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FReeper Canteen ~ Just Hangin' Cafe ~ 21 November 2014
November 20, 2014
| Canteen Crew
Posted on 11/20/2014 5:58:49 PM PST by beachn4fun
FR CANTEEN MISSION STATEMENT Showing support and boosting the morale of our military and our allied military and the family members of the above. Honoring those who have served before. FReeper Canteen Just Hangin' Cafe
Come on in, we're open Need a place just to hang out? This is it.
We serve coffee, tea, conversation and music. Our AWESOME military, our AWESOME allies, and their families are welcomed and honored here. No worries in the FReeper Canteen Just Hangin' Cafe. Grab a cup and start a conversation. You never know who you might meet in the Cafe. Glad you could join us. Enjoy your stay.
Remember, the Canteen is a family friendly place. We welcome the military, our allies, and their families. Continued prayers for the success and completion of your mission. Prayers for your safe return home.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Free Republic; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: canteen; chat; military; music
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To: Kathy in Alaska; GodBlessUSA; LUV W; Arrowhead1952; E.G.C.; HiJinx; AZamericonnie; MEG33; mylife; ..
Have fun
I’ll see you in the morning
posted on
11/20/2014 5:59:55 PM PST
(Guns are not the problem. People are. Forget the magazine...check your attitude.)
To: beachn4fun
Good night and rest well, beachy...((HUGS))
posted on
11/20/2014 6:01:34 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: beachn4fun
To: beachn4fun
posted on
11/20/2014 6:04:08 PM PST
(Do I really need a sarcasm tag?)
To: beachn4fun; MoJo2001; 007; 1 FELLOW FREEPER; 11B3; 1FreeAmerican; 1stbn27; 2111USMC; ...
Sending out prayers for Arrowhead1952 as he recovers from his horrible fall. ~ Just Hangin' Cafe!! ~
Showing support and boosting the morale of
our military and our allies military
and the family members of the above.
Honoring those who have served before.
CLICK FOR Current local times around the world
CLICK FOR local times in Seoul, Baghdad, Kabul,
New York, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Anchorage
To every service man or woman reading this thread.
Thank You for your service to our country.
No matter where you are stationed,
No matter what your job description
Know that we are are proud of each and everyone of you.
To our military readers, we remain steadfast
in keeping the Canteen doors open. The FR Canteen is Free Republic's longest running daily thread
specifically designed to provide entertainment and moral support for the military.
The doors have been open since Oct 7 2001,
the day of the start of the war in Afghanistan.
We are indebted to you for your sacrifices for our Freedom.
Posted daily and on the Music Thread
for the enjoyment of our troops and visitors.
posted on
11/20/2014 6:04:13 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: Kathy in Alaska
To: The Mayor; ConorMacNessa; SandRat; BIGLOOK; mountainlion; HiJinx; Jet Jaguar; Publius; PROCON; ...
posted on
11/20/2014 6:05:09 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: Kathy in Alaska
Hi Everybody!
My customer was delighted with the work I did on his Gibson Guitar, and purchased a case and an amp from me. Now i can make my car payment!
posted on
11/20/2014 6:05:59 PM PST
left that other site
(You shall know the Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free.)
To: left that other site
posted on
11/20/2014 6:06:46 PM PST
("Who is John Galt?" by Billthedrill and Publius now available at Amazon.)
To: AZamericonnie
Good evening, Connie, and thank you for the tributes to our troops. *HUGS*
Did you have a good commute? Are you commuting in the dark? I am both ways. And without any snow, IT IS DARK!!
posted on
11/20/2014 6:09:09 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: beachn4fun
Freep mail me to be on or off the Daily Bread ping list
Dealing With Distractions
The administrators of the high school in Barrow, Alaska, were tired of seeing students get into trouble and drop out at a rate of 50 percent. To keep students interested, they started a football team, which offered them a chance to develop personal skills, teamwork, and learn life lessons. The problem with football in Barrow, which is farther north than Iceland, is that its hard to plant a grass field. So they competed on a gravel and dirt field.
Four thousand miles away in Florida, a woman named Cathy Parker heard about the football team and their dangerous field. Feeling that God was prompting her to help, and impressed by the positive changes she saw in the students, she went to work. About a year later, they dedicated their new field, complete with a beautiful artificial-turf playing surface. She had raised thousands of dollars to help some kids she didnt even know.
This is not about footballor money. It is about remembering to do good and to share (Heb. 13:16). The apostle James reminds us that we demonstrate our faith by our actions (2:18). The needs in our world are varied and overwhelming but when we love our neighbor as ourselves, as Jesus said (Mark 12:31), we reach people with Gods love.
Open our eyes, dear Father, to those in need. Allow
us to find waysmonetarily and otherwiseto
help meet those needs. Help us to take the focus off
ourselves and place it on those who can use our assistance.
Open your heart to God to learn compassion and open your hand to give help.
There is disagreement among scholars as to the identity of the James who authored this letter. Some see him as the son of Alphaeus (Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18). Long-held church tradition, however, identifies this James as the half-brother of Jesus (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3). In Galatians 1:19, Paul mentions seeing James, the Lords brother, in Jerusalemand this has fueled the position that the James of the Jerusalem church and the James who wrote this letter was in fact the Lords brother. James became a person of great prominence in the early church, having received a personal audience with the risen Christ (1 Cor. 15:7) and having become one of the primary leaders of the church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:13-20).
posted on
11/20/2014 6:10:29 PM PST
The Mayor
(Honesty means never having to look over your shoulder.)
To: beachn4fun
Thank you for just hangin' Beachiekins! *Hugs*
To: All
posted on
11/20/2014 6:16:42 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: All
posted on
11/20/2014 6:17:12 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: henkster
henkster...((HUGS))...good evening.
How is your winter? We have NO snow yet!
posted on
11/20/2014 6:18:01 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: Kathy in Alaska; LUV W
Good evening,...((HUGD))
No Maddi today, we’ll see if tomorrow is ay Maddi day.
posted on
11/20/2014 6:20:10 PM PST
(<Duty - Honor - Country! What else needs said?)
To: left that other site
Hurrah for you!!! You do good and reliable work. You know your stuff. ((HUGS))
posted on
11/20/2014 6:21:54 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: AZamericonnie
posted on
11/20/2014 6:22:37 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: beachn4fun
Nite, Beachy! See ya in the morning, Early Bird! :)
posted on
11/20/2014 6:23:29 PM PST
(All my heroes wear camos! Thank you David, Michael, Chris, Txradioguy, JJ, CMS, & ALL Vets, too!)
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