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According to Joe Hadenuf: Official Free Republic Position Parallels GOP On Immigration. No Big Deal
6/23/02 | Joe Hadenuf

Posted on 06/23/2002 12:52:24 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf

Last night during a conversation/debate between myself and the leader/owner of the Free Republic, Jim Robinson, a rather stunning revelation was brought forth. I asked Mr. Robinson, which Republicans were vocally backing, and supporting Tancredo in his fight for our sovereignty? After some delay, Jim answered, “I have no idea. Immigration is not a big concern of mine.”

This is from the man that runs the most well known, and respected, political conservative internet forum in the United States? And Mr. Robinson resides in California?

Below is the exchange

Conservatives, Cut Bush Slack The Chicago Sun-Times | June 22, 2002 | Thomas Roeser

To: Jim Robinson

#939: Oh, so the Republicans are fighting for our sovereignty? Besides Tancredo, which Republicans are these Jim? If you could be specific.

#1034: Which ones are not ?

#1056: You never answered my question Jim.

Since you failed to answer my question, I will go first.

Given thirty years of this open border, immigration "free for all" that has resulted in many millions entering our nation illegally, I believe there are very few Republicans, or anyone else in DC, besides Tancredo, that are visibly and vocally fighting for our national sovereignty.

Now would you care to tell me which Republicans are standing with Tancredo and voicing outrage against this titanic, never ending invasion of illegal aliens?

1056 posted on 6/22/02 11:09 PM Pacific by Joe Hadenuf [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1034 | View Replies | Report Abuse

To: Joe Hadenuf

I have no idea. Immigration is not a big concern of mine.

1109 posted on 6/22/02 11:43 PM Pacific by Jim Robinson [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1056 | View Replies | Report Abuse ]

At first I as was stunned, angry, and felt let down. Then after some thought I wasn’t too surprised.

Looking back at all the hundreds of immigration threads where many were deleted, disappeared and sent to the cornfield, I guess I am not too surprised. However, given the gravity and danger this country faces regarding this out of control, titanic immigration issue, I am still outraged, disheartened and saddened by Mr. Robinson’s response. Thread after thread Freepers have displayed genuine outrage and honest concern regarding this issue. And the outrage and insanity regarding this issue goes far beyond the Free Republic.

It’s escalated to the point now where many of our major cities in this country, such as Chicago, have now approved the use of identification cards, issued by Mexican consulates that will give illegal aliens access to financial and public services and more, as our so-called leaders stand treasonously silent, as our sovereignty is slowly dismantled.

This massive invasion of millions of illegal aliens has changed the face of many of our once great cities, from California to Illinois, to Georgia, to Tennessee, to Texas etc etc.

They are crowding our already over crowded classrooms, voting in our elections, choking off our social services, driving down the wages, while driving up our taxes, filling our jails, standing room only in many big city emergency rooms, etc, etc, etc. I personally know of six American citizens that have become victims of illegal alien crime, from having family members slaughtered on our highways by drunk driving illegal aliens, to stabbings, robberies and common burglaries.

And just recently, another young Deputy Sheriff was shot through the face and killed in California by an illegal alien, that has again fled back to the safety of Mexico. It has now been learned that this individual has already been deported three times, each time he has returned and committed more crimes in our country, leaving American victims in his wake, and each time he fled back to the safety of Mexico.

There are many forms of terrorism, and this continued invasion of millions upon millions is one form. And it's my opinion that it’s one of the most dangerous, most threatening issues facing America today. Even today as we speak, our federal government continues to allow in almost 8000 Middle Eastern men a month on visas. It is my opinion that this legal and illegal “immigration free for all” must be, stopped, extremely limited, and reformed immediately!

Again, I am extremely saddened and distressed by Mr. Robinson's response and lack of concern regarding this issue.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Free Republic; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: aliens; immigrantlist; immigration; tancredo
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To: Joe Hadenuf
He's from Kansas. Typical "OUt of Sight, OUt of Mind" thinking.
381 posted on 06/23/2002 11:50:32 PM PDT by FreedomFriend
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To: Joe Hadenuf
I suspect that you are Victor Davis Hanson (he wrote something using similar language not too long ago).

Good night Joe, I need to sleep. I have been restless for not getting into the California real estate market earlier. I could have made a killing.

382 posted on 06/23/2002 11:51:07 PM PDT by Clemenza
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To: GraniteStateConservative
I tend to think that Barr will beat Linder in the election.
383 posted on 06/23/2002 11:54:57 PM PDT by FreedomFriend
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To: 4ourprogeny
Yeah, I think that history is littered with demographic shortfalls.
384 posted on 06/23/2002 11:58:56 PM PDT by FreedomFriend
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To: Jim Robinson
And thanks for being up front and fair with me. And I probably should have reworded this thread to begin with.

I know you don't consider this issue a crises, and I will admit, for a while, that stung like a horsewhip, only because I have seen the negative results of this issue close up and very personal. I guess having as much respect for you as I do, I expected you to have a different attitude towards this. My mistake.
385 posted on 06/23/2002 11:59:45 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Clemenza
Oh, it's on fire, with no water in sight. Total demand and no inventory. Good luck.
386 posted on 06/24/2002 12:02:52 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Joe Hadenuf
BTW: My wife's father was a foreman on a ranch in Reedley (about 30 miles east of Fresno). Her grandfather was an immigrant from Finland. He was a school teacher and he fled the communists. Had to work as a coal miner and then farmer here in America. Had it not been for immigration, my sons John and Chris would not even be here.

