Because he has all the right enemies! ;-)
Not faulting Trump a bit here.
The dad can wallow in whatever he wants.
this one guy Kahn (and a handful more) of Moslems are, it appears, civilized. good for him. glad to see it.
the rest we MUST return, repatriate, expel, deport ASAP before they destroy America !!!!
send them home WHILE WE STILL CAN!!!!!
And I see the Jihad of your soul Khan!
I have to admit I don’t know how D.J. Trump is gaining in the polls when this a-hole is posted over, and over again smearing his name with his BS. Wondering when we can say enough is enough of this Muslim saboteur.
did he ever look into the blackness of Hillary’s soul when she lied to the faces of the families of the Benghazi heroes in front of their coffins?
Exactly why was he criticizing Trump? What did he think Trump did to him?
It would seem there’s a whole lot more to this than just a grieving father.
What are his actual ties to the Clintons?
If the American people have to choose between Trump and this obnoxious hectoring Muslim, I’m guessing they choose Trump.
So when the poll results come in early this week and show this guy’s public appeal to be about zero, that’s the last we’ll see of Mr. Khan on TV.
The father is a lawyer. They chose him to speak knowing he would be a good attack dog to help usher in the islamification of the USA.
This Muslim fool is sympathetic to ISIS and sharia law, or he could not harbor such aggressive hatred against the only man in our country who intends to bleed them all out of existence, here, and abroad.
Papa. Don’t. Preach.
What, don’t Black Souls Matter too?
Hillary Clinton: Benghazi Families Lying About Video Protest Claims -Benghazi Gate
Oh yeah, before I go back to sleep...
Why dont you go #### a camel your worthless piece of #### from a worthless religion who thinks everyone is gonna give a ##### about you or your ##### fake American values family.
You’re a muslim ####. That’s all one needs to know about you and you probably beat your wife if she talks.
Oh and CNN, #### YOU TOO. and bezos, and all the alphbaets and hillary and obama and bloomberg and koch brothers and the whole gang.
Like Tony Soprano once said “#### you, and hillary and whoever...he’s my canddidate”
Well, Tony said he’s my cousin but it stil works :)
I’d love to see a commercial with that scene and the different names put in :)
Sorry to hear about his son but isn’t it time for the father to stop trusting neocons, and not working for them?
So, uh, is Blackness bad?
Will anyone from BLM applaud Mr. Trump’s newly revealed Blackness?
Filthy, stinking, racist bigot.
He probably wants to sell some black slaves.
Khizer the slave seller.
He is being an obedient Muslim. Trump will build the wall, and the wall will make it much more difficult for terroristic Islamists to cross the border from Mexico into the United States.