McCain is a vindictive, spiteful individual who’s clearly devoted a huge chunk of his life all the way to the very end to destroying the party that that gave him everything. The more I think about it, it’s the political equivalent of a mass shooter who only wants to take as many people as possible down with him before he checks out.
His 2008 campaign was unforgivable to me. He followed the media’s red carpet for him all the way to the nomination, and then mounted a campaign so terrible, infuriating, and meaningless that I wonder to this day if he didn’t want Obama to win as much as all his openly-leftist friends. I’m disgusted that I voted for him. I was then, and I am now. Even attempted to convince some people to just hold their noses and do it. How embarrassing. If we weren’t facing down the barrel of the most open and radical socialist in American history, I never would have done it.
He can’t be gone soon enough, and, since he won’t leave until he dies, then so be it. May it come quickly.