387 posted on 06/24/2002 12:12:14 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: Lazamataz
"I like JimRob, and this website he has created. But to say anyone is beyond criticism, is beyond foolish. JimRob will be the first to tell you that he is human, too."

But I suspect that JohnHuang2 is a machine.

388 posted on 06/24/2002 12:22:57 AM PDT by toenail
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To: Jim Robinson
Reedley? LOL! I once had a girl friend who lived in Orange Cove, I think that's only about 10 minutes or so from Reedley.

And most of us wouldn't be here if our ancestors never relocated here. That was a long time ago, and things have changed. Nothing stays the same. Some legal immigration is fine. Just not the numbers that are pouring in today, compounded by the millions of illegals, it's a recipe for disaster.

389 posted on 06/24/2002 12:23:21 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Joe Hadenuf
Wasn't that long ago for my wife's grandfather.
390 posted on 06/24/2002 12:24:58 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: Jim Robinson
And it wasn't that long ago when I-5 and 99 were uncrowded and the valley you live in was 95 percent rural. Things have changed quickly.
391 posted on 06/24/2002 12:29:22 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: PRND21
From PRND21 | 2002-06-24 00:19:56 new

boo hoo. Jesus, are you 15 years old?

You don't need to hide and send me freepmail PRND21. You can go public with your brilliant profound responses.

392 posted on 06/24/2002 12:40:44 AM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: Joe Hadenuf
That'll show me.
393 posted on 06/24/2002 12:46:23 AM PDT by PRND21
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To: Joe Hadenuf

If you and Jim are gonna kiss, I am gonna hang up... Har T Har...

394 posted on 06/24/2002 4:08:35 AM PDT by cynicom
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To: sneakypete; Ms. AntiFeminazi
If it was my astonishingly bad grammar in 252 that was causing confusion (and I will concede your technical point), going back to the beginning of our back and forth should dispell it.
To: Cultural Jihad
I knew it was from a cynical materialist ideologue,
??? Where did you get that from? Che was a dedicated Marxist revolutionary who was Castro's right-hand man.

209 posted on 6/23/02 7:48 PM Eastern by sneakypete

A Marxist revolutionary is a cynical materialist ideologue. (MAF harped on my grammar in 252 as well).
395 posted on 06/24/2002 4:30:09 AM PDT by Dales
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To: staytrue
Your answers are both irrelevate and innanne.

They are irrelevant because they do nothing to refute my assertion that we should not be embracing immigrants who are importing infections diseases, some communicable. Or am I wrong? Do you want to import a wave of new disease carriers?

Your arguments are innane because, given the fact I am unlikely to get Hepatitis C through exchange of blood, there are many people who would be exposed. Without becoming judgmental in regard to their sex lives, I would sooner not import new Hepatitis C carriers to infect them. That said, I am given to understand that Hepatitis B is easier to contract and does not require a direct body fluid exchange to contract. I know that Hepatitis is exploding in the US asian community. Guess where it came from? If you guessed from new immigrants during the past 10 years, congratulations, you get an "A". Furthermore, while it is common knowledge that small pox was all but eliminated in the world, you must be aware it is making a return in several countries. Would you like to fight this deadly disease again in America? It does not exist here at this time. I would sooner it never again does. People like you would have us become the disease targets for the world's infected. You know not of what you speak.
396 posted on 06/24/2002 4:51:31 AM PDT by Freedom_Is_Not_Free
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To: Jim Robinson
#174: "Well, it's not the immigrant who is the problem, it is the liberal give away program. Again, vote out enough of the liberals and replace the liberal judges and pretty soon you can eliminate the liberal programs."

But we tried that tactic in 1994. I stood in a voting line and voted a straight Republican ticket as did millions of others. Our vote that day literally shook the American political world. We trusted Newt & company to begin to rid our nation of all the rot you just described above.

There's no need to remind you of the failure and betrayal that 'revolution' was. The liberal programs and judges you bemoan have grown at a colossal rate since we handed the wheel over to the R's.

PS: About immigration not being a part of 9-11, I beg to differ. Not only were some of these immigrants on many global terrorist lists, but some refused to leave after their visas expired. And finally, what kind of nation would install, and allow to remain, a immigration policy which allows 30 year olds to enter the country as 'students' with no visible means of economic support? When I was a kid, students were much younger that Muhammad Atta...

397 posted on 06/24/2002 5:01:33 AM PDT by Jethro Tull
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To: stainlessbanner
Whoa. Thanks for the ping and BTTT for lunchtime reading.


398 posted on 06/24/2002 5:20:59 AM PDT by Constitution Day
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To: Joe Hadenuf
I think the idea is, if we delete the threads, we delete the issue. So maybe we don't see the issue discussed much here because of the thread killing, but the issue does exist. And it'd better be addressed, sooner rather than later. Good post, Joe.

399 posted on 06/24/2002 6:06:51 AM PDT by MizSterious
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To: Jim Robinson
Jim, you must know that legal immigration is not necessarily the problem. It is the illegal immigration problem and the open nature of our borders with Canada and Mexico that are the threat to our National security.
400 posted on 06/24/2002 6:15:04 AM PDT by Registered
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