One of FR's And FLORIDA's Finest!
by Freedom'sWorthIt
Luis Gonzalez FReeper since 05-10-00
Today Free Republic's Finest is saluting someone that many of us met online for the first time back during the Elian Gonzalez travail. Luis' posts during that time gave poignant understanding and indignant passion to the arguments and reasons for allowing that little boy whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom to stay in his new happy home in America. Since that shameful episode in America's "terrible times" under the Clinton/Reno horror, Luis has gone on to become one of Free Republic's budding - and, now, accomplished - authors of distinction!
Maybe you remember these passages about Luis' childhood and the Elian episode - first published at Free Republic, June 3, 2000:
Becoming American; Elian Gonzalez and My Journey to Freedom (Copyright 2001)
"I remember Cuba.
I remember it through the eyes of a child, I was eleven years old the day we left; excited to be on my first real airplane, on a trip I had waited so long to take.
The Cuba that I remember was one of contrasts, even to a young child, Marxist ideals and indoctrination at school, quiet and loving deprogramin at home.
Learn and unlearn, fit in and be an outsider at the same time
One by one, I said goodbye to my family; uncles, cousins, grandparents; and still we waited.
The fear and desperation of my parents kept a secret from my brother and I, but even as a child I knew; I knew my role, I knew my task, I felt the high wire under my feet. By day, an honor student, outwardly following the Party line for Cuban children, participating in the rallies, repeating the lines, wearing the emblems. By night, hearing the stories about a land where everything was possible, a land of bicycles and toys and wondrous things, a land so alien and so inviting, we where soon to go. Remember not to believe in the lies taught at school, remember to forget..... learn and unlearn.
The last memory of Cuba for this eleven year old child is a disturbing one, a night filled with men in Army uniforms and guns, and shouted orders, of women going into rooms with men and women dressed in green and coming out crying. It was a night of fear and anxiety, a night of not sleeping.
I saw it first, I had the window seat. In the light of an early Spring morning, in the bluest water I have yet to see; there where green islands and the longest bridge in the world. And then a car! And another!
And a voice over speakers saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The United States of America", and then there was crying and laughing and wordless shouting. But most of all, there where hugs; strong, soul cleansing hugs
The thirty-three year old memories of this once eleven year old boy, of his first morning in America, is one of light.
A promise fulfilled., the beginning of the future
To fight for Elian's Freedom is to fight for the future of America as a Republic, to reestablish the Ideals of The Founders, to assert the American way of life and show the world that I, a Free Man, will not tolerate injustice and tyranny, and that it will not extend itself unto our Soil freely and without repercussions. The lines that divided me are gone, I stand with all those who stand for Freedom and for the Constitution, with pride in my heritage and love for this Country I erase from my sight race, gender, ethnicity and stand as an American, for the love of America and for the future of all children. "
Read this beauty in its entirety at Luis' Archives: The Coconut Telegraph, the Missives and Musings of a Banana Republican.
If you have never read Luis' works before now - you are in for a treat. Mosey over and enjoy the Archives of this "Banana Republican's" collection.
Two favorites there, in addition to the selection quoted above, include "Memoirs: Jimmy's Flag" (after 9-11) and "Walking on Freedom Road" (also after 9-11, which includes the report of an unreported Freedom Rally in Little Havana, Miami, Florida, by Cuban Americans ) It is no surprise that liberal "propaganda" outlets did not report this event. But because of Free Republic and Luis Gonzalez, we know about it:
"The 'God Bless America' rally in Little Havana was organized by a handful of community organizations and a radio station, there was very little notice, and almost no advertisement (outside WAQI-AM, Miami), the best estimates placed the crowd at about 150,000.
These rallies are not unusual on Freedom Road, best known as Calle Ocho, they happen regularly, but the majority of the Nation never hears about them, nor do they see the pictures, there is seldom any coverage by the dominant media.
This has become a badge of honor for the participants, we understand WHY the leftist media organizations stay away, they can't demonize and marginalize those whose love and respect for America is so clearly, and frequently evident.
So we take to the streets not expecting to see ourselves in the evening news, but that's OK by us, 'what we do, we do because it is the right thing to do, and we do it on our own. Expect nothing from no one; give your all because anything less is unacceptable.' "
Are you hungry for more from the heart and soul of Luis Gonzalez? Good. There are many more offerings like these but you will have to do some exploring on your own to discover them.
One essay, if you haven't found it on your own, is this one, written by Luis with Billie's usual stunning graphical help, about the Space Shuttle Challenger's disaster upon the 15th anniversary of that tragic event.
Go to this link to read "Where Never Lark or Even Eagle Flew". Bring a handkerchief or two.
Luis has kept that promise mentioned above to remain active in the fight for freedom - not only through his essays, but also through his work for Radio Free Republic, and last - but certainly not least - through caring for his own family, including his two boys - sons who have had the opportunity to be born as Free Citizens of the United States of America.
Luis Gonzalez, our "Banana Republican", talented writer and Radio personality
. we salute you as one of Free Republic's Finest, as one who truly knows beyond any doubt that Freedom is worth it!~~Freedom'sWorthIt
I want to thank Freedom'sWorthIt for putting together this wonderful profile today; I know how very hard she worked, and on relatively short notice she collected the information and compiled it in her own eloquent words that we've come to recognize! Of course, with a subject such as Luis, it would have been hard NOT to find words to write about him. His essays are so moving, they always bring tears to those of us who read them. Thank you, FWI, and thank you, Luis! ~~Billie