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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day 08-09-02
Billie and Mama_Bear
Posted on 08/09/2002 5:57:37 AM PDT by Mama_Bear
A Few of FR's Finest..... ......Every Day
FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders; tell a few jokes; learn a new word; write poetry; pray for those in need; and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997. I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001
So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.
Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!
And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.
TOP: Logos, SwedeGirl's hubby, Neil E Wright, FallGuy, 1John, Sneakypete MIDDLE: T'wit, COB1, LadyX, Dick Bachert, 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub BOTTOM: YankeeinSC, Delta21, JoeSixPack1
TOP: Bosniajmc, AFVetGal, Archy, A Navy Vet
MIDDLE: 4TheFlag, Aeronaut, 68Grunt, Xinga
BOTTOM: Codger, AAABest, Clinton's A Liar, Duke809, dcwusmc
TOP: mc5cents, Norb2569, LBGA's son, VanJenerette
MIDDLE: Jim Robinson, KJenerette, davidosborne, KG9Kid
BOTTOM: gwmoore, Equality7-2521, SAMWolf
TOP: porgygirl, Phil V., MudPuppy, NorCoGOP
MIDDLE: RaceBannon, OneidaM, rdb3, jwTexian
BOTTOM: USMC Vet, TheMayor, Vineyard, rhododogma
TOP: spectr17, RightOnline, SERE_Doc, Tet68
MIDDLE: FutureSnakeEater, RightOnline's wife, CIApilot, Clamper1797 BOTTOM: usmcobra, onedoug, DiverDave, Joe6-pack
It was impossible to feature one of these fine FReepers without the other, so today we spotlight the husband and wife team of chadsworth and ladyinred as two of FreeRepublic's Finest.
Ladyinred has been a FReeper since January 1, 2001. This lady, with her sequin studded sign in hand, simply sparkles at the FResno "Support our Troops" rallies.
(Word has it that she also makes the best brownies, but unfortunately, the residents of FReeper Island have yet to be able to confirm that rumor. Hint, hint!) ;-)
Chadsworth's "FReeper birthday" is December 1, 2000. (However, Lady tells me that her original FReeper name was "chadsworth". She decided to become "ladyinred" and hubby inherited her old name. So actually, her "FReeper birthday" is his, and his is hers ..... got it?)
Chadsworth is our lovable "corner clown" on FReeper Island. Still pictures just don't do him justice. He is pure poetry in motion!
What a team!
While ladyinred adds her patriotic SPARKLE to FResno's FRiday evening rallies, chadsworth adds FUN. Very few cars manage to sail past FReeper Island without giving him a honk on their horn. His unique style and antics entertain the passing motorists and rally patriots as he does his best to coax a response from even the most timid drivers. Those who comply are often rewarded with a gracious bow.
But, both ladyinred and chadsworth have a serious side also; a true love for their country and for traditional American values. They are concerned about the worsening state of our nation and take issue with those who are attempting to "disrupt the way of life that we, as citizens, have tried to protect and maintain..."
Chadsworth and ladyinred, in their own words........
"We feel the Politically Correct attitude by our lawmakers and in particular, the liberal news media are jeopardizing the citizens of this nation. It is time for another Boston Tea Party in Taxramento, Ca. and Taxington , D.C. It is time to rid our congress of the corruption on both state and national levels, and the liberal judges and educators that are contributing to the downgrading of our nation. We need honest vote counting during our elections. We need better support of our president and participation by its citizens.
It is a privilege to be able to express our feelings and it is a privilege to be able to join a fine group of people doing what they can to protest the war protestors. We both would like to recognize Jim, Sheila, John and Chris for the fine work they do. AND, HIGH ON THE LIST WE ARE VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT HAVING ANOTHER FREEREPUBLIC TAILGATE RALLY."
Chadsworth says, "Being with such a fine group of people who are dedicated to keeping this nation what it should be is one of the most enjoyable events that anyone could participate in..."
"And other FReepers like me a lot......."
Yes, they really were dancing on Patriot's Corner. I'm not sure what song they were dancing to, but as I recall, it was something like this.... String Of Pearls
Both of these patriotic FReepers deserve a big round of applause for their dedication and their contributions to FreeRepublic.
ladyinred and chadsworth, enjoy your day in the spotlight. You are two of FR's Finest!
