Posted on 04/30/2003 6:37:27 AM PDT by yankeedame
Survey Says
A National Geographic study released [in November] found that only about one in seven Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 could find Iraq [on a map]. Although 58% knew that the Taliban and al Qaeda were based in Afghanistan, only 17% could find that country.
The survey asked 56 geographic and current events questions of young people in nine countries.
Americans got an average of 23 correct answers. Mexico ranked last with an average score of 21. Topping the scoring was Sweden, with an average of 40, followed by Germany and Italy, each with 38.
Other findings: When asked to find 10 specific states on a map of the U.S., only California and Texas could be located by a large majority. Only 51% could find New York.
On a world map, Americans could find on average only 7 of 16 countries in the quiz. Only 89% of the Americans surveyed could find their own country.
Only 71% of the surveyed Americans could locate the Pacific Ocean.
--Paul Recer, Associated Press
(And, while we're on the subject this from USA Today/Forbes)
"No idea in politics has hurt children more than the false and misleading idea that the quality of education is determined by how much we spend.
"More than 35 years after Congress passed the first Elementary and Secondary Education Act, public school spending per pupil has more than doubled--even when adjusted for inflation--from $3,331 in 1965-1966 to $8,194 in 2000-2001.
" In fact, the federal government has spent more than $321 billion on education programs since 1965. Every year, spending on K-12 education by all levels of government exceeds $400 billion.
"Yet, citizens must ask, what have we gotten for all this? Fewer than a third of fourth-graders can read proficiently.
"No, the problem isn't--and never has been--money alone. This is just the most tired of all excuses. If there is no account-ability, or schools use unproven fads for instruction, it doesn't matter how much money is thrown at a problem; it will be wasted."
--Rod Paige, Secretary of Education
You make some interesting points, but I believe that having a point of world reference that geography provides, gives a much richer understanding of current and historical events. This isn't simply beneficial to the "meritocracy" as you put it; it's vital to the masses as well. It's not just this meritocracy that votes, it's the masses too.
We cannot argue for a strong defense, if we don't know where we're defending against. We cannot debate whether or not a trade agreement is beneficial or not, if we don't have a general idea of the countries involved. And, we cannot determine whether or not it's worth sending troops halfway around the world to battle terrorism, if we don't have an idea of where they're going and the conditions they'll be fighting in.
These are just some of the reasons for the "practicality" of general geographic knowledge. The majority of Americans are not using geography to innovate, but they should have an awareness if they want to participate in the political and economic process.
Northenmost town in Alberta: Fort McMurray
Birthplace of NHL Sutter brothers: Lethbridge
Common Penalty Infractions By Sutters: Fighting, Roughing, Boarding, Spearing, Slashing, High Sticking, Charging, Cross Checking, Unsportsmalike Conduct, Intent to Injure Game Major, Gross Misconduct, Game Misconduct
Alberta's Major Shared Resource: Janet Jones
Two K's in Publik
Employ them as janitors.
I really have trouble believing that more Mexicans knew the population of the US than people in the US do.
...or Geography teachers.
Sutter Marketing Tag Line: "Six brothers, one brain."
Historic Location Proving Earliest Hominid and Neanderthal Life: Stu Hart's Gym, Calgary
Silly. There is no flashlight involved in the cycle of day and night. It's all done with computer animation from Hollywood.
The Sutter brothers were born in the small farming town of Viking, Alberta. All of them played junior hockey for the Lethbridge Broncos of the WHL, though.
The northernmost town in Alberta is probably Fort Fitzgerald -- up north of Lake Athabasca near Wood Buffalo National Park. Fort McMurray may be the northernmost CITY in the province.
Alberta's Major Shared Resource: Janet Jones
Don't make us break down your work year, please.
"Is the Earth flat or round? I don't remember." A serious question from a girl who attended my high school.
"I never understood the Jim Crow era in the U.S. Why would you treat certain people like that? . . . It's not as if they were Injuns."
Paying teacher more = investing in the child? Wrong!
We don't want to pay to send them to daycare, we don't want to pay to have them taught properly. ...SNIP...Blaming the teacher first is a sure sign of not taking responsibility as a parent to make sure your child gets his/her homework done and studies properly, IMHO. :)
So, which is it? Do we (I assume you mean the government) pay to send our kids to daycare, or do we take responsibility as parents. You cant have it both ways.
Are you a teacher? I'm just curious.
How could I forget the Twin Cities of Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta and Uranium City, Saskatchawan? I apologize to all the Albertarianites and Saskatchawantonians.
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