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Posts by According2RecentPollsAirIsGood

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  • What Don't You Forgive John McCain For?

    06/30/2018 5:11:07 PM PDT · 29 of 54
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to VeniVidiVici

    McCain is a vindictive, spiteful individual who’s clearly devoted a huge chunk of his life all the way to the very end to destroying the party that that gave him everything. The more I think about it, it’s the political equivalent of a mass shooter who only wants to take as many people as possible down with him before he checks out.

    His 2008 campaign was unforgivable to me. He followed the media’s red carpet for him all the way to the nomination, and then mounted a campaign so terrible, infuriating, and meaningless that I wonder to this day if he didn’t want Obama to win as much as all his openly-leftist friends. I’m disgusted that I voted for him. I was then, and I am now. Even attempted to convince some people to just hold their noses and do it. How embarrassing. If we weren’t facing down the barrel of the most open and radical socialist in American history, I never would have done it.

    He can’t be gone soon enough, and, since he won’t leave until he dies, then so be it. May it come quickly.

  • It’s time to give socialism a try

    03/07/2018 11:59:30 AM PST · 30 of 88
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to C19fan
    Not to be confused for a totalitarian nostalgist, I would support a kind of socialism that would be democratic and aimed primarily at decommodifying labor, reducing the vast inequality brought about by capitalism, and breaking capital’s stranglehold over politics and culture.,

    Just came across this quote by Ayn Rand last week that just so perfectly describes things and fits perfectly for this situation:

    "There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide."

  • Shani Davis is an Olympic disgrace

    02/09/2018 5:25:16 PM PST · 34 of 34
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to SMGFan

    Well, I’ve got to hand it Chris Chase. First time I can ever remember voluntarily clicking on an MSN article.

    “Olympic disgrace” is not the proper term, though.

    Shani Davis is a human disgrace.

  • College Students Oppose Obama Remarks When Told They're From Trump

    02/05/2018 12:46:41 PM PST · 24 of 35
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to Da Coyote

    College means almost nothing nowadays. And by “almost,” I mean a few people will get something out of it, and the vast majority will get absolutely nothing out of it.

    It’s absolutely the biggest bubble we’re facing right now. Will it be the next one to pop? I don’t know. There are a lot of entrenched forces that keep it from bursting, allowing it to get bigger and bigger. It will eventually be a catastrophic explosion, though, and I just pray that we have people in power that are smart enough to DO NOTHING and let the difficult self-correction happen. Of course, we could start deflating it now by stopping the insane influx of government funds into the system, but that’s not going to happen.

    If it pops when the Dems (or those like them) are in power, all student debts will get repealed, failing schools will get propped up, worthless professors will keep their jobs, and we’ll be heading for another Great Depression instead of the long-necessary reckoning that will fix itself within a couple of years like all recessions that are left alone. Definitely feel bad for good kids and good people that have kids going to school in the next decade, because it’s going to get ugly.

  • Use of Martin Luther King Jr. to sell trucks infuriates admirers during Super Bowl

    02/05/2018 12:16:40 PM PST · 57 of 65
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to Magnatron

    “I agree. It had a very high creep factor, and it matched up well with the majority of the rest of the Superbowl ads. A bunch of creepy SJW nonsense, with a corporate logo at the end. The worse batch of ads for the Superbowl ever.”

    Well said. “Very high creep factor” is the right term for all of it. I just can’t believe that all this money is spent simply to make unvarnished political statements.

    The T-Mobile one with the babies was the worst. Are people going to go sign up with T-Mobile because they just barfed out a bunch of left-wing talking points? No, they’re going to use whatever network they think is best. Are a ton of people going to never even consider using T-Mobile simply because of this stupid ad? Absolutely.

    I continue to be amazed at how disconnected advertising is from actually trying to enhance the sales of the product being advertised. These companies buying these ads just have so much money that they don’t even care it seems. Well, whatever. I’m done with Super Bowl ads. They’re all cringeworthy.

  • Fix Yourself - Dr. Jordan Peterson on PragerU

    01/30/2018 2:10:52 PM PST · 4 of 15
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to tbw2

    Watched this yesterday. It’s good. Planning on buying his new book today.