08-05-02 Jim Robinson
08-06-02 Freedom'sWorthIt
08-07-02 GailA
08-08-02 dixie sass
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; surprises; veterans
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To: ru4liberty; lodwick
Our God is able. Bless His holy Name!I'm sorry about your situation, too, lodwick. And AMEN to ru's sentiments.
To: JustAmy
Hi all! Re: the Ann Coulter FR comment on 580 KMJ today. She and Ray (Appleton) were talking about how when the media can't get answers from her, they resort to making things up. She referred to an instance of People magazine lying about her age, and in other instances of not only being misquoted but having things attributed to her that she never said. Then she said, "But I go on Free Republic, and the people over there get it! They know what I've said and haven't said..they'll say 'Ann never said that'."
posted on
08/09/2002 1:34:22 PM PDT
To: ClaraSuzanne
My new hairdo! Well, are you going to show it to me or will I have to use Google Search to see it?!
To: ru4liberty; ladyinred; everyone
Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order merely to keep food on the table for this mob, the father and head of the household, a goldsmith by profession, worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade and any other paying chore he could find in the neighborhood.
Despite their seemingly hopeless condition, two of Albrecht Durer the Elder's children had a dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, but they knew full well that their father would never be financially able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
After many long discussions at night in their crowded bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact. They would toss a coin. The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother while he attended the academy. Then, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies, in four years, he would support the other brother at the academy, either with sales of his artwork or, if necessary, also by laboring in the mines.
They tossed a coin on a Sunday morning after church. Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg.
Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation. Albrecht's etchings, his woodcuts, and his oils were far better than those of most of his professors, and by the time he graduated, he was beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works.
When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht's triumphant homecoming. After a long and memorable meal, punctuated with music and laughter, Albrecht rose from his honored position at the head of the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled Albrecht to fulfill his ambition. His closing words were, "And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your turn. Now you can go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of you."
All heads turned in eager expectation to the far end of the table where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face, shaking his lowered head from side to side while he sobbed and repeated, over and over, "No"
Finally, Albert rose and wiped the tears from his cheeks. He glanced down the long table at the faces he loved, and then, holding his hands close to his right cheek, he said softly, "No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too late for me. Look ... look what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less make delicate lines on parchment or canvas with a pen or a brush. No, brother ... for me it is too late."
More than 450 years have passed. By now, Albrecht Durer's hundreds of masterful portraits, pen and silver-point sketches, watercolors, charcoals, woodcuts, and copper engravings hang in every great museum in the world, but the odds are great that you, like most people, are familiar with only one of Albrecht Durer's works. More than merely being familiar with it, you very well may have a reproduction hanging in your home or office.
One day, to pay homage to Albert for all that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer painstakingly drew his brother's abused hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward. He called his powerful drawing simply "Hands," but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and renamed his tribute of love "The Praying Hands."
The next time you see a copy of that touching creation, take a second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need one, that no one - no one - - ever makes it alone!
~Source Unknown~
Have had several emails questioning the validity of the story. Please know that the story is perhaps a fictionalized version of the story. I have presented it exactly as it was given to me. Hope the intent of the story is appreciated whether all the facts are true or not.
posted on
08/09/2002 1:38:05 PM PDT
To: lodwick; LadyX; COB1; .30Carbine; ladyinred; chadsworth; Billie; daisyscarlett; mtngrl@vrwc; ...
Your post #302 brought tears! You dear man!
Your wife is so very fortunate.
My husband and I know a young lady with MS (found out not too many months ago) and how frightening that has been for her and her loved ones. She is dealing ok with it now - but it is only when you walk in those shoes that you can truly understand all that you said is true.
I'm so glad to know FR has helped you with the prayer "thing" - it has done the same for me.
The best thing to know is that God is with us and with our loved ones every step of the way through it all. The hairs of our head are numbered. This earth is not our final home, nor this body our final "tent" - Praise His Name Forever!
And, the praying people here on Free Republic are fantastic prayer warriors. Just make a prayer need known and they will come to pray! What a privilege to be here - and what a joy!
To: ru4liberty
Thank you so much. God bless and keep. Amen
posted on
08/09/2002 1:39:26 PM PDT
To: goodieD
I am soo glad Ann mentioned FR to Ray! He doesn't always respond well to the subject, but I betcha he took it well from her! Whoo Hoo!
To: ladyinred; Billie
'"You didn't hear the lightening hit your computer? God did it! "
I'm sure glad it was God instead of Billie; I was really getting worried.
