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**Election Day 2014 - LIVE THREAD**
Free Republic Rocks!
| November 4, 2014
Posted on 11/04/2014 2:08:21 AM PST by RKBA Democrat
Happy Election Day everyone! I figured I'd go ahead and get the election day thread started. Polls open on the east coast in a little less than an hour.
Please be sure to post observations of interest if you went to the polls today.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2014; 2014election; 2014midterms; electionday; electionday2014; live2014election; midtermelection
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To: The KG9 Kid
Seeing a result like that makes me wonder if Harry Reid is going to suffer through a humiliating two-year period to end his career: losing his post as the Senate majority leader in 2014, then losing his re-election bid outright in 2016.
To: halo66
ok!!! This is good! Now, NC! Crist got smacked AGAIN! On my!
posted on
11/04/2014 7:50:02 PM PST
(An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes. Thomas Jefferson)
To: Impy
Roberts is an entrenched RINO...But still I’m glad he won
To: randita
Fun night. I guess we deserved one. Been awhile. Now, I hope we can make a good difference. Thses people have no reason to kiss Obungho”s butt.
To: Alberta's Child
To: dowcaet
The MSM lied by calling it too early while voting was still happening out west. They are trying to depress R vote turnout.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:50:36 PM PST
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: Alberta's Child
That’s a good point. But I see both with a fair share of leadership skills and charisma. Gotta wonder if that could makeup for executive experience? I really don’t know.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:50:37 PM PST
(FreeRepuplic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
To: Alberta's Child
I like Cruz and Ernst, but U.S. Senators typically don't make good presidential candidates.Stop it. Cruz is our best hope for 2016.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:50:46 PM PST
Fresh Wind
(2014: The FUBO Election)
To: Arthur Wildfire! March; randita; AuH2ORepublican; fieldmarshaldj; InterceptPoint; ...
I didn’t want to mention VA at all and jinx it, Warner now ahead by hair as the fraud comes in. Tillis ahead in NC.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:50:55 PM PST
(Voting democrat out of spite? Then you are America's enemy, like every other rat voter.)
To: conservative98
Sound like the media wanted to suppress the R votes in other states.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:51:33 PM PST
To: DoughtyOne
As of this post time:
Senate: Republicans have locked up 47 seats, ahead in 4 more
Senate: Democrats have locked up 40 seats, ahead in 3 more
House: Republicans have locked up 191 seats, ahead in 27 more
House: Democrats have locked up 114 seats, ahead in 29 more
Governors: Republicans have locked up 22 seats, ahead in 9 more
Governors: Democrats have locked up 11 seats, ahead in 2 more
I would like to invite folks to use the Los Angeles Times Senate, House, and Nationwide State Gubantorial candidate breakdowns. It's a fairly good indicator of where things are headed.
Note: Make sure ALL is selected. Then you can click on Senate, House, or Governors
These categories show current wins and gains. (Ex: Republican = 44 +4 / Democrats = 38+2) correction Note: + denotes leading in that many races in addition to already locked up
posted on
11/04/2014 7:51:33 PM PST
(Dunam, Duncan, man what infections these folks brought over.)
To: Jet Jaguar
Braley is 7 points ahead of Ernst. Where are the Ernst wins predictions coming from/?
To: LostInBayport
thank God that Soros dirty money didn’t buy the vote away....
To: LostInBayport
Megyn is still an attorney....sometimes they suck.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:52:05 PM PST
(FreeRepuplic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
Narrow range of possible outcomes left.
The GOP will have from 52 to 55 seats in the Senate, depending on vote fraud in the key races.
The GOP will pick up seats in the House for 246 to 249 total, with less fraud - the Rats won’t take as big a risk with fraud there, since there is less of a payoff.
The real mystery: Will the GOPe act like conservatives, or will they be slow socialism advocates for Big Government? I’m not optimistic, but a slow death is better than a quick one, since it gives us time to get more TEA candidates on the ballot in the next primaries.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:52:24 PM PST
("Shall not be infringed" is unambiguous.)
To: Alberta's Child
To: teg_76
Roberts is a top 15 conservative Senator. The propaganda that he’s a “RINO” is a LIE.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:52:40 PM PST
(Voting democrat out of spite? Then you are America's enemy, like every other rat voter.)
To: DoughtyOne
I haven't checked the link because I'm too busy scrolling through this thread, but I wanted to thank you for posting that periodically. It's a great Election Night summary for us!
To: Alberta's Child
to quote the movie Casino “Alot of problems are buried in the desert”
just leave Reid out there alone in the desert.
To: SoFloFreeper
So Cyst refuses to pop. Classy.
posted on
11/04/2014 7:53:01 PM PST
(DemoKKKrats: Leaders of the Free Stuff World)
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