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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day 8-07-02
Billie and DaisyScarlett
Posted on 08/06/2002 11:20:39 PM PDT by daisyscarlett
A Few of FR's Finest..... ......Every Day
FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders; tell a few jokes; learn a new word; write poetry; pray for those in need; and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997. I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
![]( A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001
So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.
Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!
And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.
![]( TOP: Logos, SwedeGirl's hubby, Neil E Wright, FallGuy, 1John, Sneakypete MIDDLE: T'wit, COB1, LadyX, Dick Bachert, 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub BOTTOM: YankeeinSC, Delta21, JoeSixPack1
![]( TOP: Bosniajmc, AFVetGal, Archy, A Navy Vet
MIDDLE: 4TheFlag, Aeronaut, 68Grunt, Xinga
BOTTOM: Codger, AAABest, Clinton's A Liar, Duke809, dcwusmc
![]( TOP: mc5cents, Norb2569, LBGA's son, VanJenerette
MIDDLE: Jim Robinson, KJenerette, davidosborne, KG9Kid
BOTTOM: gwmoore, Equality7-2521, SAMWolf
![]( TOP: porgygirl, Phil V., MudPuppy, NorCoGOP
MIDDLE: RaceBannon, OneidaM, rdb3, jwTexian
BOTTOM: USMC Vet, TheMayor, Vineyard, rhododogma
![]( TOP: spectr17, RightOnline, SERE_Doc, Tet68
MIDDLE: FutureSnakeEater, RightOnline's wife, CIApilot, Clamper1797 BOTTOM: usmcobra, onedoug, DiverDave, Joe6-pack
![]( TOP: g'nad, AgThorn's son Justin, SLB, AgThorn's son Brett
MIDDLE: fish70, razorback-bert, CheneyChick,Leroy S Mort, Mark17
BOTTOM: Terry's Take, Taxman, DinkyDau
![]( TOP: ValerieUSA's son Grant, SK1Thurman, kd5cts, RangerVetNam,
dansangel and .45man's son-in-law Tony
BOTTOM: rangerX, Old China Hand, Trish, Howlin's dad, Mustang
![]( TOP: ohioWfan's son, MamaBear's father-in-law, MamaBear's dad, ladtx
MIDDLE: The Mayor's niece, M.Kehoe, Beach_Babe's son-in-law
BOTTOM: deadhead's dad, HiJinx, Severa's hubby, viligantcitizen's granddad.
![]( TOP: Q6-God, Scan59, Mama Bear and JKPhoto's son, ofMagog
MIDDLE: Big'ol_freeper, JustAmy's great uncle, Prodigal Son
BOTTOM: JustAmy's husband, JustAmy's brother-in-law, JustAmy's brother.
Memphis TN
FReeper Since 7-01-98
"Tennessee Activist Extraordinaire" As many readers of FR Forum know, the state of Tennessee has been involved in a fight over the imposition of a state income tax for the past few years. This is not only a monetary issue but it is also a fight to keep constitutional rights protected because the Tennessee Constitution expressly prohibits an income tax. GailA has worked tirelessly against the imposition of this income tax.
"What Did GailA Do?" She did many things. She collected and disseminated information from several sources including the five major newspapes in Tennessee and the internet. She not only posted this information on the FR Forum, she also distributed it to the media of Tennessee including the talk shows. She posted articles constantly on FR Her editiorial comments and discussions were calm, accurate and pointed. She read articles posted on FR regarding income tax and budgetary problems and solutions of other States and made this information available to the local media and talk show hosts.
The imposition of a Tennessee State Income Tax was voted down recently but GailA and her fellow FReepers and other citizens of Tennessee continue to fight on for Conservative causes and to watch-dog the "State Congress Critters" so that unnecessary spending is curtailed and no new taxes are proposed.
Tennessee Income Tax Protest
Nashville TN August 2001
GailA supported and attended the anti-Income Tax rally which was held in the state capital, Nashville, in August 2001. Over 5000 people attended this rally including several FReepers.. GailA enjoyed this experience immensely and she carried a sign which prominently mentioned Read all about the tax protest here.
