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Need Suggestions for Good Books About the Founding Fathers
| 11/30/02
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Posted on 11/30/2002 9:22:25 AM PST by randita
I am currently enjoying immensely the McCullough book about John Adams. Although always interested in history, my interest has been acutely heightened in the Founding Fathers as a result of this book.
I know that many of you are very well read and well versed in the early history of this great nation. Your suggestions for reading material on a par with the McCullough book would be truly appreciated.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: americanrevolution; books; foundingfathers
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posted on
11/30/2002 9:22:25 AM PST
To: randita
To: randita
Check out the Library of America. They have multi-volume compilations of notes taken by Constitutional Convention attenders, contemporary articles and pamphlets, etc. This material provides a valuable supplement and background to the Federalist Papers.
To: randita
posted on
11/30/2002 9:30:20 AM PST
To: LiteKeeper
Founding Brothers & The American Sphinx by Joseph Ellis,
First on the founding fathers and the second book on Thomas Jefferson.
posted on
11/30/2002 9:31:59 AM PST
To: randita
Paul Johnson, "A History of the American People"
Comment #7 Removed by Moderator
To: Hans
Original Intent, by David Barton. Excellent!
To: randita
"Patriarch : George Washington and the New American Nation"
By Richard Smith Norton
The story of Washington's presidency- the establishment of our government. The fantastic difficulty of his task and how his character conquered it is the theme and is well done IMHO.
Easy to read yet full of facts about the time.
posted on
11/30/2002 9:54:37 AM PST
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: sheamanski
Try Douglas Southall Freeman's 5 volume biography.
To: sheamanski
I myself am looking for the definative George Washington Book. Any one help me out? Flexner wrote a four volume biography, and a one volume reduction of that biography. This was one of the four(?) books recommended by Newt Gigrich upon his ascendency to Speaker back in 1994.
posted on
11/30/2002 10:28:30 AM PST
To: randita
"Young Hamilton" by James Flexner.
"Decision in Philadelphia" by The Colliers.
"Alexander Hamilton" by Forrest McDonald.
posted on
11/30/2002 11:15:05 AM PST
To: LiteKeeper
Federalist Papers!!!!!!!!
To: randita
How about two that formed the basis for our Bill of Rights and the Constitution...Samuel Rutherford's "Lex, Rex" and Aaron's Rod Blossoming by George Gillespie.
To: randita; Hans
I've been enjoying Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis.
One of the things that fascinates me is that many of the arguments we have on FR have been ongoing since the beginning of the Republic.
posted on
11/30/2002 11:30:27 AM PST
To: conservaDave; randita
Federalist Papers!!!!!!!! You beat me to it.
In all seriousness, The Federalist Papers is one of the best books the OP could read. It's a small book, and it goes to the very heart of the principles upon which this country was founded. Not reading it would be a large mistake.
To: randita
An absolutely fantastic book!
posted on
11/30/2002 12:31:28 PM PST
To: randita
There are so many very fine works that have been written over the years that it is difficult to select only a few titles to suggest. However, the following are ones that should be easily accessible through any reasonably well stocked college or municipal library.
The Spirit of Seventy-Six, edited by Commager & Morris. Library of Congress Catalog Card: 67-11325. This provides a wealth of primary documents and letters as well as a well informed commentary by the editors.
The Papers of Henry Laurens, various editors. The Laurens papers are an ongoing project of the University of South Carolina. This is a 13 volume series that is certainly of value to anyone interested in the Continental Congress or trade as it was conducted in South Carolina prior to the war. Laurens was both President of the Continental Congress as well as the father of John Laurens who was one of Washington's Aides de Camp. Much of the correspondence between father and son is contained in this set.
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, edited by Harold C. Syrett. A useful three volume set. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-15593.
Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution, Selected Letters and Papers, 1776-1790. edited by Stanley J. Idzerda. Many interesting letters dealing primarily with military matters both great and small. A four volume set. ISBN: 0-8014-1336-2.
A Little Revenge, Benjamin Franklin at War with his Son by Willard Sterne Randall. An interesting book dealing with the conflict between the elder Franklin and his son William who was the Royal Governor of New Jersey at the beginning of the war. ISBN: 0-688-10790-7.
Benedict Arnold, Patriot and Traitor. Also by Willard Sterne Randall. Arnold is of course best known for his treachery while commanding the forts at West Point but he was arguably also the most capable of the general officers in the Continental Army. A very complex and ambitious man who was very much a part of the successes and failures of the American Revolutionary War. It is a very readable book and in my opinion it is the best of the several biographies dealing Arnold both before and during his attempt to sell his command to the British. It does not deal with his service and effectiveness as a British officer later in the war which is usually glossed over by most historians. ISBN: 0-688-10968-3.
There are dozens of other titles I could add to this list but even this short list will keep you busy for several months.
To: LiteKeeper
Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution.
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