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Clinton Makes Entrance By Trash Dumpsters (Arkansas after FReep Report)
November 3, 2002 | Arkansas Hog Wild FReepers

Posted on 11/03/2002 6:07:39 PM PST by sweetliberty

We have just returned to Budge's house to do the FReep report because there is a lot of information to report.

In attendance were Budge, Travelgirl, The Battman, parsifal, Don Frivoinai, sweetliberty, and another FReeper who, for reasons you will come to understand shortly, needs to remain anonymous until after the election.

We arrived at Budge's around noon to get everything set up for the maiden FReep of the Arkansas Hog Wild FReepers and the FReepmobile. We got to the site around quarter after 1 and finished up some signs and headed over to the convention center to await the arrival of XXX42 and his horde of Rats. There we were joined by several folks from the Hutchinson campaign and there were quite a few folks who came down from Mount Ida. There ended up being about 30 of us on the outside.

During the wait, we were informed of quite a few "questionable" things going on. For starters, there was one young man who is active with Tim Hutchinson's campaign who was threatened with arrest if he didn't leave the premises. He had done nothing to provoke this action other than they knew who he was. One of the FReepers who is a poll watcher was also threatened with arrest when she tried to go inside the convention center. Another young man who is a Hutchinson aide had a ticket to the event and because he had been seen talkiing to the "opposition" he was not allowed in, being told that it was a private event and they could exclude whoever they wanted to. There was also a group of black folks who were with us so this young man passed his ticket to one of the black guys, who removed all his campaign stuff and went in incognito, laughing saying that they'd never suspect a black guy. Will give you his report later.

Nobody would tell us what door Clinton would be entering by so we took a chance and hung out on one side of the building where they said the car would drive by. True to form, XXX42 was late by nearly an hour. But here is the great part. We were positioned between 2 entrances. One was a major side entrance. The other was a small, fenced-in service entrance by the garbage dumpsters. Well, guess which one he used. Think....which would be most appropriate. Yep, you guessed it. The snake slithered in through the garbage entrance. And he got a look at our signs. It was a classic moment in FReeperdom.

There was a whopping 500 people or so there for the "event". There were few enough people that there was a Jehovah's Witness convention going on in the building at the same time. When Clinton arrived the Jehovah's Witnesses started leaving. At that time we didn't realize that there was another event going on and Travelgirl and The Battman asked one of the cops on duty why everyone was leaving. He responded, "if Clinton entered a room, what would YOU do?" When the Jehovah's Witnesses left, the parking lot started clearing out.

Anyway, we may have to flesh in this post after we all get home because there is a lot to tell, but there is certain information that it is very important to get out there NOW! Back to our "spy". When he came out, he said they were running it like a church service, and the whole focus was on how the evil Republicans are trying to keep them from voting. They were saying that we have all the poll watchers this election to prevent THEM from voting. Now, here is the clencher. They were told that there would be attorneys posted at every precinct to prevent poll watchers from challenging ANY ballots. Now, mind you, one of our poll watchers has already had massive problems with them at the polls during early voting the past couple of weeks and has been advised to retain an attorney. They have had the sherriff remove her from the polls twice when she had done nothing inappropriate...only challenging ballots for improper or no ID. There is an all out campaign by these people to intimidate the poll watchers and then turn around and accuse us of voter intimidation. This is serious and at least one person has some legitimate fear. I can't really elaborate at this point. The reason we wanted to get this up right away is to get other FReepers on the case to get this publicized and contact appropriate media, political and legal sources to alert them that Republican poll watchers in this county are likely to be facing an organized, all-out Rat attack. Any help that FReepers can offer is needed!! Make phone calls, send letters. Whatever you can do. Post your ideas as well.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Breaking News; Free Republic; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas
KEYWORDS: arkansas; clintonalumni; clintonfreep; clintonhaters; clintonscandals; dirtyrats; election; hutchinson; napoleon; votefraud; voterfraud
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To: sweetliberty
I feel your pain. The three states where liberals did well yesterday: California, Arkansas, and my Illinois. [sigh] Pretty bad when Massachusettes has a better day than one's home state. At least Arkansas and Illinois had a bit of an excuse...perceived hypocrisy concerning marriage in Arkansas, and a liberal corrupt exiting Republican governer in Illinois...(sorry California...:^)...).
621 posted on 11/06/2002 8:08:15 PM PST by #3Fan
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To: #3Fan
You forget that in south Dakota and Arkansas there was a lot of fraud too. And we only know what they got caught at.
622 posted on 11/06/2002 8:11:05 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: Budge
Sorry if I missed it. I will definitely go check it out. THanks for your reply.
623 posted on 11/06/2002 8:34:18 PM PST by Freedom2specul8
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To: sweetliberty
You forget that in south Dakota and Arkansas there was a lot of fraud too. And we only know what they got caught at.