Hi Billie ..... You are looking mighty fine today. (is that how Louie gets out of trouble? Wonder if it will work for me?)
posted on
08/09/2002 1:40:42 PM PDT
To: Mama_Bear
Here's another note from the Ann Coulter on Ray's show today. Their first caller was "Ron from Clovis". If any of you local folks are regular listeners to KMJ you know that Ron is their token liberal caller. This time he met his match. He said that conservatives are always bashing liberals for name calling. Yet, he said, she has said some nasty things about certain liberal politicians, how could she not see her 'hypocrisy'?.. She came back with the fact that the difference between liberals and conservatives, was that out of all the names they've called us (homophobic, mean, judgemental), that they could never call us liars. That in an argument with a liberal, truth never enters into it.
It was nice to see Ron put in his place by a real pro.
She and Ray mainly discussed her book of course, but she was her usual articulate self.. I'll try to find out if a transcript is available.
posted on
08/09/2002 1:40:46 PM PDT
To: COB1; ladyinred
I think it's my duty to show everyone what kind of person chadsworth really isCome on Cob, can't you tell when a person has pain on their face ( for what you were going through with the ice water)
Well, actually it was a pay back for slipping off with ladyinred while I was drying out. I really had to work on Cool Guy to get him to do this.
AND don't Texans have the man caught with another man's wife look down the barrel of a 44 when the trigger gets pulled? ( I am now carrying a 44 gal ice water cannon for the next event. LOL)
Keep in touch friend!!
To: ladyinred
Despite certain conservative leanings, Ray is still a product of a hippieish past, he's still pretty naive, and just can't believe certain things. He can't believe that the Saudis would lie to us about being our friends, he is just now coming around to the fact that our local stadium issue was mishandled, and to the fact that his good buddy Mayor Alan Autry, is something of a RINO.
posted on
08/09/2002 1:43:15 PM PDT
To: ClaraSuzanne
You're cute! LOL ! You like that, huh? I love that little trick.
So whut's with the hairdo? I haven't seen that yet.....
I'm anxious to see it, Miss Clara ! :O)
To: .30Carbine; TigersEye
You gotta love a woman who chooses ".30Carbine" as her nick. LOL! Yes, indeed! Your first anniversary is coming up soon, so here's an early toast to you.......
To: lodwick
That's a beautiful and inspiring story, lod. Thanks for posting it.
P.S. Got any Kleenex?
To: ladyinred; mtngrl@vrwc; JustAmy; Mama_Bear; chadsworth
(I know mtngrl will be reading this when she returns, so pinging her!)
Ah - so mtngrl is the culprit, is she? :-)
She does have a way of bringing people together for good causes and for Freeper Fun.
I know how hot it has been there in Fresno for these Freeps and I also know that sometimes you all really are displaying great courage to be there - even though it is fun! Those of us not able to be with you surely must continue to hold you up in prayer....especially because of the "PAID PROTESTORS" across the street from you! Isn't it something that they leave at, what is it, 6:30 on the dot every time. That is a clear indication they are "on the clock".
And then there's that sign with my "name" on it.....
To: MeeknMing; Billie; lodwick; ladyinred; ClaraSuzanne
I knew I could find something if I looked in that other folder!
posted on
08/09/2002 2:04:22 PM PDT
To: .30Carbine
Thank you for the good thoughts. JL
posted on
08/09/2002 2:20:58 PM PDT
To: Mixer
Good afternoon Mixer. Got here late, hope you are still around and hope you have a great weekend....
To: Freedom'sWorthIt
And, the praying people here on Free Republic are fantastic prayer warriors. Just make a prayer need known and they will come to pray! What a privilege to be here - and what a joy!
Thank you for this post - I appreciate it very much. JL
posted on
08/09/2002 2:23:21 PM PDT
To: goodieD; JustAmy
Wow! I love it when FR gets mentioned! But, maybe I have missed it, have you ever heard Ray mention FR on his radio show? I think that is so odd since the founder lives right there in Fresno and is out every Friday night rallying for our military. Ray has to know about FreeRepublic. I have even wondered if it might be against policy at KMJ to mention certain things, websites, etc.
Yes, I have listened to "Ron from Clovis" drone on and on, ad nauseum. It's tiring. I know he is their token liberal, but I don't know why they have to give him so much time.
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