Posted on 04/24/2012 9:04:06 PM PDT by ShadowPatriot
I don't write about this topic lightly, and as you'll see by the dates---I've allowed several months and multiple opportunities to pass. I have no desire to 'broad-brush' an entire church based on the behavior of one or two representatives and NO WAY will I lie about a church, but as it turns out, my 'now former church' is a poster child for 'religious political correctness' crossing paths with 'uncompromising reality.' So as a result, I am now forced to use a much 'looser definition' of the word 'church'... but this in no way diminishes my love for God. ~JDG
I began attending Kansas City's Heartland Community Church in 2008, while it was still a small neighborhood church that often required parking in the street, but that of course, was before they moved into their new mega-complex (pictured below). The people were cool. The music was cool...and Pastor Deeble gave some very inspiring and thought-provoking sermons. For the first time in my life, I actually felt I connected with a church --- and I was diggin' it. Not to mention, they serve assorted flavors of premium-blend coffees for your sipping enjoyment during the sermon.
Last August, I was all set to be baptized when everything changed. I had a 'Spiritual Advisor/Sponsor' and we talked about a ton of stuff. I was asked to share things that were the most personal...and I did. A few 'man tears' were even shed. Everything was rockin along until my questions turned to 'why the church never mentions anything about our children being robbed of the religious freedoms that you and I took for granted... just 25 years ago?
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If you want to join the church Jesus founded... you would be welcome.
Nice. Puts all Christians into the same category as all the reality shows. Nice.
Sad indeed!
Our church turned was headed that is now debt free and investing in community and of course the real priority missions (Matthew 28:16-20).
Major community outreach! As a result of being debt free able to launch a local community focused ministry. 6Stones has changed thousands of lives and our whole community in the middle of the DFW metroplex.
Churches in the hell? An interesting concept. You write about this topic lightly, doncha?
Lists Every Catholic Should be Familiar With: The 4 Marks of the Church
Radio Replies Second Volume - Holiness of the Church
One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic: Marks of the Church Building as well as the Church Herself
The 15 Marks of The Church
Catholic Biblical Apologetics: The Marks of the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Four Marks of the Church Four Marks of the Church
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic: The Marks of Christ's Church [Ecumenical]
Over the decades . . . I’ve tended to rant against churches & leaders who ought to have known better
than I have at rank sinners et al.
Sounds like you received dreadful treatment.
Recently a deacon in our church treated her rather horribly in her job as a customer . . . I’m still pondering what is fitting to do now about that.
Thankfully our Pastor at least believes more or less in having Biblical relationships and taking Biblical steps to right them.
However, putting that where the rubber meets the road still has a fair chunk to grow into, walk out as a body of believers.
Sounds like you got labeled and shunted aside as BEYOND THE PALE . . . when it was actually the group that had moved outside the Biblical parameters . . . if I understand things well.
I know there’ no perfect congregation and even less so a perfect denomination. However, do so many seem to HAVE to PRACTICE SO HARD BEING SO HORRIBLE?
Or find a protestant preacher you can sit down and talk with and get your questions answered. Then consider the TRUE church.
As a Trad Catholic I had no idea such a silly thing occurs. Anyway, the (R)eal (C)hristian church is always there for you.
So true.
Check out Ann Barnhardt and get away from the ‘feel good, rock and roll’ church and the pastor who will throw away his faith to keep from getting a visit from the IRS.
My point ... it works both ways. LOL!
Many churches are in hell. We have one that let’s the muzzies use their facilities.
Everything you ‘need’ can be found in the pages of the Bible. If your ‘church’ has to result to Starbucks, rock bands and stadiums, it’s no ‘church at all.
Personally I was raised RC and still believe the vast majority of the teachings. I parted company when the leadership refused to follow their own playbook. IMO, if one ‘has’ to associate with a church at all, the RC Church is still head and shoulders, IMO despite the problems, above these wannabee preachers with a secular degree in business.
If they took their own teachings seriously, I’d be back. Until then, Me and the Good Lord are doing just fine. I discovered that I didn’t need a middleman to tell me what I can plainly read for myself. That is something you may or may not wish to consider for yourself.
Not to mention the Clergy Response Teams of the DHS.
The churches have been co-opted and intimidated into inaction and often into irrelevance
Jesus didn’t found a church, he set an example and led the way to heaven for all of us.
No where in the Bible does it say there are infallible humans (Popes) or to pray to dead people (Saints). Or to pray over totems and relics.
The Churches are terrorized, compromised, and marginalized.
Even the Catholic Church, which has played along with Democrat Socialists for decades, now finds it’s base doctrines being attacked, and can’t do anything about it, out of fear of political correctness.
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