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  • JOHN BOEHNER: The Very Best DemocRAT Speaker Ever!

    08/05/2015 2:15:14 PM PDT · by Fiddlstix · 89 replies
    Various | 8/05/2015 | Fiddlstix
    <p>Posted Here And Add Your Own Input. Let's Get The Alcoholic Crybaby Once And For All!</p> <p>With An Article About Boehner Please Ping This Thread. Let's Make This A Concerted Effort To Bring The Clown Down!</p> <p>Boehner IS A Crooked, Back Stabbing Drunk Who Goes On Crying Jags!</p>
  • Tea Party Nation says Boehner's time's run out

    06/02/2011 7:36:28 PM PDT · by rabscuttle385 · 41 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | 2011-05-20
    'We cannot fight Obama when we have to fight those who are supposed to be allies.' BY BOB UNRUH The Tea Party Nation, one of the largest groups in the tea party movement that rocked the 2010 elections, ejecting California Rep. Nancy Pelosi from her seat of power and electing a Republican majority in the U.S. House, earlier said that new Republican House Speaker John Boehner should be replaced because of his unwillingness to crack the whip on federal spending. Now Tea Party Nation leaders say they can't wait that long to seek his exit. "Three months ago, TPN called...