in a twist over nothing, and I am trying to assure them that many Canadians may not agree with the WOT, but that in no way implies that they do not like and would not feed, clothe shelter, and pray for any and all Americans!

    Shabbat shalom, - Anij.

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 9:14:37 AM PDT · 47 of 71
    Anij to gogeo

    Morning gogeo!

    I think if you will pay just a little more attention to the text you will see that far from "slamming fellow posters," I am trying to get them to look REASONABLY at the situation, and the ridiculous assertions that are being put forth.

    I have addressed this article personally and impersonally, and have pointed out in no uncertain terms that the POV most of you seem to have that Canadians are "anti-American" is simply incorrect. Please re-read my earlier posts for details. - Anij.

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 9:06:45 AM PDT · 46 of 71
    Anij to boxsmith13

    boxsmith, you simply cannot categorically state with any degree of credulity that "Today Canadians don't think individually." Do you KNOW all 30 million Canadians? Of course not!

    It is true that certain things have been declared as "Hate Speech" in Canada, but it doesn't stop those of us who preach the Gospel from doing so.

    Canadians are no different than any other people, and will act according to their **individual** consciences when difficult decisions have to be made.

    Again, this thread was/is about your contention that Canadians are vehemently "anti-American," and I have repeatedly assured you, even citing personal examples, that this is just not the case. Why can't you see this? - Anij.

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 6:28:14 AM PDT · 30 of 71
    Anij to boxsmith13

    But Canadians DO act and opine **individually,** do they not boxsmith13? Yet you and your friends here seem only to happy to judge 30 million people as one.

    Personally, I did not vote for Mr. Trudeau, nor did any of my family, nor most of Western Canada for that matter. But then, I have never voted for *any* human rule, and never will. (Christian missionaries only *vote* for the Kingdom of GOD.)

    This whole thread is supposed to be about Canadians supposedly being anti-American. I am trying to assure you that by and large they are not, and any who are (and I have met *none*) should be ashamed of themselves, as should you for your negative and hurtful remarks about an entire nation of people you do not know personally.

    Or are we going to try to rationalize "Love thy neighbor as thyself" now? - Anij.

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 6:13:00 AM PDT · 29 of 71
    Anij to boxsmith13
    "and it looks to me as though America has ticked off enough of the world as it is lately,"

    that is precisely why were becoming anti-Canadian/European.

    So the world is pissed off that the Taliban and Sadaam are gone??"

    I think you nailed it boxsmith13. Canadians and Europeans are not anti-American, but it does seem that the reverse is true, as you suggest, and this thread bears witness to.

    As for SH and the Taliban, - perhaps many of us just have a broader view of who and what constitutes "terrorism." Are you **really** claiming that the U.S. has now rid the world of terrorists? If so, the U.S. taxpayers will be delighted to hear it! The war (according to you)is now officially over, - hooray!

  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 5:58:58 AM PDT · 27 of 71
    Anij to boxsmith13
    Ah, so it was Pierre Trudeau (please do note the spelling for future use) who shaped the hearts and minds of all Canadians was it?

    Rather a bizarre and naive statement to make, don't you think? That's like saying Nixon was representative of all Americans, which would be just as ridiculous.

    You correctly observed that Canadians are *individuals.* Would it shock you to learn that some are even capable of independent thought? Please accept that *all* people are individuals, everywhere on earth, - and each one unique at that!

    ALL people are worthy of your respect, and you of theirs. I have traveled to many countries in this world, and see no reason for pride on *anyone's* account for the way the human race has behaved in the last 6,000 years. Still, for all our flaws, people are fundamentally beautiful. If only they could see that in each other!

    The Bible tells us that "All men are equal in the eyes of the LORD." Now think this through, - do you *really* want to argue with GOD?

    Shabbat shalom, - Anij.
  • Canadians Have No Right to Look Down on the US: Indeed, None of Us Has

    05/15/2004 4:57:18 AM PDT · 22 of 71
    Anij to CasearianDaoist

    I live high in the mountains in BC Canada (AKA The Great White North), though I myself was born and bred in Scotland. I moved to N. America when I was 18, and spent a lot of time as a resident of Aspen, Colorado.

    I married a Canadian, had 5 Canadian children, and for the last 30 years or so we have been based (we travel a lot) in Canada by choice. Why? Because it's peaceful and beautiful, and because we have family here, including one grandchild, - so far.

    Nobody in our family hates anybody from anywhere, but they *do* hate war, killing, pride, arrogance, - and all the kinds of things evident in the posts I have just read on this thread.

