Posted on 04/14/2002 7:10:44 PM PDT by 11B3
I wouldn't post a vanity like this if it weren't for the dizzying - no sickening - chain of events that has been taking place in the world as of late. And from reading everyone's else's posts, I'm not alone. So I wanted to put some of these frustrations out for discussion in the hope that if nothing else you can vent a little steam. At least you'll be doing it among peers (except for the typical infiltrators), and WTH, maybe we'll form some consensus.
The Middle East. Here we've had the roller coaster ride. We watched with glee as the IDF finally decided enough was enough and kicked some terrorist butt. And then they let that little snake live - pulled up short kinda like our tanks outside of Baghdad in Desert Storm. We all got that sinking feeling when the momentum started to slow down - we knew it - the State Department was having a tantrum again. Even the other Arab leaders were being quiet at first during the IDF invasion - in the hope that Arafat was indeed taking his long-awaited dirt nap. But noooooo. Colon Polyp had to revive the Clinton Legacy Tour and throw Arafat a life line. And sadly enough, GWB did as well by getting Sharon to vouch for Arafat's personal safety. Massive chunkage.
The White House has forgotten that this isn't about a fair fight. We don't want a fair fight. We'd prefer, in fact, to see nothing but vaporized Palie corpses and glassed over sand throughout the Middle East. Why waste the life of a single American soldier in any future take-down of a Middle Eastern nation when some fire control techs sitting comfortably in a Trident sub (nearly anywhere on earth) can just erase the problem? I know - innocent civilians. Bull. Find me one over there in any Arab nation. This isn't one of those "Win their hearts and minds" sort of wars. Why is it that Bin Laden can rationalize all the deaths from his 911 murders as being equivalent to military ones? Because those people worked in America, for the American "system"? In response to that I say that since all of the Arabs live with, support, and worship with those wannabe human idiot bombs that all of them are considered legitimate military targets. Thermonuclear warheads do a crummy job of collateral damage avoidance - about as well as a couple of planeloads full of people and fuel did. We don't want "eye for an eye" - we want the escalation to be infinite in our first response. That way we only have to respond once - not over and over ad nauseum. A measured response is merely military masturbation with the lives of our soldiers. When we see that they brought a knife to the nuke fight, we shouldn't drop the nuke and pick up a knife. That isn't how it works. It was our tax money that paid for this military, and we want to see it put to use properly since this is the Final Championship Match. If you've been saving all those fancy nuclear weapons for some "rainy day", I suggest you look out the window or start building us an ark. Until our leaders accept the fact that the only thing these lazy, uneducated parasites understand is overwhelming violence and ruthlessness, we will face a terrorist threat. Stop short of that, and we appear to be weaklings that deserve to be pounced upon. This isn't a war where there are two uniformed militaries who engage in a couple of battles, and then sit down to an armistice. This isn't the Wehrmacht rolling into Paris either - no matter how it looked against the Taliban. They were just the warm up band. This is a no-holds-barred street fight to the death. When you have your opponent down on his back, and you've finally fought to where you've got the opportunity to plunge your hand through his throat and rip out his larynix to finish him - you'd better do it. If you stop and let him back up because you're too compassionate you're dead. In this instance, the meek shall inherit the eternity of death. Think of this opening round of the war as the start of a single elimination playoff series: Even though America is seeded #1, we have to play in every match - we don't get any byes - we must face every single enemy until they are all defeated - or we lose. We can't lose, no I mean we WON'T lose, even if our politicians set us up for a fall. So get ready for the long haul, and be prepared to see actual combat here in the States before it is all said and done.
Further along the subject of the Middle East is just plain, good old fashioned diplomacy. When you make a friend, keep them. If they were good enough in the first place to become your friend, then work with them through thick and thin. Don't sell them out for this or that political or logistical expediency. Don't sell them out for oil that we don't need. Especially don't sell them out for maintaining the smooth flow of oil supplies to a group of countries that in the long run will turn out to be our enemies as well. Our economy isn't tied to the EU - they've been in a depression for years with no ill effect on our economy because they don't buy anything from us. They want to sell us their stuff. They want to be able to regulate the operation of our corporations. I don't think we need to subsidize the EU's economy with our tax money or our soldier's lives. Lastly, if you sell these friends out in order to just look good to the other 187 members of a completely useless, inane and power-hungry organization, whose only goal is to see our nation in the trash heap of history so that they can pick through the remains, then you need to get a grip on the reality that the rest of us see. And fast. Because if you don't learn that lesson, you and the rest of the elected royalty won't be worrying about the 2004 elections. We'll all be chin deep in either a civil war or a war against the forces of your UN buddies by then. Either of those wars would be fought on American soil.