On April 11, 1989 GailA and her family suffered a horrific tragedy. Since that time, GailA has created and maintained a five page WebSite which is linked here above and is also linked on her Profile Page. One of the goals of this Website is to "Keep Convicted Murderers Incarcerated". GailA frequently posts articles on the Forum and conducts discussions about convicted murderers up for parole.
Sidebar: During the Presidential Election, GailA solicited the aide of then VP Gore, a native of Tennessee, to help prevent the early release and parole of her son's convicted murderer. His response, reminescent of "No Controlling Legal Authority", was that "he couldn't constitutionally help her". WND ran stories on this rather cold-hearted reply and it undoubtedly cost Mr. Gore some valuable votes in his bid to carry his home state of Tennessee in the election.
"Gore Free Tennesee by George"
During W's campaign GailA did everything she possibly could to aid in the election George W. Bush Specifically, GailA worked at Bush Campaign Headquarters in Memphis for about six weeks, stood outside polling places carrying W signs and, as she puts it, "ran her mouth off" on local talk radio.
In Her Own Words: "FR has made me broaden my horizons, made me think, made me stronger and made me want to be more like our Founding Fathers. We can no longer just let the socialist and marxist keep making the rules which take our freedoms away from us. I want America to be a better place for my 8 1/2 month old grandson. I want Matthew to grow up in the America I once knew. Where our military was honored not spat on. Where our mom's didn't have to work to supply the taxman with ever increasing amounts of money to squander on those who refuse to work. Or to line some crooked pols pocket, all the while they cry you don't give your fair share to their socialist programs. I remember when those programs didn't exist. Family helped family. Now nanny government doles you out a tiny bit of help that leaves you with a damaged pride."
GailA, you are One of Tennessee's Finest and you are One of America's Finest and we are proud to present you today as
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; surprises
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To: daisyscarlett; Billie
Mornin' ! Looks like I'm the last one in the pool today, huh? LOL!
To: MeeknMing
Mornin' Meek!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:37:25 AM PDT
To: MeeknMing
What happened to winky?
posted on
08/07/2002 9:38:45 AM PDT
To: fieldmarshaldj; xzins
Just wanted to extend a welcome to both of you for coming to see Gail receive her kudos today!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:39:19 AM PDT
To: daisyscarlett; lodwick; GailA; LadyX
" Blessed Day " wish graphic is sooooo beautiful, Daisyscarlett!!!! I hope everybody comes here to see it - and all the beautiful pictures and graphics. The scenes from Tennessee are (almost as) beautiful - as the ones from North Carolina! (nah...just as beautiful). Stunning, Gorgeous!
To: LadyX
Good morning, Lord Lady Byron, Guest Writer extraordinaire. :)
posted on
08/07/2002 9:43:54 AM PDT
To: Billie
Thank you for the kind words, Billie. But you and I both know that you and Mama_Bear "help" me a lot with graphics and editing etc. I do want to thank you, especially today, though, for not "cutting" my final draft. That is your perogative as my "editor", hee hee. I used tremendous restraint in keeping it as "short" as I did but have been trying to incorporate what I left out into my thread responses.
The flower graphic you made for GailA is very beautiful...
To: daisyscarlett
Well 4 incumbent legislators who were for an income tax went down in the primaries. Hopefully, November will yield even more casualties. The press and the Democrats are pushing the idea that the public has "tax fatigue" and wants to talk about other issues. Boy do they have it WRONG!
Retired Air Force Colonel Tony Lopez got enough write in votes to qualify to run against House Speaker Naifeh, the captain of the income tax team. Mr. Lopez worked at times under both George Bush Sr. and Jr. He has gained vast support from conservative talk radio. We all are pitching in with contributions from around the State. Naifeh's defeat would put absolute fear in the remaining legislators. Mr. Lopez is for cutting spending and government growth. If any of you want to drop him a note or a contribution, his link is: Tipton County (TN) GOP
Now you all look at these two men and tell me that Mr. Naifeh is not in reality Boss Hogg:
And now Boss Hogg:
To: Mama_Bear
Good morning, Mz Mama_Bear! Cute snails!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:48:41 AM PDT
To: JDGreen123
Good to see ya - and thanks for the tax battle recap, and the reminder about Sam Houston and the hundreds of other volunteers who headed west to seek a better life.