I think Democratic vote fraud is in every state. It was a good sign yesterday that Republicans finally got the percentages they polled at in some cases. Maybe we're turning back the tide on Democratic vote fraud. Too bad it cost Thune the election. If the Senate would've hung on that one seat, there would've been hell to pay. There should be anyway. Cheating Dems are too stupid to realize they're playing with fire. Take away a person't vote and there isn't too many recourses. 1776 comes to mind.

624 posted on 11/06/2002 9:02:29 PM PST by #3Fan
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To: sweetliberty
Bump to your state. I know I love my area/state where I live even though parts of it our over run with Rats.
625 posted on 11/06/2002 11:38:23 PM PST by oceanperch
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To: Jim Robinson; chnsmok; Cicero; mykdsmom; billhilly; nicmarlo; hellinahandcart; ChadGore; ...

Tonight we had our monthly Hog wild FReepers meeting and got to hear more of the adventures of FReeper, stop_the_rats, long time lurker and relatively new FReeper. She filled us in on some of the details of things that were occurring at the polls. If you remember, she is the one who I didn't mention in the initial report. Here is what was happening. Others who were there, including her (she is busy moving her son to Louisiana tonight where he will work to defeat Mary Landrieu in the run-off race), can fill in anything I might miss. I hated leaving y'all hanging before. As of tonight, stop_the_rats hasn't even had the time to read this thread and really isn't aware of all y'all's hard work in response to this original report, but she will be around this weekend to catch up.

Anyway, stop_the_rats signed up to be a poll watcher in Jefferson County, a predominantly black Rat stronghold and home to the XXX42 FReep. The people that typically have run the poll "show" there and in some other Arkansas counties as well, are apparently accustomed to being able to run their game unimpeded and it was my impression, even from my own experience, that poll watchers are not something they have much experience with.

The poll workers were informed in advance that there would be poll watchers present in the polling places and stop_the_rats had signed on to work every day during early voting. On the first day, there was a big NAACP meeting in a building across the street where the people had been bused in, fed and taken to vote, complete with voting instructions in hand (all Rat candidates marked on a "sample" ballot), and pasted with campaign stickers, buttons, and t-shirts, which are not allowed inside polling places. She took a picture, which got the NAACP "coaches" up in arms, making the first claim of black voter intimidation. She also took a picture of an "instructional" ballot to which they raised another fuss. At that point there had been no challenges to the ballots but she had to challenge the poll workers numerous times to get them to ask for ID. Once they got to where they were doing that, they were then "feeding" the voters the information on the ID's for verification purposes. It wasn't until a voter presented a Michigan driver's license that a ballot was challenged and that was when all hell broke loose. After the second ballot was challenged, an elderly woman in a wheel chair who apparently didn't even know where she was and had no identification, she (stop_the_rats) was literally being shouted at by the poll worker and being told to get out or she would call the sheriff. She was then subjected to this NAACP mob shouting and chanting at her and she had to leave. At this point she went to Jay Dickey's office, told them what had happened and 2 of the people there escorted her back over to the courthouse. From that point on, the people in charge generally made her job as difficult as they possibly could and even called the sheriff on her who then tried to make her leave. After verifying with other officials that she did indeed have the right to be there and to do the things she was doing he allowed her to go back in. Meanwhile the NAACP crowd had set up their own watchdogs on her even going so far as to follow her to her car whenever she would leave the building. She even appealed to the sheriff for protection for herself to which he replied that once whe was outside the building it was the "problem" of the city police of Pine Bluff.

I am sure that many of you heard the complaints being leveled against Arkansas poll watchers in Jefferson County by various media sources, not the least of whom was Alan Colmes, claiming black voter intimidation. It was our own tenacious FReeper working hard to do her job that was the target of these accusations. The chairman of the Rat party here put the word out on the AP and it hit many national papers and all the cable news channels and the intimidation she had to endure didn't stop there. When Terry McCaulliffe got wind of it, he actually wrote a letter to the justice department making the same ridiculous accusations that black voters were being intimidated. This is the kind of constant pressure she was under during the entire period of early voting and as a result she was very afraid of drawing any more attention to herself and was concerned that many of these news types and Rat operatives might even be trolling at FR and she was already concerned for her son, a Hutchinson campaign worker, who was dragged into it by the local newspaper in Pine Bluff. Her name was all over the papers along with false claims and accusations which she has yet to be able to clear.

