Posted on 01/11/2016 4:48:29 PM PST by blueyon
"NEW EMAIL shows adviser telling Hillary to CREATE PALESTINIAN UNREST in order to pressure Israel!!"
The Free Beacon caught a pretty remarkable email that went to Hillary and recommended that she spark fake protests among Palestinians in order to pressure Israel:
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her then-advisers to foment unrest among Palestinian citizens and spark protests in order to push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table, according to emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunnerâs private email server.
In a Dec, 18, 2011, email, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering suggested that Clinton consider a plan to restart then-stalled peace negotiations by kickstarting Palestinian demonstrations against Israel.
Pickering described the effort as a potential âgame changer in the region,â recommending that the United States undertake a clandestine campaign to generate unrest. Clinton requested that his email be printed.
âWhat will change the situation is a major effort to use non-violent protests and demonstrations to put peace back in the center of peopleâs aspirations as well as their thoughts, and use that to influence the political leadership,â Pickering wrote.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Fake protests require fake videos ...
That was before Pickering discovered the Iran lobby.
Hillary must be stopped from becoming President. Her and Bill’s foundation must be investigated and that should lead to it being shut-down. In fact, many here will recall all the trips to the Middle East taken by a cadre of Democrats during the Bush years.
None of the Democrat-E are who or what they have appeared to be. The entire top tier appears to now be a clandestine cell to destroy American policy throughout the world and to destroy American from within.
I don’t think America has the stomach to route these traitors from our government. The effort will surely split an already orchestrated divided nation.
The common man’s gut instincts are rarely wrong in matters such as these. And yes, I stand very cautiously at supporting Trump. Trump may be a democrat carpetbagger conducting a litmus test of the nation. As much as Trump attempts to say he is an outsider to that elite circle, the more I hesitate putting an egg in his basket.
If the democrat regime could orchestrate the Arab Spring, what makes one think they couldn’t manipulate the American voter? Beware our own naïveté and hubris.
The answer to that thought is YES. But is was done on the basis of a proxy war and we not only are messing in their countries...’we’ created/facilitated the creation, arming, training, and funding of Obama’s ISIL.
This is where Iran, Syria, Russia and the FSA, Saudi Arabia, and America fail to understand what side they are on.
Obama is the Islamic chaos maker, Hillary is whore of Babylon riding in on the beast(ISIS). Gog and Magog stages are being set.
This went through 2 ‘levels’ at State to get to Clinton (didn’t everyone say they had NO idea Cankels was using her own server??), and (so far) no a word back, on any front, indicating this was NOT a valid option.
You can keep your Mid-East Peace Process, if you like it...
Plausible deniability from the Resident of the W.H., no?
NEW EMAIL shows adviser telling Hillary to CREATE PALESTINIAN UNREST in order to pressure...
Negative feedback on the Jewish vote, it won't cause a stampede or anything but will depress the enthusiasm.
She's already got the Muslim vote, and the terrorist vote is always locked up by the (D)emocrat-Terrorist party so that's a wash.
I'll bet this doesn't play well with her groupies at DUmmieland and DailyKAOS though. It should be worth some points to Bernie.
Hillary just can't catch a break these days, almost feel sorry for the old girl, but then I remember the Clinton years, her Alinsky past, her Arkansas cronies, and her time as SoS when she and Barry literally broke the entire world and rebuilt the Axis of Evil and added a whole new level of danger with the Islamic State.
She gots to go. And I believe now that she actually will.
Hillary Clinton with (LtoR) Foundation crony, Canadian Frank Giustra,
Louise Arbour and US Ambassador Thomas Pickering. CREDIT: Flickr
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Reminds me of Black Lives Matter
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