To: ShadowPatriot
Not to mention, they serve assorted flavors of premium-blend coffees for your sipping enjoyment during the sermon. As a Trad Catholic I had no idea such a silly thing occurs. Anyway, the (R)eal (C)hristian church is always there for you.
9 posted on
04/24/2012 9:20:40 PM PDT by
(Acerbic by nature not nurture TM)
To: steve86
Does the RC Church allow concealed carry inside the Church? Just curious....we attended a PCA (Presbyterian - very conservative), however, they opposed CC in Church...always bothered me.
21 posted on
04/24/2012 10:00:59 PM PDT by
(2012..."We mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor")
To: steve86
I am not the author. I posted this blog post for discussion to see what others thought as I had not read a piece quite like this. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson