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Doscounting the already over-hyped population of maladjusted, welfare-dependent first time mothers, I respectfully would like to add NORMAL first time mothers.
The reason is that so many I have spoken to over the years for various reasons were (as well-trained, 'open minded' products the last 20 years of 'tolorant' society) 'pro-choice'.
During pregnancy or upon becoming a mother (depends on the individual) al normal first time mothers, upon falling in love, suddenly realize in a very close, personal, and emotionally painful way (even if they never had an abortion) just WHAT, exactly, is LOST in 'the choice'.
G'night all. Might have to watch my teething grandson after all....I don't think it'll be so bad.
Kathy Ireland, Supermodel
"I was once pro-choice. And the thing that changed my mind was, I read my husband's biology books, medical books and what I learned is simply what it states - this isn't even morally -- this is pure biology. At the moment of conception, a life starts. And this life has its own unique set of DNA, which contains a blueprint for the whole genetic being. The sex isdetermined. Now people ask the question, well, is it a human being? We know there's a life because it's growing and changing."
From ABC's television weeknight show, "Politically Incorrect", May 1, 1998
Sen. Edward Kennedy, [D-Mass.], in a letter to a constituent, August 3, 1971
"While the deep concern of a woman bearing an unwanted child merits consideration and sympathy, it is my personal feeling that the legalization of abortion on demand is not in accordance with the value which our civilization places on human life. Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized -- the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grown old.
"I share the confidence of those who feel that America is working to care for its unwanted as well as wanted children, protecting particularly those who cannot protect themselves. I also share the opinions of those who do not accept abortion as a response to our society's problems -- an inadequate welfare system, unsatisfactory job training programs, and insufficient financial support for all its citizens.
"When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception."
Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.)
"Life is the division of human cells, a process that begins with conception.... The [Supreme Court's abortion] ruling was unjust, and it is incumbent on the Congress to correct the injustice." Mr. Gephardt wrote in 1984, "I have always been supportive of pro-life legislation. I intend to remain steadfast on this issue.... I believe that the life of the unborn should be protected at all costs."
Bill Clinton, in a letter to Arkansas Right to Life, September 26, 1986
"I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of abortions. We should not spend state funds on abortions because so many people believe abortion is wrong."
You're right about that. But you already know what I think will do it, and it isn't what pro-life people want to hear.
I first ran into this abortion issue long before abortion was made legal in the USA. A friend of my sister had one in some dark alley somewhere, rusty coathanger and all. Made my flesh crawl, doubly so when that lady then wanted to hook up with me. Whoa! I am not suitable to be a liberal. Some people just aren't.
I think the pro-death crowd have been permitted to co-opt a position they do not deserve. They demand proof from pro-lifers that a fetus is a human person.
The argument should be the other way around. The pro-aborts should have to prove that fetuses are not human beings ("persons").
Along those same lines are these words from the FR thread THE LUKE SKYFREEPER ABORTION DOCTRINE
But plenty of "rational thinking people" think pure logic would dictate that, at any stage, "a human individual is a human individual is a human individual is a human individual."
I thought scientific (rational) people liked answers to be elegantly simple, not overly complicated.
How can the hodge-podge of pro-abort positions be seen as elegantly simple?
The muddle-headed pro-aborts
For too long, the right-to-lifers have been told they have to prove the fetus is a human person.
It's time for "right-to-deathers" to defend their position that particular fetuses are not human beings, worthy of being called persons.
It's time for pro-aborts to defend their position that it is okay to kill a fetus just because it is not "fully formed," or it is handicapped or it is "unwanted."
Sure - When she was in the womb.
"Life is the division of human cells, a process that begins with conception .... The (Supreme Court's ruling) was unjust, and it is incumbent on the Congress to correct the injustice .... I have always been supportive of pro-life legislation. I intend to remain steadfast on the issue .... I believe that the life of the unborn should be protected at all costs." (Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.), 1977)
In 1984 Sen. Al Gore wrote a constituent of his "deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong," and he voted to amend the Civil Rights Act to define the word "person" to "include unborn children from the moment of conception." Apparently Gore's "conviction" wasn't that deep. He now favors unrestricted abortion.
In a 1971 letter, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) wrote that "human life, even at its earliest stages, has a certain right which must be recognized -- the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grow old."
Rev. Jesse Jackson once endorsed the Hyde Amendment, which restricts federally funded abortions except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is endangered. In an open letter to Congress, Jackson said he opposed the use of federal funds for "killing infants." In 1977 Jackson wrote an article for National Right to Life News that said: "It takes three to make a baby: a man, a woman and the Holy Spirit. What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience? What kind of a person and what kind of a society will we have 20 years hence if life can be taken so casually?"
Daughter: In school we voted for president. I voted for George Bush.
Babysitter: I wouldn't vote for George Bush. He wants to force women to be pregnant.
Daughter: What?
Babysitter: Sometimes women don't want to be pregnant, and George Bush wouldn't let them stop being pregnant.
Now I found out about this several months later. And never had that sitter again. But I told my daughter, when a woman is pregnant, there is a baby there. And if you don't let the baby be born, it dies. One instant pro-lifer. And then she asks how it dies, and is horrified. I have two ardent pro-life children, one willing to speak out about it, and I have another almost seven, so I guess it's time.
I HATE having to do this. I usually wait until it comes up, and then deal with it. At least James knows exactly what fetal development is, because he has a baby sister, and two miscarried sisters in heaven, and he calls a baby a baby, whether it is a cell ball or a bean or a funny looking embryo or a recognizable fetus.
Mrs VS