This is the beginning of the next level of warfare - once we start moving on the next target in the Middle East the puppetmaster may indeed show his hand. Once the Middle East is vanquished we'll know who it was that paid them to be their hired guns, or their fall guys to take some of the wind out of us - at least internationally. Domestically, this is where I fear for our President. At this point in time, it would be late fall, and we would be looking at just a couple of months to the 2002 elections. We'd be mopping up the military action in possibly many of the Middle Eastern nations that would no longer exist in today's format, and the President would be extremely popular. At least that's what I'd like to see. But, we've overlooked an enemy. We've been concentrating on the war, while the Democratic Socialists of America, the International Communist Party's American chapter, has been doing everything within its' powers to defeat our nation domestically - the enemy within. These vermin have 53 seats in the American Congress right now. I don't mean just your average ignorant 'Rats. I mean actual members of the International Communist Party. These people aren't even allowed to hold seats in the Russian Duma anymore! Think about that - these same Communists aren't allowed to hold seats in the Russian Duma, but here in the US we (they) VOTED them into our Congress. People like Dick Gephardt, and Tiny Tom Dasshole. Communists. Here you thought they were just being obstructionists. No, they really are the ENEMY. And sadly, by the way in which the President let Sick Willie and the Ankle off the hook, what are the chances that he's going to drive the stake into the commie's coffins while he's popular? About as much chance as Powell has of making peace in the Middle East, or we here have of reducing the size of the Federal Government and returning it to its' Constitutionally allowed boundaries. But I digress. The real litmus test is going to be the ICC. I doubt that you'd find any stronger voice than mine in saying that the UN has got to go - yesterday - and we had better not spend another damn penny of the taxpayer's money on that Clintonesque organization. (I know, one can't use the words Clinton and organization in the same sentence. Like an honest Ankle.)
Since this rant is long already, I'll throw out one more subject - one that is intertwined with the rest. I've posted this concern a couple of times here in the last couple of days, but I'd like some other thoughts on it. I just can't seem to stop adding the possibility of it up: On 1 May 2002, the Chinese VP is scheduled to be here in the US for official talks with our leaders. That is, of course, May Day. The traditional Communist day of glorifying spring and their nation's courageous military men and machines. Usually with large parades of military hardware. That date, 1 May, is also significant because it is MAYDAY. As in declaring an emergency. Just as 911 means emergency. Just like on 7 Dec 1941, the Japanese Vice President was here in the US for official talks as a diversion. This time, the Chinese VP is scheduled to meet with both VP Cheney and President Bush. Now, how can one of them be securely hidden away from harm when they're both supposed to be meeting our enemy? Certainly Dick Cheney won't be meeting him "in the bunker". They think that we've forgotten history - or maybe they have. Call it tin foil all you want, but there are too many coincidences surrounding this little "visit" by the enemy VP for comfort in my eyes. It would be the perfect sequel to 911, when you remember that the Chinese government produced those videos praising the attacks while calling for an end to American hegemony. And if the Chinese are indeed the puppetmasters I was referring to above, then this attack would be a spectacular one ideed. They would be taking their one and only shot at the still sleepy American giant while it is waking up. As usual, China will always take the cheap shot without warning when their shrill rhetoric fails to achieve the desired effect. I really hope I'm wrong on this one.
In fact, I really hope that the President does again what he's done before: Make many of us out to be fools for underestimating him. Show us that he was looking two or three moves past us on the chess board. That would be excellent. But I'm not holding my breath. That said, I still feel he's the best President we've seen in a large number of years. It's those little glitches (like Powell) that ruin the whole show - especailly when it was getting good. Turd in a punchbowl, so to speak.
You could have stopped right there,as far as dealing with this situation and trying to placate the terrorist Arafat I think they have.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Benjamin Franklin
To sell out an ally (allies were covered by the Bush Doctrine) on the alter of leftist, pacifist appeasement -- well, it is simply too stunning to comprehend. I am very saddened, greivously even, for I placed such hopes for our country in Mr. Bush's election, and now?????
"You had the choice between war and dishonor, you chose dishonor and you shall get war."...Winston Churchill
Thank you for the reply. I agree fully with your statements. And yes, I think we shall indeed get war. Which one? We have to prepare not only for the overseas conflicts, but the internal one as well. With luck it will be only Americans against the Left - without their UN lackeys joining the fray. Then it really would be the Revolution v2.0.
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