Free Republic 4th Qtr 2024 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $1,495
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Keyword: britannicca

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  • Anglo-Catholicism

    05/22/2024 7:41:30 PM PDT · by DallasBiff · 11 replies
    Britannicca ^ | Britanicca
    Anglo-Catholicism, movement that emphasizes the Catholic rather than the Protestant heritage of the Anglican Communion. It was an outgrowth of the 19th-century Oxford Movement (q.v.), which sought to renew Catholic thought and practice in the Church of England. The term Anglo-Catholic was first used in some of the writings of leaders of the Oxford Movement who wished to demonstrate the historical continuity of the English (Anglican) Church with Catholic Christianity.
  • Silent Generation

    12/04/2023 2:58:02 PM PST · by DallasBiff · 21 replies
    Britannicca ^ | 11/3/23 | Jeff Vallenfeldt
    Silent Generation, generation of people sandwiched between the “Greatest Generation,” which fought World War II, and the “baby boomers,” the generation born during the surge in births in the United States and other countries in the years immediately following the war. The range of birth years ascribed to the Silent Generation varies slightly according to the generational scheme employed, beginning with either 1925, 1928, or 1929 and ending with either 1942 or 1945