Who are the Congressmen and women who offended or had staff who offended and had sexual harassment claims hushed up with $27,000,000 in taxpayer money?
Everybody acts so innocent.
What social distancing orders were in effect at the time?
Too many women piling on!!!
Is this a false flag operation to get him to resign before the nursing home deaths become too big to keep quiet?
Because Newsome and Whitmer have some explaining to do if this becomes a big news story.
Well, you know ... if they get this into 3 digits, they might have something worth paying attention to. Otherwise, [shrug].
Kill 15,000 elderly and disabled people = crickets
Allegedly kiss or hug 6 women =. OMG, Hitler, Impeach!
Get the despicable Cuomo on his real crimes. Sure these women were not walking around in burkas accompanied by chaperons. Whatever happened to the slap in the face or just telling the guy off.Some women just love to not only bask in victimhood but find it personally gratifying and profitable.Next they will accuse Cuomo of racism because he only hit on white women. That will finish him.
Drip, drip, drip, drip
#metoo (unless he’s a Democrat)
My understanding and guess I’ll have to post this daily:
+5 office staff have quit
+9 Top NY Health Officials Quit
A female member of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s staff has become the sixth woman to accuse him of inappropriate conduct,
At least those old folks were murdered by a straight guy.
Let’s face it....Cuomo is a pig. That’s what we call someone who thinks he’s being cute.
We’re almost there.....someone posted on Facebook today that if 2 more accusers come out against Cuomo he’ll be opening NYS to 125% capacity indoor dining......just 1 away now.....
He’s becoming Bill Cosby.
Going down, going down, down, down, down .
I think they said on Sunday that 3 was the limit, but 4 would be too many (for Cuomo to be redeemable). I expect the MSM to walk this back, and there will be lots of “....deserves due process.....” discussions, if any of this news actually makes it to the airwaves.
Looks like little Andy Cuomo should have spent more time fracking and less time f’ing.
Murdering seniors ... abusing every woman he meets ... still allowed to have an account on twitter
Cuomo’s trying to take a dive. Sure, he’s labeled a horn dog and steps down. It beats being charged in the deaths of all those people in New York.