  • In any war with North Korea, the A-10 is a powerful weapon

    01/26/2018 9:48:45 PM PST · 13 of 58
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to Leaning Right

    Granted all I’ve ever seen of the A-10 is from watching TV programs about it, but all I’ve ever seen about it was that it was built to be extremely practical and tough. It can run on one engine if the other gets blown off, it has manual control of flaps and ailerons in case electronic control gets severed. It’s ugly, and it does what it’s designed to do, air-to-ground combat, extremely well. That’s what they’ve all said.

    It also looks like it would be one of the cheapest planes to maintain and fix because of that practical design. It seems like it would be a relative bargain to keep those planes ready to go, regardless of the nature of current perceived threats. Meanwhile, how many countless billions and billions of dollars have been spent trying to create the next generation of super-stealth fighter jet and how much does one of those cost? Probably one of them costs more than all the repairs on the 100 A-10s mentioned combined.

    I don’t know if it’s a key component in the attack against North Korea or not, but it sure doesn’t seem like something worth scrapping even if it doesn’t get used.

  • Thousands of students 'rising'... attend 'conservative' boot camp after taking college exams.

    12/21/2017 1:14:22 PM PST · 38 of 60
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to Yaelle

    I just recently discovered PragerUniverity on Youtube:

    I have NEVER seen such good explanations of such a variety of important topics explained so clearly and so concisely.

    I think it’s the best starting point, period, for anyone trying to wrap their heads around so many lies we’ve been told forever. The range of topics is incredible, and the speakers picked to present them are perfect. And each video is only 5 minutes long. I may be over a decade out of college, but I’m learning all sorts of things I never knew that I wish I had about politics and life in general from those videos. They will be a truly life-changing resource for college kids and younger.

    Prager is doing more to fight ignorance, dispel lies, and teach good values than I think anybody else in the conservative movement is. Perfect guy to go speak at this boot camp.

  • Thank Goodness Apple's iPhone Violated 'Net Neutrality' in 2007

    12/21/2017 10:45:13 AM PST · 28 of 32
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to fireman15

    Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system that deserves not to be forgotten. It was incredibly versatile and capable. And it was easy to learn if you knew how to use a Windows-based computer. It lacked an app store, but you could find basically anything you needed for it, much like you can with Windows. Plus, it had an incredible developer community at xda-developers that built all sorts of programs for and variations of it that could be easily loaded and offered even greater improvements.

    My first smartphone was an HTC Touch Pro 2 running Windows Mobile. Probably the best physical keyboard ever made for a phone. And the software was just so versatile; I didn’t do 1/10th of what I could have done with it. That phone had a MicroSD slot, could easily tether over USB or Bluetooth out of the box, was recognized as a hard drive when plugged into Windows, and had a huge array of useful software already available to it since Windows Mobile had been around for a while. And it had a stylus. The resistive screen wasn’t as sensitive as the capacitive screens that the iPhone brought into vogue, but it was way more accurate and precise and I didn’t even need to have conductive contact with my body for the screen to work.

    When Microsoft decided to deprecate Windows Mobile, we had no idea what they were going to do next. Then we got Window Phone 7, a complete change and an iPhone clone in nearly every respect, especially the locking down of the legendary Windows versatility that Windows Mobile had. I saw it, said “You’ve already lost, Microsoft” and set about resigning myself to finding a good Android phone while that whole mess was still sorting itself out in the early days of Android. Not until the Galaxy Note 2 came out did I go Android.

    Windows Mobile probably needed modern guts to it, but if Microsoft had stuck with the same functionality concept, it might have had something to distinguish itself in the new smartphone world. It did the opposite, reinvented itself completely, and its new baby was stillborn.

  • Trump threatens Jerusalem opponents with US funding cutoff

    12/21/2017 8:29:26 AM PST · 80 of 110
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to stig
    The coup-de-grace would be that Trump kicks the UN out of the US and Trump corporation buys the property and puts up a huge brand spanking new Trump Tower.

    From what I recall reading over the years, the UN buildings are in a sorry state structurally.  They've asked for tons of money over the years to fix them.  I would not at all be surprised if they violate countless national, state, and local statutes.  They would almost certainly need to be razed.