They came, slow at first, some with families, some with military units to help the "Texicans" win their Independence from Mexico. After Texas became a Republic and on the way to statehood they really "popped the whip" and high-tailed it cross the Misi'sip! This site concentrates on the Andrews and Jackson families who were amongst the many early settlers within the area - hopefully you will find your "lost" ancestors among those who went through the extreme difficulties (hostile Injuns and all sorta critters) in establishing the Republic of Texas and then onto statehood. Don't go 'way - if your're lookin' for 'nuther surname - take a peek at the links - here for you to find your families who mighta come to receive up to and sometimes over 4000 acres of land (if they were here in 'nuf time), as well as learn more about my stompin' ground since my ole' Sam'l Andrews came crossed the border in 1835. Oh yeah - check out the Civil War link - many came into Texas after the "war between the states" and were settled long 'nuf to qualify for Texas Confederate War Pensions.
Gone to Texas - the Andrews & Johnson Families
posted on
08/07/2002 9:49:15 AM PDT
To: lodwick
posted on
08/07/2002 9:50:10 AM PDT
To: mel
I love seeing the new names that come see today's FReepers!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:51:46 AM PDT
To: JDGreen123; GailA; Constitution Day
North Carolina lags Tennessee by a long shot on the tax issue. We are now more highly taxed than Massachussetts! Surely you guys in Tennessee can teach us in North Caroilina some rallying and networking skills.
The Dem MACHINE here is so entrenched along with the media and the university "gods" - that most people here are intimidated!
BUT the Republicans here DID MANAGE to challenge and to WIN the redistricting - gerrymandering Demonrat attempts.
SO THIS YEAR IN NC IS OUR ONE (AND IF WE DON'T SUCCEED) MAYBE ONLY CHANGE TO TAKE THE HOUSE AND SENATE with fair (or almost fair) voting districts mandated by the courts!
Every single North Carolina Republican or Independent or whatever citizen who cares about finally beginning to loosen the tax noose around all our necks - should be calling the local GOP offices and finding out how to help!
There is so much to do and so little time.
Every helping hand is welcome!
We should sponsor trips to Tennessee to find out how you guys have done so well.
Or maybe we could just clone Gail A and you? :-)
To: Mama_Bear
To: Carolina
Hi, Carolina! You're always a welcome sight! Good morning!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:53:11 AM PDT
To: Billie; mel
Shows how popular this thread is becoming!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:53:43 AM PDT
To: Billie
Isn't that the cutest little calendar. Did you notice in small print it says "Swinger"....Billie, were you a "swinger". lol....
To: lodwick
Thanks for the link and info. I have traced 3 ancestors who were in the Confederate Army of Tennessee but all stuck around after the war. One of my original ancestors came to middle Tennessee from North Carolina, like many other folks, to claim his land given to him in lieu of pay to any Revolutionary soldiers who promised to fight to the end. In general, if there is a fight, there probably will always be lots of Tennesseans and Texans right in the middle. It's just in our blood to oppose repressive governments.
To: daisyscarlett; ST.LOUIE1; Mama_Bear; Billie; The Thin Man; Grammy Bear; Diver Dave; JustAmy; ...
Good afternoon all. I just got back from picking up the boys at Vacation Bible school. My mother is in the hospital. Nothing serious, just uncomfortable. She has been getting this rash on her 70 year old hand. It stopped responding to her antibiotics. The docs want to run test to see what it is. Please pray for her, and the docs. She should be home by Friday.
GailA, you are a true patriot and a wonderful Freeper.
posted on
08/07/2002 9:55:39 AM PDT
To: dutchess
Good morning, dutchess! Have you already decided which 'books' you're going to go look for in the library when on vacation?! LOL!
posted on
08/07/2002 9:56:45 AM PDT
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