Because Welfare people are too stupid to avoid stepping in front of a train.
Maybe we should have high fences next to roadways, to keep Welfare people from stepping in front of motor-vehicle traffic.
As a self identified black man I want reparations.
Nothing to protect the vulnerable human from train tracks.
Nothing but parental larnen, visual and aural cues.
Sorry, but my coefficient of giving a si*t has decayed to zero due to the complete ineptness of all things liberal.
What a pants load
Who does she think designed , taxed the working people to,pay for, built and dedicated those projects? Social liberals and democrats.
the new projects in my city are On the best waterfront land, built with features working people can’t afford like all brick facades central air and hardwood floors and still he dysfunction continues. Once someone moves in we can expect their next 4 generations to move in bringing illegitimacy unemployment and drugs
The grifters who set off the McKinney riots were section 8 tenants transplanted into the middle class and yet she ,set up her party crashing network under the name dime piece ($10’whore)
From the article: “He (Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan) reported on socioeconomic issues for black Americans, issues of discrimination, social inequality, and limited opportunity. He argued in favor of government intervention for improvement: job programs, vocational training, educational programs and more.”
I think Senator Moynihan identified the problem, but his completely erred on the solution. No amount of government intervention can fix it. It’s a cultural, moral, and yes, economic problem. I don’t know if there is a solution for those communities at large, but individuals could still make it out...possibly...with assistance.
The Great Society programs sure did produce a great society, didn’t they?
Destroy the black family
Encourage illegitimacy
Discourage employment
Destroy self-worth garnered from self-reliance.
Who writes Rea’s stuff? Rachel Dolezal?
This is not just a Baltimore problem. This is a USA problem. This is a worldwide problem.
This is a black problem that affects everyone around them.
I find it trivial to stay off unfenced tracks except for the occasional ad hoc crossing while walking the dog. Not at all a risk compared to many other adventures in daily life.
I am so sick of the delusions of these inner city apologists. If they can't accept sometimes heavy-handed police actions to keep them safe, they have to self-police.
Just another “racism explains everything” screed from one of the usual suspects.
The purpose of the Black Community is to segregate that population while cultivating a Xenophobic non-integrated separate worldview apart from other Americans. When then cannot muslims be allowed to have their own enclaves and cities within the USA with Sharia Law?
When I was a racist privileged cis-gender hetero-normative white child growing up in south Alabama in the 1960's, we lived about 100 yards from a railroad track that had no barriers, fences, or even any warning lights and gates on the road crossing. We actually had to use our privileged "white" senses to detect danger and respond accordingly, without any help from the government and community organizers.
I think she figured out that big govt solutions don’t work yet she still embraces the flawed dream that they somehow will. Ah the insanity of well meaning lieberals.
Social workers are needed, and we should be grateful for them—that doesn’t mean we need to take their advice, especially since it seems to be so melded by pathos (and in this woman’s case nostalgia). I’m sure her analysis of the problems isn’t inaccurate, rather its her implicit faith—unsupported by any sort of evidence—that government is the solution. She rightly criticizes Aid to Families with Dependent Children, but her only solution is more government aid, and “education,” when the problem is deeper even than that. When you have multiple generations who seem to entirely dis-value education and family, solutions other than “shovel on more MONEY!” need to be found.