    And that's where I'd stop.  Leave the demolition debris where it is, wall it off, and forbid any sort of development plans for the site.  Let it stand in ruins as a permanent visual representation of the effectiveness of the U.N.

  • Trump threatens Jerusalem opponents with US funding cutoff

    12/21/2017 8:15:13 AM PST · 79 of 110
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to Olog-hai
    President Donald Trump threatened Wednesday to cut off U.S. funding to countries that support a resolution criticizing his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

    This sentence is so illustrative.

    1) UN supports a worthless resolution with no teeth (because it has none.)

    2) Four types of reactions to UN resolutions:
    a) Evil dictators and groups: "LOL. We'll just continue what we've doing."
    b) Obama and kin: *groveling and prostration to consciously further diminish U.S. standing*
    c) Every other President and U.S. leader with any potential influence over the years: "Oh, that U.N. We can just ignore them. Or we can use these resolutions to make a weak-kneed case to criticize the U.N. back."
    d) Trump, businessman: "You just straight up told me that we have irreconcilable differences. How can I keep you around now knowing that? You've got to go."
  • Mueller Prosecutor: Just Went To Walmart. I Could SMELL The Trump Support

    12/14/2017 11:41:58 AM PST · 97 of 125
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to roses of sharon

    Dems are the most bigoted people I know.

    Absolutely. Specifically with Walmart, every one of them that I know both despises the company AND the people that shop there. So, they’re ONLY paying attention to the “poor mistreated, Walmart workers”? How transparently Marxist.

    Walmart’s a good trap to catch Leftists in.

    Them: “They don’t pay them enough!”

    “Then, why do they choose to work there? Are you saying the workers you claim to support are idiots?”

    Them: “Have you seen the people that go there?”

    “Yes, beause, unlike you, I actually go there. I see people of EVERY SINGLE RACE AND TYPE there. Except rich liberals. They’re all in one place because it’s an affordable place to shop, which is good for poor people you claim to be trying to help. So you’re against a place a place that all races choose to shop at and that makes things more affordable for those that are poor?”

    Them: “All those Chinese goods hurt the American worker.”

    “Walmart pretty much sells the exact same stuff you can buy anywhere, just cheaper. In fact, in my observations, there’s a much higher percentage of brand-name goods at Walmart than other stores. Maybe not liberal, organic, vegan goods all acquired in fair-trade, which, by the way, pays growers LESS than free trade. But it sells the same stuff pretty much anyone else does, so this one store isn’t really doing anything any other major store isn’t doing.”

    And on and on.

    Of course the Left is terribly racist, because the left only actually has one thing in mind that it pursues, and it’s completely consistent at pursuing it by any means: PUSHING SOCIALISM. That is the ONLY consistent thing.

  • Dem lawmaker: Moore supporter called my office pretending to be a reporter, shouted racial slurs

    12/12/2017 1:48:47 PM PST · 67 of 81
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to jazusamo

    The statistical chances of this being a complete lie are 100% when you just get tired added 9s in the decimal place.

    As I get older and look at my own rearing and look at people younger than me, I realize that there are just a lot of life lessons that I and they were never taught. Never even heard of. The Life Studies section of PragerU is something I wish I’d had 20 years ago in my teens.

    Anyway, one of the most important things I don’t think is nearly ever communicated, especially to developing youth, is the following:

    People will straight up PURPOSELY LIE TO YOU to get what they want.

    It’s hard even for me, as jaded as I am, to fully comprehend that at times. It’s a hard thing to swallow unless you’ve been taught it early and often or you’ve learned it the hard way many times.

    It’s also hard to accept that we have to be that cynical about everything and everyone. But Reagan really nailed it in an easy-to-remember phrase:

    “Trust, but verify.”

    Without the second part, you can’t hold on to the first.

  • STUDY: Over 90% of the Media’s Coverage of Donald Trump Is Negative

    12/12/2017 1:24:57 PM PST · 24 of 39
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to ItsOnlyDaryl

    They’re clearly rounding down to make it seem more reasonable. I don’t know why; who does the MRC think they’re going to sway?

    Also, “...has become fixated with trying to take down Trump...”

