Well, well, well….  Unfortunately this is not a surprise.  Former Virginia Governor and current candidate Terry McAuliffe sits atop the executive suites in what remains of the Clinton political tribe.   McAuliffe is very close to the Clinton crime syndicate in all aspects of his politics.

As noted by Jonathan Turley, a concerned candidate McAuliffe has now enlisted the assistance of Clinton’s corrupt legal consigliere Mark Elias.

A verklempt Mr. Turley is shocked, shocked that a politician of McAulliffe’s pedigree would hire a known Machiavellian type like Mr. Elias:

Turley – “Elias has not been criminally charged in his actions related to the 2020 election. Yet, bringing Elias into the Virginia race in the midst of the Durham investigation is an astonishing decision by McAuliffe. There are a host of election lawyers but McAuliffe selected an attorney accused of lying to the media, advancing rejected conspiracy theories, and currently involved in a major federal investigation that has already led to the indictment of his former partner.” (read more)

Elias hails from the ever-familiar Perkins Coie law firm and has a specialty in assisting with corrupt election activity, and then defending against any effort to reveal it in the aftermath.

In the Virginia governors race, the White House will support the efforts of Elias (meaning, the DOJ/FBI will take a vacation for a few weeks)  because handlers just added Joe Biden’s credibility to the equation by having the White House occupant campaign there.

Knowing they needed to take advantage of the COVID window of opportunity, Virginia previously codified their mail-in ballot schemes into state election law.   Putting the entire operation into perspective, with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesters and Mark Elias in place, the Democrats now have all the tools needed to win the Virginia election next week.

The only thing remaining is for Rupert Murdoch to tell Bret Baier whether to call the race for McAuliffe earlier in the day from fabricated exit polls or wait a few seconds until after the polls actually close.

Pictured Above:  What it looks like when Mark Elias delivers Virginia voters….