Since Oct 25, 2002

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UPDATED: 6/20/2024: We moved to Fredericksburg, Virigina. I live in So. Maryland. No, I don't live near the beach, but I sure would love to. That is where I'd spend most of my time if I could. I'm married with two grown children and 6+ grandchildren. I am a writer of "feel good" stories for older women, (women's fiction). Self-published "Hooked" (a romance), Janie's Got series (friendships/romance), Bugs on the Windshield (suspense), Witchy Tales: Gail Warning (muddled magic/friendships), two short stories (ebook only), and hoping to publish more in the near future.

I am a product of the 60s, though born in the 50s. I am a Republican. But will vote for who I feel is right. I support our troops, our allies, and gun rights. I'd like to see America get back to being America, not being transitioned into a nation called something else. People come to America because we stand for something. They want to be a part of that. Let's keep it that way.

When a crowd adopts a point of view en masse, all critical thinking stops...William Powers