And as if that wasn't enough, she also noted irregularities with absentee ballots on election day, particularly with ones that had arrived late, and is still meeting with someone (argh...I forget what his position is) regarding this. The absentee ballots do not have to be certified until Tuesday. So she still has some concerns there. She is also concerned that some of these NAACP gestapo types may try to bring a lawsuit against her for voter intimidation....blacks only of course; never mind that challenged ballots were not limited to black voters nor did she have any knowledge at all of how a voter might vote. But given their history, I would agree that she has cause for concern.

I know that all you wonderful FReepers who contributed so much to this thread and to getting the word out about some of the Rat shenanigans in Arkansas would want to know some of the rest of the story, and I am sure that I have probably forgotten some of the details, which will undoubtedly be corrected by some of the others who were at the meeting. But I also wanted to give all of you the opportunity to congratulate stop_the_rats and to give her some words of encouragement and support. She was truly a trooper on the front lines against the viciousness of the Rats and their attempts to railroad yet another election. They may have even succeeded in Arkansas again, but at least now they know that the gig is up and it isn't going to be so easy from here on out.

626 posted on 11/09/2002 6:42:13 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: sweetliberty; stop_the_rats
Thank you for posting that, and STR, WOW!!! You went into the den of lions, didn't you? Thanks for giving the rest of us the motivation to do the same.

Well, we'll have to keep this one bumped, along with prayers for safety.

Isn't it a SHAME that it's come to this???????????????
627 posted on 11/09/2002 6:51:03 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma
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To: sweetliberty; stop_the_rats
Sweetliberty, thanks for the update.

Hang in there, STR. You are a very courageous lady.
628 posted on 11/09/2002 6:57:29 PM PST by manna
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To: sweetliberty; stop_the_rats
Thanks for the update. It's unbelievable that real democracy means nothing to them.
629 posted on 11/09/2002 6:59:09 PM PST by knighthawk
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To: stop_the_rats
You have my thanks and support for your bravery in taking on the RATs.
630 posted on 11/09/2002 7:01:32 PM PST by mafree
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To: sweetliberty
Post 626 should probably have its own thread.
631 posted on 11/09/2002 7:09:45 PM PST by Djarum
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To: Djarum
"Post 626 should probably have its own thread."

Well, we kinda thought that too, but she is still worried about backlash so it would probably be a good idea to keep it here for now. I mainly wanted to let the FReepers on this thread who had a little bit of a clue what was going on to have a chance to get more of the details without drawing a whole lot of general attention to this post. Once this is all over and the results of the election certified, then perhaps we can elaborate a bit but as long as there is a potential legal issue at stake it may be best to keep it low key.

632 posted on 11/09/2002 7:16:28 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: sweetliberty
Thanks for your post, sweetliberty.

Good job. Bump!

633 posted on 11/09/2002 7:17:21 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: sweetliberty
Understood. I appreciate your keeping us abreast of this story.
634 posted on 11/09/2002 7:22:47 PM PST by Djarum
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To: sweetliberty
Ahh, the Machine at work in Arkansas. The bastards are pushing us toward civil war, really.
635 posted on 11/09/2002 7:28:22 PM PST by agrandis
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To: sweetliberty; stop_the_rats
My hat is off to you courageous freepers. Reading this made me think I was experiencing events in early Communist Russia or the German Socialist Brown Shirts before WWII. Basically where the population was beat into submission to conform to the dictates of one group. This is thuggery at its worst, and must be exposed to the light of day. Thanks for this great work and post.
636 posted on 11/09/2002 7:38:06 PM PST by TheLion
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To: sweetliberty
Thanks for the ping and for all the information!!
637 posted on 11/09/2002 7:40:10 PM PST by SheLion
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To: sweetliberty
Amazing story. good job. A FR salute !
638 posted on 11/09/2002 7:40:45 PM PST by John Lenin
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To: sweetliberty
God, no wonder Hutchinson lost....he never had a prayer, to begin with.
639 posted on 11/09/2002 7:44:59 PM PST by TheLion
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To: sweetliberty
Yea STR! I'm back. How was the meeting. parsy.
640 posted on 11/09/2002 7:45:04 PM PST by parsifal
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