Steve brought up a good point that the U.S. media are more than willing to label incidents involving suicidal persons intent on killing themselves and are cowards,(unwilling to just kill themselves), but instead plan to take others with them, as a mass murderer, just to further the media gun-control meme.
But, yet in this instance the media are all portraying this mass murdering pilot as a poor little depressed, misguided suicide victim with mental illness and not as the mass murderer that he really is.
‘US school shooter’
As opposed to mass murderess in other nations?
And yes, they exist!
I heard on the radio this am that Lubitz was deemed unfit to be a pilot by his trainers at the Luftansa flight school in Arizona because of his psychological issues. Did anybody else hear this?
Technically he died first
They should look into demonic possession.
A shrink last name of Akbar? Well allehu akbar to you too sir.
Ban planes.
>>exhibited the behaviour of a mass ‘spree-killer’
So they use cars and planes and bombs and knives...and not just guns? That kinda breaks the Prog narrative that “the gun made them do it.”
Maybe Flyboy Kelly can take Gabby on a French Alps tour and demand that Airbus A320s be banned. Assault jetliners. Who needs ‘em?
Has the media (or relevant authorities) chosen to illuminate us with this murderer’s religion of choice? I saw a brief claim yesterday about him being a “recent muslim convert” but no independent confirmation.
Just a thought but with the technology available today, why wouldn’t it be possible for a ground crew to take command of an airplane behaving erratically? Obviously, there would have to be a well-defined protocol and numerous failsafes, but I would think such technology would prevent tragedies like the 9/11 attacks and this one.
Any aviation technologists out there well-informed enough to weigh in?
Got himself a first class ticket to Hell - if he thought he was depressed while alive, guess how much more he’s depressed now.
He was crazy, probably a paranoid schizophrenic but functional, off and on. I would bet it was because of “privacy” rules or perhaps even some special bizarre German legislation preventing mental illness from being reported that they sent the report to him and not to his employer.
We must ban all airplanes immediately...
Germans have always had a thing about killing large swaths of people.