    I don't personally know *any* Canadians who dislike Americans, but I am certain most would be terribly hurt by the remarks above.

    I have been a member of this forum for a long time, and have met many interesting people (I tend to think of people as just people, - unpatriotic of me I know, but I can't help myself! ), but this is the first time I have run into this kind of uninformed bigotry.

    BTW, - my husband was born and bred in Toronto, and all my kids were born within an hour's drive of there. I didn't know any anti-Americans there either.

    My *brother* lives, and has lived for the past 20 years in Myrtle Beach with his *American* wife...

    Our youngest *son* is married to a beautiful Mulatto woman from *Detroit*... - they live in Canada.

    My best *friend* is an *American,* now married to, and living with, another American (a Vietnam draft-dodger, turned very successful songwriter) in Old Montreal...

    I think all of you *really* need to re-evaluate your position. Hatred only begets hatred, and it looks to me as though America has ticked off enough of the world as it is lately, - are you SURE you want to upset Canadians too?

    Oh, and about those writer stats (I happen to BE a musician and writer); surely the author can divide by ten and realize that Canada has only (roughly) ten per cent of the population America does. Why then, would anyone expect that she should have more authors/artists etc? And who cares anyway???

    People around the world are pretty much the same everywhere. We are all sinners, we all are capable of both love and hate, and we get to **choose** which creed we will live by. I choose the former.

    We all come into this world naked, we leave naked, we all need the same air to breathe, we all bleed red, and we ALL need love. WHY do so many insist on causing division amongst us! And WHY do you let them?

    Sad. - Anij.
  • 'Chill Bill' Passes Canadian House, Makes Free Speech Against Gays a Crime

    05/02/2004 5:37:16 AM PDT · 14 of 47
    Anij to Highest Authority
    "Inch by inch, the Canadian gubmint is headed toward the nut house!!!!!"

    Actually, I've read their itinerary, and that of *all* human governments, and the "nut house" was rejected in favor of a very hot, geographical location that is literally, out of this world!

    Shalom aleikhem, - Anij.

  • Conservatives' misplaced compassion for Mel Gibson

    04/06/2004 2:48:16 AM PDT · 44 of 44
    Anij to PeoplesRep_of_LA
    People seem rather quick to forget that in addition to Jews, Hitler murdered millions of Slavs.

    Let's not forget Jehovah's Witnesses (Purple Triangle), and cripples and other infirm people, so-called "criminals" (dissidents without a trial), and many more who were in the same camps as were the Jews.

    Mind you, let's not forget that Stalin had Hitler beat in "the killing game" hands down. He murdered 60 million Christians, twenty million more Jews, and a lot of other people I don't have the stats on (not in my head at the moment that is). All in the last 70 years.

    There always has been, and until Christ returns there always will be TYRANTS. Just go back a few hundred years and we can talk about the Crusades as well. The RCC burning "heretics" (Jews and Protestants alike, and others), and then we have Protestants burning Catholics, Hindus and Moslems slaughtering one another simply because each wants majority rule. Then today there's also Ireland, and Scotland and England never did kiss and make up (I should know, - I'm Scots, born and bred)... I *could* go on.

    If there's one thing this world isn't short of it is hatred and vengeance. Well, that's two things but they fit the same mold. The Jews are a prominent race because of WHO they are and always have been in history. All in all though, we are a pretty pathetic lot through and through. The persecution of Mel Gibson is but one small verse, in a tiny chapter of a very large and hideous book. Man's inhumanity to man is legendary. Personally, I'm tired of it. Maranatha!

    In the love and peace of Christ, - Anij.

  • Conservatives' misplaced compassion for Mel Gibson

    03/25/2004 12:56:41 AM PST · 3 of 44
    Anij to DentsRun

    I saw the movie "The Passion of Christ" with my family, and feel it is likely the most powerful portrayal of what the price of my prospect of eternal life COST, ever documented outside of the Bible.

    I am not a member of the RCC, nor do I plan on becoming one. I am not an anti-Semite, and I don't plan on becoming one of those either. I believe the Holocaust did indeed happen, and I doubt that I could be convinced otherwise for a long list of reasons.

    However, Mel Gibson made a movie and I bought a ticket to see that, several actually, and feel it was money well spent. I am grateful to him for making the movie.

    Unless I have missed something though, my opinion should end there. We will ALL be judged by Jesus for ALL the things we did in this life, and what Mel believes or does not believe about *anything,* is between him and GOD. It's really nobody else's business.

    In the love and peace of Christ, - Anij.