    The MRC knows quite well that this started as soon as there was any hint whatsover that Trump might potentially become President. They’ve been fixated for years already.

  • President Trump signs space policy directive ordering NASA to send humans to the Moon

    12/11/2017 3:44:09 PM PST · 27 of 51
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to DFG

    I love the blunt simplicity of this. I choose to imagine it went like something like this:

    “President Trump, what should we do about NASA?”

    “Tell them to get off their asses and get us back to the Moon and then over to Mars.”

    “They’re going to say it’s not that easy.”

    “They did it 50 years ago. What’s the problem? My phone is thousands of times more powerful than Apollo 11’s computers.”

    “They’re saying something about funding.”

    “Let me see their books real quick. Hmm, yeah, do you have any idea how much money this is in the real world? I do.”


    “Tell them to go back to the Moon, or they’re fired.”

    “Ok, what should we call the directive?”

    “Uh, Space Policy...Directive...One.”

    “Ok, so ‘SPD-1: Go back to the Moon. Then go to Mars.’ Correct?”

    “Yes. Ok, next on the agenda...”

  • Trump administration asks Supreme Court to overrule precedent helping unions

    12/08/2017 12:24:26 PM PST · 127 of 154
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to DoughtyOne

    This guy take on all comers doesn’t he.


    He’s a beast! Love it!

    Yep. And having never seen any person like this in politics before, I fear we may never see one again. So, we desperately need him in there still making decisions in the first half of January 2025.

    Pence, you have at most a little over seven years to study and learn to copy everything your master does.

  • Marital Musings

    12/05/2017 3:18:41 PM PST · 18 of 19
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to SunkenCiv

    Hah, that reminds me of the first Onion article I ever read: “Ask A Navy Seal”

  • CIA Director Mike Pompeo: President Trump's Tweeting Has Actually Helped Us

    12/05/2017 2:50:57 PM PST · 24 of 30
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to drewh

    I don’t think I’ll ever stop being amazed at Trump’s ability to get all the enemies out there to stand up and identify themselves.

    I mean, they simply cannot help themselves. He exposed the entire rotten, disgusting underbelly of the GOP during his campaign. We knew it was there, but he got them to roll over and show it to the entire world. Every day, new people stand up and identify themselves as enemies in response to him. Our best psychological warfare experts couldn’t do it better.

    It would make a fascinating psychology dissertation, except no one would ever be allowed to write it.

  • Palestinians say Trump told Abbas he intends to move US embassy to Jerusalem

    12/05/2017 2:19:33 PM PST · 13 of 13
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to SeekAndFind

    “Despite strong pushback from US allies...”

    What “allies?” The one whose prime minister can’t ignore and tweet and had to be set in place like a little child? The “allies” constantly trying to undermine every single thing this country ever does? What allies? The article doesn’t say, of course.

    What is “strong pushback?” Is somebody threatening us? No, of course not. This just means strongly-worded letters and passive-aggressive utterances, which is actually more “pushback” than many of our supposed allies have shown to all the murderous, despotic countries and parcels of land like the P.A. over the years.

    And what if they were threatening us? How? Trump’s response to Theresa May wasn’t just saying to stay out of our business. It was good advice to fix her own country’s problems simply to ensure its survival. If it survives, then maybe it can start even thinking it has any sway in the world again.


    12/05/2017 1:54:15 PM PST · 23 of 74
    According2RecentPollsAirIsGood to shove_it

    Little disappointed in the title. When I saw “Counter Deep State Enemies,” I was hoping it was going to be turned inward towards rooting out and ruining the countless internal Deep State enemies from all three Branches.

    Of course, that would concern me as an abuse of power. Unless he used his own funds. Then go right ahead.

    Instead, this is really “circumventing” Deep State enemies by creating his own intelligence team. I understand that, too. If you don’t trust your subordinates, you’re not going to keep relying on them. Then again, the process of getting rid of those people is often a major chore. As a stopgap measure to get the intelligence he needs to make day-to-day decisions while continuing to work out how to deal with the official intelligence agencies and their decades-long infestations to the core, this is fine with me.

    Still, the enemy within needs to be dealt with. I wish the Right could organize to start dealing with that. Trump is already shouldering more than anyone else could bear.